Dragging a folder to another account, without ctrl, copies it instead of moving it. And drag cursor indicator is incorrect.
(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: matteosistisette, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)
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Comment 1•12 years ago
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Comment 2•12 years ago
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Updated•12 years ago
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Comment 18•3 years ago
This issue (and most others that are mentioned as "blocks" or "depends") has existed for almost a decade and I am at a loss as to why something which would be expected as normal behavior, is simple to both understand (and implement-see below), and is needed....has nevertheless sat in limbo this long. I would like to summarize the situation and propose/ask a solution:
SUMMARY: this is an issue with the moving/copying of messages and folders between accounts not working properly and as expected.
A user of Thunderbird has multiple/different accounts. At a minimum a user with one email has that email as an account, but also has 'local folders' as a 2nd 'account'. If they have more email addresses those too are also accounts visible in the left pane. Of course each account will tend to naturally have folders - we all use them.
Right now the moving/copying of individual MESSAGES (one or multiple; and via mouse - i will not discuss right clicking or key shortcuts which are other tickets and issues) works as expected in all possible variations. Let us summarize what that is:
- If you select (one or more) messages and drag to another folder in the same account, they are moved. Correct.
- If you drag while holding CTRL (still same account) the cursor turns to [+] and the message(s) will copy. Correct
- If you drag to a folder in a DIFFERENT account, they will MOVE. Correct.
- If you drag while holding CTRL (DIFFERENT account), the cursor turns to [+] and they copy. Correct.
This is pretty much how everything else works on all modern computers for years. Great.
Now let's cover folders instead of individual messages where things break:
- Select a folder and drag to another location in the SAME ACCOUNT. Folder moves. Correct.
- Drag folder (still same account) but hold CTRL. The cursor changes to a circle/slash indicating copy not permitted. This is different behavior (not allowing copy) since messages can be copied (why not folders too?), but at least it is communicated properly to the user. ACCEPTABLE
- Drag a folder from one account to a DIFFERENT account. Cursor looks normal (no [+] indication which would indicate copy), yet the folder is COPIED instead of moved. BROKEN BEHAVIOR.
- Drag a folder from one account to a different account and hold CTRL. Cursor turns to [+] and the folder will copy. CORRECT.
The folder should have moved to the new location, not made a copy. And if move is not permitted then cursor should have turned to circle/slash (or changed to [+]
PROBLEM SUMMARY: user can move one or more messages (drag and drop with mouse) from one account to another along with correct cursor[+]/CTRL functionality. However moving a folder in the same manner (which is nothing more than just a list of messages) results in a copy and with broken cursor[+]/CTRL functionality (since the cursor indicates a move by not diplaying a [+] even though CTRL is not being pressed.)
I then read various 'blocks' and 'depends' tickets (one goes back 17 years! another 15yrs!!). I don't understand the difficulty or delay fixing this issue because there is no significant grand issue to moving a folder WHEN INDIVIDUAL MESSAGES ARE ALREADY PERMITTED TO MOVE. A folder is just a collection of messages. If the messages individually can move, then so can the folder!
I mean this in the following sense:
IF individual messages can be movedfrom AccountA:FolderA to AccountB:FolderB, then folder move of AccountA:FolderA to AccountB can be implmented easily with existing Thunderbird functionality. Why not this?:
DEFINE FUNCTION to "move AccountA:FolderA to AccountB"
CREATE NEW(empty) FolderB on AccountB (give same name as FolderA)
FOR EACH message X in AccountA:FolderA:
MOVE message X to AccountB:FolderB
DELETE AccountA:FolderA (which is now empty)
RESULT: folder and all messages moved using existing simple/permitted thunderbird operations.
Behavior works as expected and allows folders to move just like messages.
Can this be done? Are all of the 'blocks' and 'depends' really such a hangup to just moving messages and deleting a folder?
(For example, one of the blocks 319743 involved what to do with updating filters when a folder moves. Who cares? Does this matter? Won't filters already fail politely if a target folder is missing? Can't this be ignored?)
(Another block/depends 404955 involved the creation of new right click "move/copy folder" menus and functionalities. Also new ctrl x/c/v functionality. This is more work and not necessary. Drag and drop is already there and works - only the move functionality has to be fixed with this pseudocode instead of doing a copy.)
Etc. etc. Sorry for the longer post but you get my idea. Can't the existing drag/drop of a folder to a new account be corrected (like this pseudocode) to just move each message and then delete the source folder? That would solve ALL of this and kill issues a decade old.
Comment 19•3 years ago
Sorry for the bold text starting my previous post.
Unintentional I messed up the formatting.
Also the pseudocode removed whitespace:
DEFINE FUNCTION to "move AccountA:FolderA to AccountB"
CREATE NEW(empty) FolderB on AccountB (give same name as FolderA)
FOR EACH message X in AccountA:FolderA:
---->MOVE message X to AccountB:FolderB}
DELETE AccountA:FolderA (which is now empty)
Comment 20•3 years ago
"...(Another block/depends 404955 involved the creation of new right click "move/copy folder" menus and functionalities. Also new ctrl x/c/v functionality. This is more work and not necessary. Drag and drop is already there and works - only the move functionality has to be fixed with this pseudocode instead of doing a copy.).."
Actually I would say keyboard functionality is important to those who dont have or can't use a mouse for accessability reasons. What I meant to say was that if the folder drag/drap functionality already exists in Thunderbird, but is just broken in behavior (copies instead of moves). This seems to be a simple code fix (of existing code) as mentioned: just creating a folder, moving each message, then deleting source folder. However the NEW implementation (where it doesn't exist right now) of keyboard copy or move (or right click functionality "move/copy folder") is probably ADDITIONAL code/work with a higher cost to undertake. Furthermore how will 'move folder' via key or right click (as new functionality) work if the existing drag/drop is broken. Logically the easiest and beginning step would seem to be fix of the drag drop to move instead of copy.
Updated•2 years ago