Closed Bug 876350 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

European team sprint #3


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: julienw, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

27/05 -> 31/05
No longer depends on: 874441
Depends on: 874441
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 847713
This is the Gala sprint.

If you need to feel energized,
Depends on: 830799, 789358, 874521, 780953, 823392
Plus'd by reviewers (see comment #1 for the music)

My patch has got no issues - it passes the unit tests
My patch has got no bugs - it passes the unit tests
My patch's got no regressions - it passes the unit tests
My patch has got no nits - it passes the unit tests

Code more and more
People just code more and more
Uplifts and noms', what they're looking for
Code more and more
People just code more and more
Uplifts and noms', what they're looking for

Plus'd by reviewers - my patch set is verified
Plus'd by reviewers - my patch set is verified
Plus'd by reviewers - my patch set is verified
It's plus'd by reviewers

(In reply to Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] from comment #2)
> Plus'd by reviewers (see comment #1 for the music)
> ==================================================
> My patch has got no issues - it passes the unit tests
> My patch has got no bugs - it passes the unit tests
> My patch's got no regressions - it passes the unit tests
> My patch has got no nits - it passes the unit tests
> Code more and more
> People just code more and more
> Uplifts and noms', what they're looking for
> Code more and more
> People just code more and more
> Uplifts and noms', what they're looking for
> Plus'd by reviewers - my patch set is verified
> Plus'd by reviewers - my patch set is verified
> Plus'd by reviewers - my patch set is verified
> It's plus'd by reviewers
> Nananana...

You are my hero.
Depends on: 863466
So, lots of bugs are still open here, although we're 1 week after the end of this sprint. Are these bugs abandoned ?
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #5)
> So, lots of bugs are still open here, although we're 1 week after the end of
> this sprint. Are these bugs abandoned ?

Besides lots of testing bug 873284 spawned two more bugs which I have both closed; it's really one of those platform bugs that can't fit in a sprint :) Bug 823392 was hard to figure out however, didn't really do much progress there. All in all I would say let's close this and move on to the next sprint.
the sprint bugs are not all resolved
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Depends on: 894121
No longer depends on: 894121
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