Open Bug 75711 Opened 24 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ability to organize/group/search addresses with custom Tags/Categories/Keywords (vs. current broken mailing list design)


(MailNews Core :: Address Book, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)


(Blocks 5 open bugs)


(Keywords: pm-triage-needed, ux-efficiency, Whiteboard: [enterprise-relevance][parity-Outlook])

User Story

- This bug is about **rethinking Thunderbird's current mailing lists as TAGS** or CATEGORIES on each address.
- This would also be helpful to match and map Outlook's KEYWORDS.
- Having a better way of organizing/grouping/searching addresses than the current, flawed mailing list design is especially crucial for Thunderbird in the enterprise.

**Using TAGS has many advantages:**
- easily set/track/change group membership of a given address via tags
- easily create intersecting groups without the technical overhead and intricacies of explicit lists: each address can have multiple tags (group memberships), and groups are retrieved as database queries searching for any addresses having the group's tag ("Friends", "Work", "UX", "Infrastructure", "Support" etc.)
- easily do incremental searches: searching for "Thunderbird UX triage" can return Thomas who has the tags: Thunderbird, UX, triage. Iow, cross-group searches to find addresses which are members of several groups.
- easily combine several groups with OR searches (to be implemented).

**The current mailing list design has many shortcomings.**
- ML is AB-bound, i.e. any mailing list can only have members of the current AB.
- This leads to the absurd behaviour that adding members from another AB will create a duplicate member entry in the target AB which has the ML, and deleting that duplicate entry will delete the entry from any mailing list in the same AB it is member of.
- Iow, cross-AB mailing lists are de facto *not* possible.
- I'm not sure how the mailing list technically keeps track of its members, but I'd bet that connection is also flawed and error-prone.
Sometimes it could be nice if it was possible to group people into groups instead of just having all the people listed. I dont mean maling lists. I'll try to illustrate: Currently the addressbook looks like this: People: Henrik Gemal Thomas Gemal Peter Thomson Eric Svensen Work - Thomas Gemal - Peter Thomson - Eric Svensen I would like to have two groups: Family - Henrik Gemal - Thomas Gemal Soccers Friends - Eric Svensen Peter Thomson Then I could also make a mailing list called "Work" which had "Thomas Gemal", "Eric Svensen" and "Peter Thomson" in it.
This sounds familiar to me as a request logged awhile ago... possible duplicate.
QA Contact: esther → fenella
I cant find the dupe. So this must be the *one*
Severity: normal → enhancement
Summary: Ability to create groups (not mailing lists) → RFE: Ability to create groups (not mailing lists)
RFE cleanup. RFE is already indicated by the Severity field...Sorry for the spam!
Summary: RFE: Ability to create groups (not mailing lists) → Ability to create groups (not mailing lists)
QA Contact: fenella → nbaca
*** Bug 100833 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 161178 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
taking all of chuang's bugs. she doesn't work on mozilla anymore.
Assignee: chuang → sspitzer
i notice that Calendar has already implemented 'Categories'. That is what this bug is about. IMO, Mozilla should have a global Catagory list and then each app will use it as needed (bookmarks, address book, calendar, etc.)
If we could just sort on, say, the company field, this would fall out for free.
This is important for people who are trying to convert from Outlook Express. OE allows groups within groups, and those groups are not limited to contacts with e-mail addresses.
This might be the place to mention my request for enhancement, that a function be provided that would extract the addresses from a selected message, either the sender, the recipients, or both, and deposit them into a specified address sublist, which could be selected or created for the occasion, to keep them together and identify the message from which they were extracted, so the user could return to add values to the other fields of the cards for each, and perhaps even as a batch insert to all the cards in the extract.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
Assignee: mail → nobody
Component: Address Book → MailNews: Address Book
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: nbaca → addressbook
*** Bug 337479 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 112970
Just a visual suggestion, surely now that Email messages can be tagged the same should apply to contacts. Keeping the convention would be helpful.
Sorry to post again but I just had a thought. If you: 1, Rename "New lists" to "New tag", 2, Get rid of the List "nick name" and "description" fields, 3, On a contact add the ability to set a tag (add the contact to a list) You practically have it. A contact could be in more than 1 List (tag/group), it would keep a central place for the contact information while grouping them. The crucial bit of this really is the ability from the contact list add a tag, rather than having to type you could drag and drop or right click to add them.
bug 383844 is a duplicate? Bug 100833 and Bug 161178 are, I think, not duplicates of this. (but probably no good reason to change them after all this time)
Summary: Ability to create groups (not mailing lists) → Ability to create and organize by arbitrary Tags, Groups (not mailing lists)
re Phil Hannent: No. I think that replacing the list by the tag is not a good idea, since the list is a great tool to send eMails to a big selection of people with selecting on list. => Please keep the list! The whole should be achieved by creating either categories like in MS Outlook (with multiple categories selectable) or by adding tags. So one could put a contact/address in more than one category / add more than one tag. So one could group by tags / categories (and therefore like in Outlook, one address could appear multiple times - when more than 1 tag / category is added/selected). =>Please add either categories or tags. =>Please allow multiple tag or category selection per one contact.
A similar problem arises if I want to create a list of mailing addresses for Christmas cards. Not everyone on the list has an e-mail address. At the moment I'm creating dummies like ann@nowhere just to get them into a list. Possible solutions: 1. Add tags (or categories) to a contact and be able to filter on the tag 2. Be able to put contacts with no e-mail address into a list (see also bug 58485)
Blocks: 423488
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3?
Product: Core → MailNews Core
This is probably the one feature, that holds me off the most for changing to thunderbird as my live PIM. (Having TB installed for test purpose since several years. Daily to weekly updating to the latest nightly builds.) THE MUST: multiple tags (/keywords/categories / whatever you want to name them) per contact NICE TO HAVE: The ability to sort by tags not only within an address book but across multiple address books (wherever those tags are available). -> So one could link to a LDAP AB, to the Personal AB (PAB) as well as to an online AB (like Google Contacts) and sort by available tags. for example by: - suppliers, - clients, - business1 AND suppliers (=supplier of business2), - business1 AND clients (=clients of business1), or friends
re-thinking this: (In reply to comment #23) > NICE TO HAVE: The ability to sort by tags not only within an address book but > across multiple address books (wherever those tags are available). > I would consider it MORE than nice-to-have. It would be an IMPORTANT feature to deal with addresses / contacts.
Same thoughts here.... Sorting the contacts by tags and the ability to have a the contacts organized and saved in a simple treeview is one of the most important feature for anyone with lots of contacts. None of the guys in this office has less than 500 contacts. Having them all in one list is still a pain in the ass. (Yes we're using TB3 in a productive environement. Not every build though :-)
I don't want to believe it. I was waiting for TB3 hoping this feature will be included. It is not! I know it's a lot of voluntary work, but I can't do it.
As an avid outlook user I can say that this plugin would be clutch to getting me to finally take the plung to TB. I love everything about the mozilla products but it is essential to be able to categorize the contacts in the same way you can in Outlook. It will also be really helpful if the category from outlook would be imported into the new contacts dbase as well.
Blocks: 603925
Hello. Any progress in sight or planned? I would like to migrate from Outlook, because it is big and expensive.
Well, I use TB for free, so thank you to all developers. Nevertheless, I'm amazed about this 10-year-old thread of a crucial feature. Unfortunately I am not able to contribute to the solution. I definitely need the feature to group the contacts by categories. This probably needs a different data base architecture of the address book. As nobody seems to want to do this work, I have this question: Is it as a momentary solution possible to create an add-on that sorts the contacts by e.g. a user defined field.? Additionally, could this add-on read all the categories in this field and show them in a drop down field to select?
If it helps: There is an add-on called "MoreFunctionsForAddressBook" (ex: MoreColsForAddressBook) which extends the database with categories and additional fields. It is also supported by some external synching software like Mobile Master. Since it isn't available at the central add-on site from Mozilla, but only on the homepage of the developer, it's not easily found:
Thank you, Dirk. This helps, indeed. Hard to believe that I was waiting for a solution so long and it was already waiting for me. I hope many other users will find this add-on, too.
The Problem is, that it is an add-on. It sometimes works. But if you are depending on another add-on like gContactSync (to sync with Google Contacts), it start to become problematic. That is why I strongly recommend to have important basic functionality (like tags, categories, more and flexible fields, etc.) built into the base system. However, the address book is in work. Let's hope that the next major release surprises us with many new features in the plain thunderbird. :-)
Hello, in February Rolf Gloor mentioned "basic functionality". What about a lean, simple approach? Obviously, the address book of Mozilla (and before Netscape) was inspired by the Palm PDA, as can be seen by the four custom fields per contact. I think in the good old days of Netscape there was even a direct synchronizing conduit. The Palm allowed one category per contact - so it was a straight 1:1 relationship. Unfortunately, this field wasn't implemented back then, but would this be a compromise? 1. An additional field for 1 category should keep the amount of work (relatively) low. Additional fields like birthday were added before. 2. Though it is not as flexible as group-tags (with a 1-to-many relationship), it would offer a criteria for sorting and syncing contacts. 3. An "official" field would be better supported or accepted by other software - e.g. MyPhoneExplorer for Android Smartphones denies to use add-ons to be independent from proprietary solutions. 4. The user logic/interface would conform to the Lightning extension from the official Mozilla Calender project, which offers also a category field for dates. 5. The solution wouldn't "endanger" add-ons like MoreFunctionsForAddresBook, which offers a lot more than category-tags.
I think it would be perfect to have a functionality such as the "intelligent folders" for E-Mails. That way there is just one single copy of every contact, but the possibility to filter them by category. It would make updating contact easier because now, a contact that exists in various address books needs to be updated in every one of them.
No longer blocks: 112970
Blocks: 112970
Blocks: 757736

Is bug 204070 a duplicate of this? Thank you

Note that "categories" in Outlook are stored in a multi-value string named property "Keywords". If something like tags or categories were implemented in Thunderbird, the Outlook categories could be mapped to them.

Hi Ben, Geoff, Rob, Magnus and Ryan,

Can the Thunderbird core team please implement something like "Tags" or "Categories" in the Address Book before Thunderbird 91 ESR?

Tags are already available in the Mail and Calendar modules. Adding "Categories" (aka "Tags") to the core Address Book would provide more consistency across the Thunderbird program.

IT Support has done a lot of work with Thunderbird's support of Outlook 2010 and later. Outlook 2010 is no longer supported and people can then move more easily from Outlook to Thunderbird with Thunderbird 91 ESR.

The CardBook add-on also has Categories that add-on could help with the core Address Book in Thunderbird.

"IT Support @ Henk" as provided significant contribution of three months:
It would be good to see that the core developers implement something like tags or categories before Thunderbird 91 ESR, so the Outlook categories could be mapped to them.

What do you think?

Thank you

Flags: needinfo?(ryan)
Flags: needinfo?(rob)
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
Flags: needinfo?(geoff)
Flags: needinfo?(benc)

This won't be happening before 91. And please don't hit everybody you know with NI requests.

Flags: needinfo?(ryan)
Flags: needinfo?(rob)
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
Flags: needinfo?(geoff)
Flags: needinfo?(benc)

Is something like tags or categories on the Thunderbird development roadmap for the near future? Thank you

User Story: (updated)
Keywords: ux-efficiency
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Ability to create and organize by arbitrary Tags, Groups (not mailing lists) → Ability to organize/group/search addresses with custom Tags/Categories/Keywords (vs. current broken mailing list design)
Whiteboard: [enterprise-relevance][parity-Outlook]

Would like address tagging yes, maybe for the next release after 91.

Hi Alessandro,

A suggestion for you... if tags are implemented for contacts grouping... why not also implement tags for email address grouping?

It may be usefull to allow tags on email addresses within contact, especially those with multiple addresses, to be used in addition or replacement of mailing list / distribution list...

So in compose windows you could use tags to quickly identify/generate a set of email addresses...

e.g #all_staff #team1 #projectX #eventLambda

In compose window, ones a tag is validated into pill, a + sign prefix could allow to expand it to check list of email addresses associated to it...

That would be helpful and easier to maintain than mailing list as per say... though they could appear as mailing list into the compose window...

This would also help keeping mailing lists up-to-date when email address of contact may change... as with tags the mailing list would be generated automatically dynamically based on contact info... and not hardcoded in a list as currently...

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)

So in compose windows you could use tags to quickly identify/generate a set of email addresses...

Wouldn't be this identical to an Address Book list?
I think the mechanism is exactly the same.

We should definitely have a better UI for the pills to identify and allow "expanding" or "peaking into" an AB List.
I think this bug references a completely different thing.

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)

(In reply to Alessandro Castellani [:aleca] from comment #46)

So in compose windows you could use tags to quickly identify/generate a set of email addresses...

Wouldn't be this identical to an Address Book list?
I think the mechanism is exactly the same.

Well yes and no...

Currently your create an AB list and add email addresseses manually to it... so it is a static list of email addresses... but there is no link between AB contact email addresses and AB list email addresses... if you change the contact email address it does not change it in the list. You have to manually remember in which list you put the address to remember updating it... also from contact view you cannot see list membership for their email address...

What may be usefull is ability to handle AB list
more dynamically by either:

  • add a contact to the list and choose which email address from contact to use (if multi set) - from within the AB List edit view
  • add an email address to a list - from the AB contact edit view - via a tag (or list name) associated to the email address - this way you can also know quickly which list a contact email address belong to...

Then you can use # character in compose window recipient field to lookup for a list (or group of contacts?) as opposed to a just a contact...

In both case it would result in an list of contact email addresses, but the dynamic list would also allow to have email address updated (or removed) automatically from the list when contact is updated (or deleted) from AB (probably via a prompt for confirmation). The same may go for Display Name if it can be handled within a list... along side email address...

I thought this bug was for implementing tags in AB that is why I mentioned it here but can always be raised in a separated bug if relevant. Tags on contacts and tags on contacts (for contact groups) email addresses (for list association) may be two different things perhaps.

Severity: normal → S3
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