Closed Bug 830717 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[l10n][Contacts] Default label for email address (PERSONAL) appears truncated


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Contacts, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-b2g -


(Reporter: carlosmartinez, Unassigned)



(Keywords: l12y, Whiteboard: LocRun1.2,LocRun1.3)


(3 files)

Tested in unagi with Gecko-ec7aa64 Gaia-df38c1b. STR: 1-Open contacts app 2-Add new contact Expected result --> We don´t see any truncated string Actual result --> Default label for email address appears truncated as "PERSO..."
blocking-b2g: --- → tef?
blocking-b2g: tef? → -
Whiteboard: l10n
English has the same problem
Whiteboard: l10n
Blocks: 892075
This bug still repros. The label for email address in Spanish still appears truncated as in comment 0. Leo Build ID: 20130715070218 Gecko: Gaia: 55ed5e08a2250ea2d3571fff860c39e66fabed14 Platform Version: 18.1
Adding localizers to see if they can find a work around for this.
What about using an abbreviation? "Perso." I can't think of a better solution. Please let me know what you think.
Why not "uncapitalize" the string? "Hogar" would likely fit where "HOGAR" does not.
Looks like the layout needs to be adjusted. Przemek will attach the solution from UX.
Flags: needinfo?(pabratowski)
I believe Eric and I worked on a solution for a new layout for this screen a few months ago, Eric was our layout change for this form screen put on hold?
Flags: needinfo?(pabratowski) → needinfo?(epang)
(In reply to Przemek Abratowski [:przemek] UX from comment #7) > I believe Eric and I worked on a solution for a new layout for this screen a > few months ago, Eric was our layout change for this form screen put on hold? Hey Przemek, it never got uplifted because of conflicts. Here's the bug 845085. But even so the layout change we proposed didn't solve this issue, we proposed to move the drop down from left to right where it was still being truncated.
Flags: needinfo?(epang)
I see. Eric, can you try to change the layout so that the square dropdown section is a full line instead of a box that cuts off the text. Try to place it on top of each grouping.
Attached image Add Contact (deleted) —
I've attached a mock up that proposes the following for all localizations: 1. Reduce the font size to 14px (6pt). 2. Make the text Title case. Thanks!
This appears to be an issue for Polish along with most of the languages supported by the OS. Chinese at this point seems to be the only exception. The labels "Personal", "Fax Home", "Fax office", "Fax other", and "Another" appear to be the biggest culprits for the affected languages. Adding the Loc run keyword + required whiteboard label as well as meta bug 928174. Also adding the Polish localizers for now.
Blocks: 928174
No longer blocks: 892075
Keywords: l12y
Whiteboard: LocRun1.2
Hi Eric As per comment 11, this is still happening in many 1.2 locales. Asking for some help with this please :) thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(epang)
Attached image Contacts_Add.png (deleted) —
Hi, I've added a mock up that gives the the value selector it's own line. Also, I don't think there's any reason why the string needs to be in all caps. I think for the time being this would probably be the quickest and easiest fix seeing as this screen will most likely be refreshed in the near future..
Flags: needinfo?(epang)
I was able to reproduce this issue on Buri 1.2 for language Bulgaria in the following areas of Add Contacts: Company label for options: Mobile, Home, Work, Fax Home, Fax Office, Fax Other. Email label for options: Home, Work. Address label for options: Home, Work. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri v1.2 Mozilla RIL BuildID: 20131115004003 Gaia: a6484b1e6fc07cf6bd8d6fcf9aeebb14b7e8869d Gecko: ff2c7c9d01d6 Version: 26.0
I was able to reproduce this issue on Buri 1.2 for language Portuguese Brazil in the following areas of Add Contacts: Company label for options: Home, Work, Fax Home, Fax Office, Fax Other. Email label for options: Home, Work. Address label for options: Home, Work. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri v1.2 Mozilla RIL BuildID: 20131115004003 Gaia: a6484b1e6fc07cf6bd8d6fcf9aeebb14b7e8869d Gecko: ff2c7c9d01d6 Version: 26.0
I was able to reproduce this issue on Buri 1.2 for language Macedonian in the following areas of Add Contacts: Company label for options: Mobile, Home, Work, Fax Home, Fax Office, Fax Other. Email label for options: Home, Work. Address label for options: Home, Work. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri v1.2 Mozilla RIL BuildID: 20131115004003 Gaia: a6484b1e6fc07cf6bd8d6fcf9aeebb14b7e8869d Gecko: ff2c7c9d01d6 Version: 26.0
I was able to reproduce this issue on Buri 1.2 for the Serbian Cyrillic language in the following areas of Add/Edit Contacts: Company label for options: Mobile Environmental Variables Device: Buri v1.2 COM RiL Build ID: 20131118004001 Gecko: Gaia: 7a23f8c53ba97da9c63a7275b36d155b4526a639 Platform Version: 26.0 RIL Version: Firmware Version: US_20131104
This issue also occurs in Russian in the following areas of Add/Edit Contacts: -Mobile -Personal -Home Environmental Variables: Device: (Buri v1.2 COM RIL) BuildID: 20131127004001 Gaia: 92cd11ea023dd6598d82d859ae3c945ff6589ce6 Gecko: 14e91ab12441 Version: 26.0
Blocks: 967050
Whiteboard: LocRun1.2 → LocRun1.2,LocRun1.3
This issue occurs in these languages: Catalan, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, on the latest 1.3 build Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.3 MOZ BuildID: 20140207004002 Gaia: 1527d1e450364e383eeb95ff898dca2042e2b4b5 Gecko: 0a6d83aabb02 Version: 28.0 Firmware Version: V1.2-device.cfg
Summary: [l10n][es][Contacts] Default label for email address (PERSONAL) appears truncated → [l10n][Contacts] Default label for email address (PERSONAL) appears truncated
I'm marking this as fixed, since the new design give us an entire line for labels, both in view and edit mode (see also bug 967863).
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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