Closed Bug 86525 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

No option to disable font downloads


(Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Windows 95
Not set





(Reporter: BenB, Assigned: smontagu)




(Keywords: intl, Whiteboard: [adt3 RTM])


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

There's now a feature where Moziolla will ask, if it should download fonts the
websites suggests. But there is no option to always ignore them.

"Allow sites to use other fonts" doesn't count, because is does more than just
disabling downloadable fonts.
Keywords: mozilla1.0
> "Allow sites to use other fonts" doesn't count, because is does more than just
> disabling downloadable fonts.

Actually, not even that works, see bug 86581.
Assignee: asa → pchen
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
calgon, take me away! -> trudelle
Assignee: pchen → trudelle
This is invalid.  Need steps to reproduce, expected results, etc.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Reopening, as we found the relevant engineer, who can reproduce.
-> yokoyama
Assignee: trudelle → yokoyama
Keywords: mozilla1.0
QA Contact: sairuh → teruko
Bug 86581 is fixed and I need to do something with this.
Ben: what do you recommend?  Another check mark in the Pref?

-- cc'ing Peter -------------

Component: XP Apps → Internationalization
Primarily, I'd add an "Remember this decision" checkbox in the download dialog. 

But there should probably a way to reverse the decision. Not sure, maybe an
optionbox in the pref "use downloadable fonts" or similar below the "use my
fonts only" option, like in 4.x.
ok, I need feed back from UI folks.
UI guys:  is it ok to add an option box for the font download in Pref?

-- changing Component to UI (hoping to see the bug by UI Team) -----
Component: Internationalization → User Interface Design
This bug is still so vague as to be invalid. It needs steps to reproduce in the
bug, please add them, along with what behavior is expected/specified.  cc marlon
for UE input.
1. Visit <???> (I have no url, I am sure, others can add it - there are many)

Actual result:
A dialog pops up, asking if I want to download font xyz. There is no option to
avoid this dialog (other than downloading the font). The dialog may come up
several times during a session, very much like the plugin download dialog.

Expected result:
*Any* discoverable option to turn these annoying and for me useless dialogs off.
Thanks Ben. An URL will still be needed to repro.  Oddly enough, I don't think
I've ever seen this.  Is this a mozilla-only feature, or is it possible there is
some pref combo that already prevents this?   It seems like the typical case for
users is that they'd expect fonts to be fetched, just like all other elements of
a page, without any confirmation dialog.   Perhaps the right fix is to just get
rid of it?
No, I don't want any fonts downloaded to my system and clogging it up. My fonts
are fine.
Well, you're not a typical user. In any case, it seems like you'd be satisfied
with a pref to turn off downloading, and have no use for the dialog.
Well, *I* am satisfied with bug 86581. But we should always have an option to
disable such annoying popups. No need to ask the user the same question 25 times.
Peter: I attached an URL for you to see the font download dlgbox.  
Make sure you have "allow doc to use other fonts" check mark
CHECKED. (bug 86581)  

Ben:  You should only get one notification dlg per language font per session. 
You don't get the same dlgbox over and over.  (eg. if you are
missing a Korean font to display, Moz asks you once per session if
you'd like to download the font.)
I still don't see it. Asking again: Is this a mozilla-only feature?  Checked in
in the last few days?  
Why would it ever need to ask you to download the Korean font after you've
downloaded it?
>Is this a mozilla-only feature?  
>Checked in in the last few days?  
No.  It's checked in few months back.

>Why would it ever need to ask you to download the Korean font after >you've
downloaded it?
If you *installed* the font, then you wont be asked to download again.
Downloading the package alone doesn't install the font.  You need
to install the package.

Peter: if you are using W2K or WinXP, then you don't see this dlg.
       The package doesn't support W2K nor WinXP.  

Frank: In case of W2K/WinXP, We should at least display a msgbox
       asking user to install the package from W2K/WinXP CD.  
       How hard is it?

Thanks Roy, I am using Win2K.  Does anyone know where the UI design spec for
this feature is located?  Do we know what bug was used to check this in?
Frank: do you know where the spec is?
Petere: here is the bug
Above bug number (
is to make Moz responds to font installation.

Here is the bug for implementing the actual font downloading dlg

Thanks again!  It sounds from a quick scan of those bugs like there was no UI
design spec, nor any involvement of our UE experts.  It sounds to me like this
UI could use some review, since we are trying to make these kinds of operations
(e.g,plugins, helper apps) more seamless for MachV.
> Why would it ever need to ask you to download the Korean font after you've
> downloaded it?

Because I always deny to download it.

> if you are using W2K or WinXP, then you don't see this dlg.
> The package doesn't support W2K nor WinXP.  

Ah, this explains why I don't see the bug anymore. I switched to W2K a few
months back.
Your scenario illustrates the need for a 'no, and stop bothering me about this'
*** Bug 127389 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
See the funny descr. of the dup bug.
For those not reading the bug descriptions of dupes:

This bug annoys also Western people reading Asian spam postings in newsgroups. I
am close to willing to learn Chinese just to get rid of this dialog. The only
workaround seems to be buying WinXP by now...
This dialog looks attrocious (text runs off the right side on my Win2K box), and
I get to see it a dozen times a day due to Asian spam in my mailbox. *Please*
fix this for MachV
See 139248.  It's checked into the trunk. driver denied the branch checkin.
You can uncheck the "Allow doc to use other font" in Font-Preference dlg
to suppress the fontdownload for the browser.
I need input from UI expert on this.  
Patch to follow.
Attached patch Make the checkbox to work (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Should we push this for MachV?
Yes, I think the many people would be accepting of this fix. Pls get it
reviewed, plussed by i18n Triage team and nominated for adt1.0.0. thanks!
Whiteboard: [adt3 RTM]
Comment on attachment 84984 [details] [diff] [review]
Make the checkbox to work

>-  PRInt32 useDccFonts = 0;
>-  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(gPref->GetIntPref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", &useDccFonts)) && (useDccFonts != 0)) {
>+  PRInt32 useFontDownload = 0;
>+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(gPref->GetIntPref("browser.display.use_font_download", &useFontDownload)) && (useFontDownload != 0)) {

Is there a reason this is an int pref instead of a bool? With a UI
that's just a checkbox it doesn't look like you're expecting any

> pref("browser.display.use_document_fonts",  1);  // 0 = never, 1 = quick, 2 = always
>+pref("browser.display.use_font_download",  1); 

You should document that values unless you change this to a boolean
which would be a bit more self-documenting.

For the pref dialog itself you should get a review from an owner, maybe
ben or blake or someone they recommend.
I'm glad you came to your senses after comment 30 -- "Allow doc to use other
fonts" should have NOTHING to do with downloading. If my preferred font is Times
but the doc specifies Arial and I *have* Arial, it's reasonable I might want to
allow that. If I'm picky, or pick a special font for vision problems I might
not. That is what that pref is for.

Whether I want to allow it to DOWNLOAD a font is another thing entirely. The
fonts already on my system are probably good enough for me.

Bug 139248 is mailnews specific, and doesn't give any options--it just
eliminates the dialog entirely for mail. That solution is different from this
one, both can be implemented. Also, drivers did not deny it, they just asked
that we wait until after 1.0

This fix adds the main preference dialog checkbox, which most folks won't find.
It doesn't implement the "don't ask this again" checkbox on the dialog that was
>drivers did not deny it, they just asked that we wait until after 1.0
Right, my mis-understanding

>an int pref instead of a bool
Right, again.  no need to be int.  Bool should suffice.  New patch will follow.

>It doesn't implement the "don't ask this again" checkbox on the dialog that was
I need help from ftang.  Frank?

ben or blake: can you review Pref dlg UI?
Attached patch Use of bool instead of int (deleted) — Splinter Review
dan: can you review?
Attachment #84984 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Let me ask the following question:
1. After we land the mail/news fix, are we in a shape that can ship it as rtm?
2. if the answer is not, does the current patch make us in a shape that we can
ship rtm ?

if the answer for 1 is yes, we should stop here.
if the answer for 2 is no, we should also wait till a better solution.
Keywords: intl
Answer to 1) no
Answer to 2) yes
as comment #33, I think it's better to have this option available for user
Can someone review my patch ASAP?  
The l10n, UI, and Customization Freeze is June 3rd.  I need to bake this 
in the trunk and check into the branch. 
Comment on attachment 85282 [details] [diff] [review]
Use of bool instead of int

>+   dataObject.useFontDownload = document.getElementById( "browserUseFontDownload" ).checked ? 1 : 0;

wouldn't "? true : false;" be technically better than 1:0?

sr=dveditz conditional on getting an r= from one of the dialog
owners, like ben, blake or hewitt
Attachment #85282 - Flags: superreview+
ben/blake/hewitt: can one of you review my patch and the screen shot?
I want this checkin to the trunk today.

cc hewitt
Peter: can you help me to get someone review my patch?  Sent few emails and 
       post few comments here; but didn't result to any action....
>Let me ask the following question:
>1. After we land the mail/news fix, are we in a shape that can ship it >as rtm?
>2. if the answer is not, does the current patch make us in a shape that >we can
ship rtm ?
roy, thank you for your answer. But I would like to ask reporter and other
people who care about this bug to also answer that two question so we can reach
agreement before we try to land it.

Ben Bucksch, Sebastian Späth, and jaimejr, can you put down
your view?
Remember, the patch won't add a check box to the download ui, and this patch
won't let the users to turn it OFF in the font download dialogbox.  the user can
only turn it off from the pref window by this patch. 
I agree.  We still need to add a checkbox in the fontdownload dlg itself.
(and the checkbox should be added with bug 112098)
However, we still need this pref UI change for getting the fontdownload dlg back.   
I can hardly answer that question. I don't know enough about your release plans
nor did I suffer enough from the bug (I use Linux, where it doesn't exist, I
think, and where I have enough fonts anyway).
Frank, per your questions in comment 44: in order to ship we need

- this patch to let the user turn the feature on/off
- to make the dialog look professional
- either turn dialog off in mail (done) or add a "Don't ask me again"
  checkbox on the dialog (connected to the pref from this patch)

A sizeToContent call would go a long way to helping the dialog look better, but
have UE look at it if possible.
Roy: This bug needs an nsbeta1+ so that Netscape engineers can justify spending
time on it. Who is triaging your bugs?
An "Disable Font download" checkbox in the main preferences should be ok (Would
this be enables or disabled by default ?).

But it would be better to give users who see the font download dialog a hint
where they can find that option. (Proposal: Adding the text "You can turn off
this dialog by disabling font download in the preferences")

The best solution of course would be to offer a "disable font download" checkbox
directly on the dialog box which would set the global pref.
ftang: nhotta is off today. can you triage this bug and give 'nsbeta1+'?

>An "Disable Font download" checkbox in the main preferences should be ok 
>(Would this be enables or disabled by default ?).
It's enabled by default for now.  

>But it would be better to give users who see the font download dialog a hint
>where they can find that option. (Proposal: Adding the text "You can turn off
>this dialog by disabling font download in the preferences")
>The best solution of course would be to offer a "disable font download"
>checkbox directly on the dialog box which would set the global pref.
It should be dealt with bug 112098 where fontdownload dlg will be redesigned.
nsbeta1-, without the mail/news problem, I don't think it is important to have
way to turn it OFF from the pref. remove nsbeta1- if you disagree with that.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2beta
I'd like to get reviwed on the patch.  Sebastian?

one question:
This option should only be available in Windows platform.
How can I hide the checkbox from the Pref dlgbox in case of non-Win?
*** Bug 161647 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: teruko → carineh00
> How can I hide the checkbox from the Pref dlgbox in case of non-Win?

Example copied from pref-advanced.xul:

var frame = document.getElementById("perfSettings");
if (navigator.platform != "Win32") {
  frame.setAttribute("hidden", "true");

and this is probably what you need:

if (!/Win/.test(navigator.platform)) {
  document.getElementById("browserUseFontDownloadBox").hidden = true;

but this is how I would write it :-)

document.getElementById("browserUseFontDownloadBox").hidden =
uid is being phased out.
Assignee: yokoyama → smontagu
Component: User Interface Design → Internationalization
QA Contact: carineh00 → ylong
Assigning back to yokoyama, since he was working on it, and not just owner by
Assignee: smontagu → yokoyama
bulk milestone change
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2beta → mozilla1.3alpha
marking as FUTURE for now
Target Milestone: mozilla1.3alpha → Future
Attached image The actual dialog that pops up (deleted) —
Hi there, I reported this bug and I was checking up on it.. Sorry I was vague
in my description. I included a small screenshot of the dialog that pops up for

I get it when visiting:
Only once per session, but indeed I would like to be able to turn it off
completely (or maybe once per language). I don't want to add language packs.
Once I completly exit Mozilla and go back to the page, the dialog pops up

I'm using a pretty recent Mozilla right now, and still the problem persists.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021209

An additional note is that the Cancel button does not work at all. You have to
click the 'X' button to get rid of the window.

I read this does not happen in Win2K or WinXP, however this is happening while
I'm running WinXP Pro.
After examining attachment 84981 [details], I wonder how someone could (or would want to)
uncheck the checkbox "Allow documents to use other fonts" and then check the
checkbox "Allow font download"? Maybe there is some sense in such possible
setting or some kind of explanation but for sure, the current helpfile on "Allow
documents to use other fonts" is not adequate.

FWIW, MSIE 6 for Windows chrome UI settings are as follows:

Tools/Internet Options.../General tab/Fonts... button
"The font you select here are displayed on Web pages and documents that do not
have a specific text font."

Tools/Internet Options.../Security tab/Custom Level... button/Download
section/Font download
offering the 3 settings (via radio buttons) disable, enable and prompt.
Yes, "allow webpage to use other fonts" unchecked should disable (and
practically uncheck, in the backend) the font download pref. Maybe indent the
font download checkbox to further visualize this dependency.
Again, suppose you: 'want to Allow documents to use other fonts'
of the same language,.. -But- Dis-allow font downloads of a 
different language??

By dis-allowing all font downloads, browsing experience is limited
to your own set of fonts. All because of some foreign language
I think this bug got too complicated along the way these 2 years.

Put simply, I would like to see a "Disable auto-Font download"
setting regardless of any other setting. Simply because the user
doesn't want it or want to be asked for it for every foreign language
page that is visited.
Sorry but I fail to see what's complicated.
If you do not want a webpage to use any other fonts than your preferred fonts,
then why should you be bothered by a font download dialog window? This is what
comment #30 was clearly indicating.
If you want to allow webpage to use other fonts than your preferred fonts and at
the same time installed on your computer, then you check the checkbox and you
have another option possible: would you go as far as download fonts which you
may not have [installed] on your computer?
If I only speak English and already have all the fonts I wish to use, why would
I want to download other fonts (based on other languages or not)?
Keywords: mozilla1.0.1
*** Bug 248438 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 273897 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I think both roy and me are off mozilla for more than 2 years. If these bugs are
still here now, I think the real stauts is 'won't fix'. If you want to reopen
it, please find a new owner for it first. 
Closed: 23 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Mass Re-assinging Frank Tangs old bugs that he closed won't fix and had to be
re-open. Spam is his fault not my own
Assignee: tetsuroy → nobody
Assignee: nobody → smontagu
bug 352049 killed the font download dialog, marking all bugs about it wontfix.
Closed: 20 years ago18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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