Closed Bug 856604 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Please decommission talos-r3-xp-004


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bhearsum, Assigned: achavez)



(Whiteboard: [Waiting to be decommissioned])


(1 file)

      No description provided.
colo-trip: --- → scl1
Hardware unavailable to power on, would you like to decommission or replace parts?
Let's replace the parts.
hubear, can you please explain what you mean?  We don't replace parts for the r3 minis.
"Hardware unavailable to power on" I meant that, the system had problems turning on, it sometimes wouldn't power on. It might have a possible hardware issue.
Can you please try a PRAM reset on this machine?  If the problem persists, it's almost definitely a logic board issue.
Host keeps getting "file is missing or corrupt" message after reimage. I suspect a bad hard drive. Going to replace HDD and try again.
Hard drive replaced, reimaging in progress.
Tasklist failed on first reimage.  Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed on second reimage.  Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed on third reimage.  Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed on fourth reimage.  At what point should we call it quits?
I think I've done up to 10 or so reimages before one took.  Sadly, the reimaging is not at all reliable on XP with the tasklist stuff that got added.  When the disk check runs after the install, it often resets the permissions to the default, which break tasklist.
Reimaging for the 5th time.
Tasklist failed for the 5th reimage. Going to reimage again.
Tasklist failed for the 6th reimage. Going to reimage again.
Tasklist failed for the 7th reimage. Going to reimage again.
Tasklist failed for 8th reimage. Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed for 9th reimage. Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed for 10th reimage. Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed for 11th reimage. Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed for 12th reimage. Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed for 13th reimage. Reimaging again.
Tasklist failed for 14th reimage. Reimaging again.
Okay, I think we should call this one dead and scrap it unless it works this time.
It failed again. I will open a bug to decommission it.
Please decommission talos-r3-xp-004. After its been decommissioned, kick the bug back to DCOPS to physically decommission.
Assignee: server-ops-dcops → nobody
Component: Server Operations: DCOps → Release Engineering
QA Contact: dmoore
Summary: please run hardware diagnostics on talos-r3-xp-004 → Please decommission talos-r3-xp-004
Whiteboard: [Waiting to be decommissioned]
Assignee: nobody → server-ops-dcops
QA Contact: dmoore
Assignee: server-ops-dcops → nobody
Component: Release Engineering → Release Engineering: Machine Management
QA Contact: dmoore → armenzg
Attachment #747987 - Flags: review?(armenzg)
Attachment #747987 - Flags: review?(armenzg) → review+
Attachment #747987 - Flags: checked-in+
removed from dns, dhcp, and nagios.
config changes are in production now
talos-r3-xp-004 has been taken off shelf and inventory updated.
Assignee: nobody → achavez
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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