Closed Bug 81281 Opened 24 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Doesn't use current acct identity in Compose Mail To hdr context item


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: sspitzer)


Using may16 commercial trunk build

Using the Compose Mail To context item in the mail header envelope opens a
message composition window with the correct addressee, but always selects the
default account identity in the From field.  Since I'm reading a message in
another account with different identity, I'd expect it to select that (current)

1.  Open to mail window in a profile having multiple accounts, each account
having a different identity/name/email.
2.  Select/Read a message in an account other than the default identity. In the
header envelope for that message click on an email address in the To: Cc: or
other address header and select the Compose Mail To item.
3.  Mail composition window opens with default account/identity selected as the
From identity instead of the identity of the account you're in and composing from.
QA Contact: esther → laurel
reassign to varada
Assignee: ducarroz → varada
taking all of varada's bugs.
Assignee: varada → sspitzer
Note that the duplicate has had a patch submitted against it, in nightlies since 
Dec 20.  I have checked in the 1.7a-1230/Win2K build and it performs as 
requested in this bug.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 18906 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Reopening; not a dupe.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Sorry about the bugspam.  I retested this under Moz 1.5 -- which does not 
contain the patch from that alleged dupe -- and that version also behaves as 
desired for mail addresses in the 'envelope' header.  Therefore, not a dupe; so 
reopening and resetting to WorksForMe.

mailto: links within the message body still use the default identity;
this is bug 194809.
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
xref bug 59548 comment 39 where Esther describes this bug's desired behavior 
(which is the current behavior) as a "regression" in build 20030331.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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