Closed Bug 859314 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Keyboard][Clock] No obvious way to dismiss the keyboard when entering an alarm name (UX related)


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Keyboard, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davehunt, Unassigned)



(1 file)

This may not be specific to the Clock app, but is where I'm able to replicate the issue. The keyboard is open and there is no obvious way to dismiss it when adding a label for a new alarm.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Clock
2. Tap new alarm button
3. Tap Alarm label to bring up keyboard

As this is a single line input I would expect a 'done' button on the keyboard to dismiss it.

The only way I've found to dismiss the keyboard is tapping elsewhere (the alarm time for example) or scrolling the other inputs into view and tapping on those. The 'return' key on the keyboard does nothing.
Looks like no "Done" button design for Gaia keyboard. This is an UX issue.
Component: Gaia::Clock → Gaia::Keyboard
needinfo from firefoxos ux team.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Summary: No obvious way to dismiss the keyboard when entering an alarm name → [Keyboard][Clock] No obvious way to dismiss the keyboard when entering an alarm name (UX related)
Another related bug (not the same) is bug 857637.
There are people who don't like the current design of keyboard without done/finish key to dismiss the keyboard.
Is the problem that some applications have a Done button and other applications do not? I see a Done button in the top right of the attachment in comment 1, but Ian's comment 2 implies that there is not a Done button? Please clarify. Thanks!
(In reply to Stephany Wilkes from comment #5)
> Is the problem that some applications have a Done button and other
> applications do not? I see a Done button in the top right of the attachment
> in comment 1, but Ian's comment 2 implies that there is not a Done button?
> Please clarify. Thanks!

Hi Stephany,

I think they are two different questions. In side of Clock app, the top right "Done" button is used to finish settings for each alarm. It is not only relative to dismiss keyboard show/hide. We should not involve it in the issue.

According to comment 0:
As this is a single line input I would expect a 'done' button on the keyboard to dismiss it.

I think reporter would like to have a 'done' button on the keyboard for the situation. This is an UX issue in keyboard side. Thanks for your point out question.
Assigning to Francis since Keyboard is his area, but please note that leo+, tef+ and tracking bugs are our top priorities.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(fdjabri)
The correct behavior here should be for the 'return' key to dismiss the keyboard.
Flags: needinfo?(fdjabri)
 - Clock app wise, now when you press [Enter] button on keyboard, the keyboard will be dismissed.
 - general case wise, we have bug 985331 to implement "Long press on the space key to dismiss keyboard".

So, I think we could close this bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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