Closed Bug 756340 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Message subject and text does not display ("top 2KB of text/plain mail body" + "whole mail data" is written in IMAP offline-store file, and re-fetch of mail data won't be initiated)


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

13 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jenzed, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files)

Attached file export of message with broken headers (deleted) —
I have received a message where some of the message header fields and the message content are not displayed. The Gmail web interface can display the message content. In the quoted part of the message, there is some raw message text. After sending a response to the message (from Gmail), Thunderbird has not updated the message thread. I have contacted the sender to find out the application and version used to send the message. Attached is the exported message and a screenshot of what it looks like in Thunderbird and in Gmail.
Attached image Gmail message content displayed (deleted) —
What is the server type (connection) here? POP or IMAP?

There seems to be some corruption in the email, the headers start in the middle of the file (Delivered-To:) and there is no "From -".
Also the text seems duplicated.

Have you been using Thunderbird 12 betas?
Attachment #624981 - Attachment mime type: message/rfc822 → text/plain
Jen, I assume you're using IMAP, and have the folder configured for offline use? folder properties, synchronization, select this folder for offline use.

Either the offline store is corrupt (which would be fixed by folder properties, repair, though this will cause a full resync of the message headers and bodies), or the disk cache is corrupt, which can be fixed in preferences/options, advanced, network and disk space, clear now button.

What doesn't make sense to me is that we're not detecting that the local copy of the message is horked. We look for a message header (the first line should have a : in it, or start with "From "). If not, we should throw away the offline copy and refetch from the server. When you do a view | message source, what do you see?
I'm using IMAP, and use the betas (currently 13, but maybe 12 when the email thread started?) The folder is selected for offline use. The message source is attached to comment #1, and the first line starts with message text rather a header. (As :aceman notes, the headers are in the middle of the file).
(In reply to jenzed from comment #0)
> Created attachment 624981 [details]
> export of message with broken headers

Same corruption as bug 604620;
  top part of text/plain mail body + whole message data
David, see bug 587528 and bugs in dependency tree for bug 587528 for similar corruption, please.

(In reply to jenzed from comment #5)
> The folder is selected for offline use.

Are there multiple mail data for the mail in offline-store file?
(File of INBOX in directory of Server Settings/Local Directory:, not INBOX.msf, if folder of Inbox.)
In any of following cases, excess "top part of mail payload(mail body)" was 2048 bytes, if "mail payload" is larger than 2048 bytes.
Size of the excess "top part of mail payload".
  This bug   : 2048 bytes, text/plain      mail ( 13303 bytes)
  Bug 587528 : 2048 bytes, text/html       mail (254069 bytes)
  Bug 604626 :  154 bytes, text/plain      mail (  2362 bytes)
  Bug 608529 : 2048 bytes, multipart/mixed mail (778276 bytes)
                           "top part" == from first boundary line
                                         till mid of image/jpeg part data
Why always 2KB?

When new mail is multipart/mixed, following was observed in Tb 10(See bug 726469 comment #3, please.) 

(3) fetch 2KB text for previewBody 
> :S-INBOX:ProcessCurrentURL:imap://  = currentUrl
> 19 UID fetch 12116 (UID BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (Content-Type Content-Transfer-Encoding)] BODY.PEEK[TEXT]<0.2048>)
(4) Upon each mouse hover on Inbox, above previewBody occurs, and fetch command is issued.

previewBody/GetBodyStart/FetchMsgPreviewText related issue?
Summary: Message subject and text does not display → Message subject and text does not display ("top 2KB of text/plain mail body" + "whole mail data" is written in IMAP offline-store file, and re-fetch of mail data won't be initiated)dd
Recovery operation.
If Mbox is very large, "Repair Folder" forces long re-sync time and long Gloda re-indexing time.
If long re-sync/long re-indexing is problem in your environment, do next.
(1) Create a new IMAP folder of same account, move the mail to the new folder,
    "Repair Folder" of the new folder, and move back the mail to original folder.
If problem happened at [Gmail]/All Mail, do next.
(2) Move the mail to [Gmail]/Trash, "Repair Folder" of [Gmail]/Trash,
    and move back the mail to original folder from [Gmail]/Trash.
    Never invoke "Delete mail at [Gmail]/Trash and "Compact" of [Gmail]/Trash.
If problem happened at [Gmail]/Trash or [Gmail]/Spam, do next.
(3) "Repair Folder" of [Gmail]/Trash or [Gmail]/Spam.
Summary: Message subject and text does not display ("top 2KB of text/plain mail body" + "whole mail data" is written in IMAP offline-store file, and re-fetch of mail data won't be initiated)dd → Message subject and text does not display ("top 2KB of text/plain mail body" + "whole mail data" is written in IMAP offline-store file, and re-fetch of mail data won't be initiated)
No longer depends on: 587528
Closing as dup to consolidate to single bug.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer depends on: 823838
No longer depends on: 764662
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