Closed Bug 887641 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Make it possible for mortals to get static analysis builds on Try


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: philor, Assigned: philor)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Three problems:

* it's 'try_by_default': False, which was right when it was only running hidden on m-c, but isn't right now that it's on all trees and wants to be unhidden

* it took me most of an hour to figure out how to get it to run on Try, that being how long it took for the realization that linux64-dbg-st-an is an opt build, and will only run from -b o -p linux64-dbg-st-an, because debug builds are builds whose name ends in -debug, not builds which have the letters d, b, and g somewhere within their names

* it needs to be added to trychooser
Blocks: 887642
Product: → Release Engineering
What would need to be done to fix these things? The first thing looks like deleting a line in buildbot-configs, the second I have no idea how to fix, and the third may require fixing the second.
Aye, the name's the rub. If there turns out not to be a character limit you'll run over, then it's just a matter of changing all of to linux64-st-an-debug; if there is, then it's either linux64-st-debug (and the horrible linux64-as-debug for its next-door-neighbor, linux64-dbg-asan, which also needs to change), or the much less fun job of fixing every instance of "-debug" in

Personally, I tend to make that my reviewer's problem, and just write a patch changing it to what seems like it ought to work, linux64-st-an-debug, and make sure to use the word "untested" while attaching the patch.
Attached patch [configs] rename st-an and asan (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Oh, yeah, character limit comes after the name gets shortened, among other things by replacing "debug" with "dbg", so these are the same names by the time that comes up.

Who knows, might even work.
Assignee: nobody → philringnalda
Attachment #791758 - Flags: review?(catlee)
Comment on attachment 791758 [details] [diff] [review]
[configs] rename st-an and asan

Review of attachment 791758 [details] [diff] [review]:

Naming things with "-debug" has the fun side effect of disabling nightly builds unless you also specify "enable_nightly" in the platforms you care about. I think this means that linux64-asan-debug and linux64-st-an-debug need enable_nightly to be True if you want to continue having nightly builds of those types.
Attachment #791758 - Flags: review?(catlee) → review-
(In reply to Chris AtLee [:catlee] from comment #4)
> Naming things with "-debug" has the fun side effect of disabling nightly
> builds unless you also specify "enable_nightly" in the platforms you care
> about. I think this means that linux64-asan-debug and linux64-st-an-debug
> need enable_nightly to be True if you want to continue having nightly builds
> of those types.

For static analysis at least, nightly builds are likely to be a waste of resources.
Yeah, it's only a problem because I scope-creeped, who knew that would be a bad idea?
Well, I know less than I did before (I've got no idea whether or not is true, though I suspect it is not, and I have no idea why, in terms of policy, we choose to do debug asan nightlies when we don't do debug anything else nightlies, and I have absolutely no explanation for why, as a matter of code, we are not currently unintentionally creating static-analysis nightlies, since they don't end in -debug and don't say at the platform level to not do nightlies and do say at the branch level to do nightlies), but, perhaps this will do the job.
Attachment #791758 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #792421 - Flags: review?(catlee)
Blocks: 847973
Attachment #792421 - Flags: review?(catlee) → review+
Comment on attachment 792421 [details] [diff] [review]
[configs] rename st-an and asan with explicit enable_nightly
Attachment #792421 - Flags: checked-in+
Comment on attachment 792421 [details] [diff] [review]
[configs] rename st-an and asan with explicit enable_nightly

And backed out in for utterly incomprehensible mute test failure.
Attachment #792421 - Flags: checked-in+ → checked-in-
I got nothin' here, empty failure logs locally with and without my patch, and empty failures logs on Jenkins with it.
Assignee: philringnalda → nobody
Backout is in production
And now that Jenkins is a tiny bit more verbose, and then because the problem was that I screwed up rebasing.
Assignee: nobody → philringnalda
Attachment #792421 - Flags: checked-in- → checked-in+
In production.
Depends on: 912345
On top of bug 912345 and bug 847973.
Attachment #799950 - Flags: review?(emorley)
Comment on attachment 799950 [details] [diff] [review]
[tools] Add linux64-st-an to trychooser

Review of attachment 799950 [details] [diff] [review]:

Lgtm & works well locally :-)
Attachment #799950 - Flags: review?(emorley) → review+
Depends on: 913007 with a typoed bug number, and deployed.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: General Automation → General
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