Closed Bug 907103 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[SMS] Focusing on the Send button is hard


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: janjongboom, Assigned: rik)



(Whiteboard: ux-most-wanted)


(2 files, 3 obsolete files)

This is on 1.1 hamachi partner release from the beginning of August.

I have the feeling that the top few pixels of the send button (or at least between send text and horizontal rule) are not focusable. I miss it about 90% of the time unless I pay attention and press lower. Probably related to bug 907102.
This is not a bug in the Messages app.
It's a UX flaw.
Attached image margin of the send button.png (obsolete) (deleted) —
Hi All

I found out this bug.
There is no action area on the top few pixels of the send button.
Attached patch patch_907103.txt (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
If this issue is avobe attachment orange part, I have challenged to writte a patch.
I want to check.
And if this doesn't have any problems, I want you to assign this issue to me.
I can't change assain.
Hi Kenzo,

thanks a lot for this patch !

I'm not sure this patch is a correct patch though. Do you know why the messages-input margin would impact the send button ? The send button is not even inside the "messages-input" div ?

At least in Firefox the send button is focussable on all its surface, so maybe there is a specific bug on the device. I'll check today.
Assignee: nobody → mu-ota
Flags: needinfo?(felash)
Hi Julien-san,

Thank you for your reply.

> Do you know why the messages-input margin would impact the send button ?
> The send button is not even inside the "messages-input" div ?

Sure, The send button is not‘include' the "messages-input" div.
I try "messages-input" set background color, so I found the send button is on "message-input" div.

My attachment<<margin_of_the_send_button.png>>'s margin:0.8rem ver has some space above send button.
So I reduce margin to 0.7rem.
send button is on "message-input" div and therefore it should take the click input.

So I don't understand the patch (and I still don't understand the bug either).
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #7)
> send button is on "message-input" div and therefore it should take the click
> input.
> So I don't understand the patch (and I still don't understand the bug
> either).

Same here, I've never experienced the issue reported (here or in the other similar bug about the input area)
Tested in a very current master: the top of the send button works ok for me. However, the bottom has problem and this is bug 909821 already.

jan, do you still see this bug with the top of the send button ? Maybe you can show me in Oslo next week ?
Flags: needinfo?(felash)
Yep, will do.
Ah, found it. Type a SMS that has 2 lines of text.
Could this be that it's not that it's hard, but rather in that case the top of the button is not well different from the background, and therefore we're tempted to tap above it ?
Yes, that's what I realize now. We should make that whole area tappable.
But what should we do when the input composer grows more ? We can't make the whole right area tappable.

Possible solutions: the button could have a more visible border, we could grow the button, other ?

Since we're at it, I'd prefer to see the various buttons (pick attachment and send button) on the top of the right area too: would make some of the code we have easier and less brittle, and that would make the button far from the keyboard suggestions list (I'm always afraid of taping the send button when I want to tap the suggestion on the right).

Ayman, thoughts ?
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
ok, after discussing directly with Julien i agree we have problems here and am of the opinion that this is more of a visual design challenge than an IxD challenge. 
So, passing this to Silvia to look at. I have already briefed her, but ni? to Silvia so she has a clear marker.

ping me when you have a proposition to review :)
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat) → needinfo?(sfer.ux)
Attached image screenshot for the problem (deleted) —
here we can see how the send button is blending to the top of the free space
Attachment #799228 - Attachment is obsolete: true
This is not an SMS bug, this affects the common controls and it is part of the Building Blocks as well, should not be fixed separately in app.

Requesting info from the Building Blocks and System Components people here.
SHould we raise a new bug for redesigning the component?
Flags: needinfo?(sfer.ux) → needinfo?(arnau)
Flags: needinfo?(sergiov)
Increasing the input height of the text area is something custom for SMS app. But if we need to change the visual style of the button, this should be done in input areas BB.
Flags: needinfo?(arnau)
Arnau, then, could we do it ?

clearly, all buttons that I see on all look framed ([1] [2]). Our button here is not framed just because the input height is growing. That's why I don't agree at all with the argument "all other buttons are done like this", this is simply visually not true.

I could change that as soon as we have a new visual proposal.
I agree with you both buttons in the input field are confusing and would be better to have them framed. This was a design decision made by the art director after quite an amount of tests, and that's why the button looks unframed right now. 

It's not an straightforward solution, and it would require further design work.

Create a new bug and assign it to me with Arnau in cc, and we will try to solve it.

Flags: needinfo?(sergiov)
Depends on: 917711
Assigning to Sergi here.

Any update on this Sergi ?
Assignee: mu-ota → sergiov
Hey José, this was a bug assigned to Sergi. See also bug 917711.

Would love to move forward on this :) (maybe you already did with the Visual refresh ?)
Flags: needinfo?(vittone)
Hi Julien, 

This button would change with the visual refresh so this bug may not apply. Working on this doesn't make sense by now. I would close these bugs and re-open it later if needed (after implementing the visual refresh on this element). 

Does it make sense?
Flags: needinfo?(vittone)
Good for me, as long as we move forward.
Hey José, I think the new buttons are still not framed. Can we do something about this?
Flags: needinfo?(vittone)
IMHO, it's more than just framing the button. When you have two lines of SMS text, if you tap slightly higher than the button, the keyboard will close. And then you have to wait for the transition to finish, move your finger and tap the bottom of the screen.

I think a good way to solve that problem is to not capture any touch event when you tap in this area (the one that displays MMS and/or character counts). Nothing would happen (no send, no keyboard closing) so you'd still have to retry but in the same area of the screen. This is easy to do code-wise and would solve one of the most annoying pet-peeves I have while dogfooding. What do you think Ayman?
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
(In reply to Anthony Ricaud (:rik) from comment #27)
> IMHO, it's more than just framing the button. When you have two lines of SMS
> text, if you tap slightly higher than the button, the keyboard will close.
> And then you have to wait for the transition to finish, move your finger and
> tap the bottom of the screen.
> I think a good way to solve that problem is to not capture any touch event
> when you tap in this area (the one that displays MMS and/or character
> counts). Nothing would happen (no send, no keyboard closing) so you'd still
> have to retry but in the same area of the screen. This is easy to do
> code-wise and would solve one of the most annoying pet-peeves I have while
> dogfooding. What do you think Ayman?

I agree and I think your solution is a great idea. However the framing of the Send button is still more than necessary in order to address the existing Usability problems that we have been more than aware of since V1.0. Visual Design need to address this in their solution otherwise they are simply exacerbating a known usability issue.
Flags: needinfo?(aymanmaat)
Having tried some alternatives, I pass the ni? to Vicky since I'm leaving.
Flags: needinfo?(vittone) → needinfo?(vpg)
Attachment #799229 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file (obsolete) (deleted) —
This is implementing my proposition in comment 27. The visual part could be dealt with in bug 917711.
Assignee: sergiov → anthony
Attachment #8396339 - Flags: review?(felash)
Flags: needinfo?(vpg)
Comment on attachment 8396339 [details]

I made a simple comment on github but I can't review now since I don't have a 1.5 phone right now.
Comment on attachment 8396339 [details]

r=me with nits

I filed bug 988494 for the issue we saw in B2G.
Attachment #8396339 - Flags: review?(felash) → review+
Fixed the nits and landed.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
reverted: 41436fa35f55e3addbaddf2d52d720f24a6021d6

because this makes it more difficult to touch the input when it's empty. With the patch you can't focus it if you don't type out of the placeholder text.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
After some investigation, this is making focus harder because adding a touchstart event on the form element attracts the fluffing algorithm. Bug 949457 will change some margins to paddings, making it impossible to tap the form element so we'll wait for bug 949457 to land before landing this one.
Depends on: 949457
Whiteboard: ux-most-wanted
Blocks: 994991
This bug is killing me in daily use. The send button on Nexus 4 basically never works at all when the keyboard is up.

It works fine with keyboard is down - first touch works every time.
Dietrich, are you sure you type the send button, or is it possible that you tap the space above, in an unconscious way to avoid the keyboard?
Seriously. I'm hitting the [send] button. I'm not hitting anything else. The [send] button is the button I'm hitting. I'm not *not* hitting the [send] button.

PS: I'm hitting the [send] button.

I'm flagging Wilfred to ensure we can get this into the backlog. This is crazy.
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
We already have a patch for this (it even landed but got backed out). See comment 35 for when this will land.
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
Comment on attachment 8396339 [details]

This patch should be flagged for ui-review?. Flagging Victoria on Comms and Harly on Building Blocks. Both must give this ui-review+ in order for it to ship.
Attachment #8396339 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg)
Attachment #8396339 - Flags: ui-review?(hhsu)
This was already "ui-reviewed" in comment 28. There are no visual updates, just a change in UX.

The visual update will be done in bug 917711. That's where we need a ui-review.
Hey Stephany, I think we're all overreacting here :)

I believe the issue Dietrich is seeing is different to what we were trying to fix here. This could be a regression in the event fluffing code, and I'd suggest filing a separate bug for this.

What Anthony's patch does here is something different: it's preventing the keyboard from hiding when we miss the send button.

Therefore can we remove the ui review request?
Flags: needinfo?(swilkes)
Depends on: 999574
No longer depends on: 999574
Got it, rik. Makes sense. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(swilkes)
Comment on attachment 8396339 [details]

Removing the ui-review requests then ! Thanks
Attachment #8396339 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg)
Attachment #8396339 - Flags: ui-review?(hhsu)
Let's try again now that bug 949457 landed.

BTW, Dietrich, I think what you are seeing could be bug 984897.
Attachment #8396339 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8432379 - Flags: review?(felash)
Comment on attachment 8432379 [details]

Sorry, let's wait for the various bugs happening here...
Attachment #8432379 - Flags: review?(felash)
SMS has received lots of UX changes and I'm not experiencing this anymore.
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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