Closed Bug 847713 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Wi-Fi][Settings] When Wi-Fi is enabled in Notification Panel, sometimes Wi-Fi scan result is not shown.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect, P2)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(blocking-b2g:leo+, b2g18 verified)

blocking-b2g leo+
Tracking Status
b2g18 --- verified


(Reporter: leo.bugzilla.gecko, Assigned: leo.bugzilla.gecko)



(Keywords: reproducible)


(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

Reproduce Sequence:
1. Settings > wifi settings > wifi on > wifi off (wifi is not connected)
2. back key
3. home key
4. Notification panel > press wifi on
5. wifi scan result is not shown.
Attached file wifi.js diff file (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attachment #721022 - Flags: review?(airda)
Assignee: nobody → leo.bugzilla.gecko
Attached file Patch URL to pull request 8452 (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attachment #721022 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #721022 - Flags: review?(airda)
Attachment #723349 - Flags: review?(rexboy)
Comment on attachment 723349 [details]
Patch URL to pull request 8452

This is a simple change so r=me with the suggestion corrected in the pull request. 
Thank you!
For settings app review, you may ask :evelyn or :kaze next time.
Attachment #723349 - Flags: review?(rexboy) → review+
Attached file Patch URL to pull request 8666 (deleted) —
Attachment #723349 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #725308 - Flags: review?(kaze)
blocking-b2g: leo? → leo+
I’m afraid I can’t reproduce this bug with today’s master. In fact I see a few annoying artifacts that involve missing scan results (among other symptoms that require serious debug) — but this patch didn’t help.

Naoki, if you can reproduce this bug would you propose sharp STR please? (is the `qawanted' keyword enough to ping you?)
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Keywords: qawanted
I was able to reproduce this issue in this fashion:
1. make sure you are not setup for wifi.  If you are, select the network and forget the network
2. go to settings -> wifi settings -> turn it on and turn it off quickly afterwards
3. select the back icon <
4. hit the home key button
5. pull down the notification panels and select the wifi

ER: It should take you to the settings wifi page with a list of nearby visible connectable networks

AR: Availble networks shows : searching... no wifi icon in the status bar.
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Keywords: qawanted
Attached file test (deleted) —
Naoki - can you confirm if the steps still reproduce in recent builds?
Keywords: reproducible
QA Contact: nhirata.bugzilla
Whiteboard: qawanted
Keywords: qawanted
Whiteboard: qawanted
I was able to reproduce this issue on the leo using Naoki's steps from comment 9.

Leo Build ID: 20130524070209

Environmental  Variables:
Kernel Date: Apr 25
Gaia: cc2fd02fd461aa12c96e02229a78293365d65264
Keywords: qawanted
Blocks: 876350
Comment on attachment 725308 [details]
Patch URL to pull request 8666

I confirm this bug too, with Naoki’s steps (comment 9) — and this patch definitely helps in this case.
Attachment #725308 - Flags: review?(kaze) → review+
Merged on master:
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Uplifted b109a9cf7500b21236ea2335b76c1c3e05ee21ea to:
v1-train: 9a4c9caa9d9fd2486310a9fbb9142e5f89f8aba4
Flags: in-moztrap?
Flags: in-moztrap? → in-moztrap+
Added Settings Suite Test Case #8599 [WiFi] Turning WiFi ON from the Notifications screen displays a list off available networks.
Verified fixed on Leo 

Build ID: 20130806071254
Gaia: 4c1a20570e20f64782ba170c14604395c48f7381
Platform Version: 18.1

Device now take user to the settings wifi page with a list of nearby visible connectable networks
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