Closed Bug 822071 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SlaveFileDownloadCommand'


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rnewman, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [orange])

exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SlaveFileDownloadCommand' ========= Started download_props exception (results: 4, elapsed: 0 secs) (at 2012-12-15 17:45:07.111688) ========= <style type="text/css"> p.error { color: red; font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; } div { font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } div.stackTrace { } div.frame { padding: 1em; background: white; border-bottom: thin black dashed; } div.firstFrame { padding: 1em; background: white; border-top: thin black dashed; border-bottom: thin black dashed; } div.location { } div.snippet { margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; background: #FFFFDD; } div.snippetHighlightLine { color: red; } span.code { font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype; } span.function { font-weight: bold; font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype; } table.variables { border-collapse: collapse; margin-left: 1em; } td.varName { vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; } td.varValue { padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; } div.variables { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } span.heading { font-weight: bold; } div.dict { background: #cccc99; padding: 2px; float: left; } td.dictKey { background: #ffff99; font-weight: bold; } td.dictValue { background: #ffff99; } div.list { background: #7777cc; padding: 2px; float: left; } div.listItem { background: #9999ff; } div.instance { background: #cc7777; padding: 2px; float: left; } span.instanceName { font-weight: bold; display: block; } span.instanceRepr { background: #ff9999; font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype; } div.function { background: orange; font-weight: bold; float: left; } </style> <a href="#tbend"> <p class="error">exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SlaveFileDownloadCommand'</p> </a><div class="stackTrace"></div><a name="tbend"> </a> <p class="error">exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SlaveFileDownloadCommand'</p> Traceback from remote host -- Traceback unavailable ========= Finished download_props exception (results: 4, elapsed: 0 secs) (at 2012-12-15 17:45:07.181276) ========= ========= Skipped (results: not started, elapsed: not started) ========= ========= Skipped (results: not started, elapsed: not started) ========= ========= Skipped (results: not started, elapsed: not started) ========= ========= Skipped (results: not started, elapsed: not started) ========= ========= Skipped (results: not started, elapsed: not started) ========= ========= Started no change (results: 0, elapsed: 0 secs) (at 2012-12-15 17:45:07.181902) ========= bash -c 'for file in `ls -1`; do cat $file; done' in dir /home/cltbld/talos-slave/test/properties (timeout 1200 secs) watching logfiles {} argv: ['bash', '-c', 'for file in `ls -1`; do cat $file; done'] environment: CVS_RSH=ssh DISPLAY=:0.0 G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth HISTSIZE=1000 HOME=/home/cltbld LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s LOGNAME=cltbld MAIL=/var/spool/mail/cltbld PATH=/home/cltbld/bin:/tools/buildbot-0.8.0/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin PWD=/home/cltbld/talos-slave/test/properties SHELL=/bin/bash SHLVL=1 SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass TERM=xterm USER=cltbld _=/home/cltbld/bin/python using PTY: False ls: reading directory .: Input/output error program finished with exit code 0 elapsedTime=0.006747 ========= Finished no change (results: 0, elapsed: 0 secs) (at 2012-12-15 17:45:07.419893) ========= ========= Started reboot failed (results: 2, elapsed: 0 secs) (at 2012-12-15 17:45:07.420546) ========= /tools/buildbot/bin/python scripts/external_tools/ -f ../reboot_count.txt -n 1 -z in dir /home/cltbld/talos-slave/test/. (timeout 1200 secs) watching logfiles {} argv: ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', 'scripts/external_tools/', '-f', '../reboot_count.txt', '-n', '1', '-z'] environment: CVS_RSH=ssh DISPLAY=:0.0 G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth HISTSIZE=1000 HOME=/home/cltbld LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s LOGNAME=cltbld MAIL=/var/spool/mail/cltbld PATH=/home/cltbld/bin:/tools/buildbot-0.8.0/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin PROPERTIES_FILE=/home/cltbld/talos-slave/test/buildprops.json PWD=/home/cltbld/talos-slave/test SHELL=/bin/bash SHLVL=1 SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass TERM=xterm USER=cltbld _=/home/cltbld/bin/python using PTY: False /tools/buildbot/bin/python: can't open file 'scripts/external_tools/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory program finished with exit code 2 elapsedTime=0.027889 ========= Finished reboot failed (results: 2, elapsed: 0 secs) (at 2012-12-15 17:45:07.545682) =========
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: → Release Engineering
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