Closed Bug 819886 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[BB] headers first-child style should apply only to the top section elements


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-basecamp -


(Reporter: julienw, Assigned: arnau)



(Keywords: polish)

In FTU there is one situation (in the Privacy panel, see Bug 812956) where I need to nest a H2-like header just after a section. The problem is that this section is a nested section, which means that the header is the first-child of this section and gets a H1-like style. In the mean time, I'm hacking this by inserting a display-none element before, but i'd rather have this bug fixed. A proper fix would be to have a proper styling depending on the nesting depth of section/article. That would also allow us to use <h1> instead of <h2> but that's really not so important.
Flags: needinfo?(igonzaleznicolas)
Ismael & Arnau, can you guys investigate this one?
blocking-basecamp: ? → -
Keywords: polish
Julien, you may not use a section for that kind of container so. The BB have a closed structure by definition, to avoid having to declare extra "unnecessary" classnames and for exposing to the developer a defined mark-up to use. I don't think there is plan right now to change that. Sorry for any inconvenience! Thx!
Flags: needinfo?(igonzaleznicolas)
(In reply to Ismael from comment #2) I'll not change the whole structure of the First-Run-Experience now ;) I'm quite ok that the structure of FRE is maybe not correct and that we don't want to change BB at this time. This bug is more for the after-v1 world.
I think this bug is fair, I´ll propose a new structure for headers although we´ve had this discussion before! Whenever you have a subheader in your app, if it´s not at the same level than the main header, you will need to copy the styles manually to your app's css. Basically now won't work if you have a fixed header, and you need a container for the content including subheaders, and needs to be scrollable.
Assignee: nobody → arnau
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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