Closed Bug 76699 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

N6 is unresponsive on a freshly re-booted HPUX machine


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P4)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: BarrettLndstrm, Assigned: shannond)




(3 files)

Kind of a wierd one, but if you start up a trunk build on an HPUX box that was 
freshly re-booted, it will be completely unresponsive to any mouse use.  Buttons 
will not function, menus will not respond, and links will not be active.

1.  Reboot your HPUX box.
2.  After the system is back, log in as yourself.
3.  Start up a trunk build.  

RESULTS:  N6 will be completly locked up.  You will have to CTRL-C at the 
terminal or close the browser using the window buttons.

In order to fix this, you will have to log out of the machine (NOT REBOOT!!!), 
and then log back in as yourself.  If you start a trunk build now, it will work 
as expected.

This was found on HPUX 11.00 on trunk build #2001041821 (and older builds too).
Updating QA contact
QA Contact: doronr → barrettl
Summary: N6 is unresponsive on a freshly re-booted HPUX machine → N6 is unresponsive on a freshly re-booted HPUX machine
Adding blocker
Blocks: 18687
yeah, I see it.  Not seeing this on linux.
This is what I am seeing here also, logging out and logging back fixes
my unresponsive problem.

Ok, this doesn't happen to mozilla builds.  Closing this bug and creating one in 
closing as invalid
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
I'm not seeing this problem with mozilla either but Jim still is, so I'm
reopening this one.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
I trace the debug for a little while. It happens very consistently. 
When the browser is started, everything just seems fine. But after I 
direct the browser to a new website through url bar, the object associated
with event->any.window in widget/src/gtk/nsGtkEventHandler.cpp:805 
is null, and GDK_BUTTON_PRESS event can no long be routed to superwin. 
But the strange thing is, GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY (ie. Mouse Move) just works
fine. I will spend some time tomorrow to see if I can go any further.

Strange.  For me, the browser is never just fine.  As soon as it is started, it
is locked completely up.
SIGTERM (15) could not be handled by browser correctly. That might be the cause of 
this problem. I am still struggling to find why it does not work the way as it should.
Please ignore my previous comment, it is for another bug.
I recorded all the windows created through gdk_window_new. They are within range of 4xxxxxx. 
After the first website( is loaded correct, I load Everything
is displayed fine, but the button press event is sent to window 0x79xxxxxx. 
A little progress but still not clear about the preblem. The window value of xevent 
for the problematic button press event is 43, while normal one is 0x7xxxxxxx. The 
one return after gdk_window_lookup is not within normal range of a gdk window value.
The xwindow identified by 43 is root window. I do not understand why 
root window received the event instead of superwin. I need to read 
some X book to get some idea. 
Some new finding. The problem seems only happening with certain website. No matter that page is loaded 
first or not. is a good test case. 
Attached patch minimum testcase (deleted) — Splinter Review
It seems to be that the embeded image caused the problem. I created a 
testcase. Barrett or jimmy, could you try it in campus?
I'm not quite sure about what is the test case, but I downloaded your "minimum
testcase" attachment to some .html file and make the homepage to point to this
file. Rebooted my machine and ran N6, it locks up the browser.
That's what I need to know. thanks.
Now the question is...
if you take a simple testcase... and use that
does it NOT lock up the browser like this one does...
In fact, if you remove the line which contains the embedded image, the problem 
will go away. That line make the difference.
Tried jdunn's attachment and same thing happened, it locks up the browser too.
jdunn's simple html does not lock up my browser. I thought I finally 
narrowed the problem. Now it is still looks complicated.
Ok, I've figured out what's going on here with the different behaviors.  Most of 
us have our home page set to .  For those of us who 
have this set, we see the browser lock up immediatly.  If you have your home 
page set to blank, or to jdunn's html file, it does NOT lock up immediatly.  If 
you then go to it will lock up as usual.  

I believe the lock up during activation is probably a different problem.
by using xwininfo, I checked the windows hierarchy. I also compared the one from my tracing 
result by breaking at gdk_window_new and those from Linux. It seems to me that the windows 
hierachy is incorrect in problematic page. 
my guess is that sometime last week a change went into some of
mozilla's gtk code and we are the only platform experiencing
problems from it.  While it is alot of tracking, I would suggest
finding out which day's checkins caused this and then look at
the checkins and fixing it that way.
This problem was introduced somewhere between 2/26/2001 and 3/30/2001 ... still
narrowing down ...
It looks like this is related to pavlov's checkin on 3/29 around 23:05 of an
imagelib fix for bug 73161.  This included the following files from
mozilla/gfx/src/gtk:, XIE.c, drawers.h, nsImageGTK.cpp, and
Thanks to Shannon's detective work I traced this to linking and using
XIE.  If we don't build with XIE (config/ HAVE_XIE=1
and turn off the XIE_LIB line) then we run the first time.

Additionally if you set MOZ_DISABLE_XIE=1 in your env, you also get
past this problem.

Either the XIE changes aren't working correct, or they don't work correctly
on HP...  need further info.

So for now I suggest putting MOZ_DISABLE_XIE=1 in your env so you don't
hit this
Attached patch turn off HAVE_XIE for HPUX (deleted) — Splinter Review
cc'ing pav, syd & cls

Until we can figure this out, I want to turn off HAVE_XIE on hpux.
What I have found so far is that this is intermittent.  If mozilla
comes up pointing to certain websites ( the input
works, going to others ( input doesn't work.

My guess it is an initialization thing along with a X timing issue.
I played around with XSync's and gdk_flush's but nothing seems to help.
If I'm not mistaken, doesn't not having XIE mean that you must have gdk-pixbuf? 
Or does it just mean that you don't get image scaling?
we added scaling that works without XIE or gdkpixbuf...  r=pavlov i suppose on
the patch.
Looking at the code and at pav's comment it seems you don't need
XIE or pixbuf to do image scaling.  I will keep this bug open,
because I would like to see XIE working on hpux, it is just that
right now, we lock up on startup.

Setting priority for the radar. (for Rob who does not have permission to do so)
Priority: -- → P4
I am going to mark this as a dup of 83920. checked in the code to
gfx/src/gtk to remove XIE so we should no
longer be bumping into this.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 83920 ***
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Ok then.  Verified Duplicate.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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