Closed Bug 915318 Opened 11 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Settings][FTE] Manual time zone setting should sort cities by offset


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mbrubeck, Unassigned)



(Keywords: ux-efficiency)

To set a time zone in the Gaia Settings or First Time Experience apps, users must scroll through an alphabetical list of cities looking for the one that matches their time zone.  These cities are the ones listed in the IANA Time Zone Database.

The problem with this is that users often do not know in advance which city to look for.  For example, a user in Seattle may not know that the IANA Time Zone Database lists "Los Angeles" for the US Pacific time zone.  Therefore, the user must scroll slowly through the list looking for possible matches.

This would be easier if each entry also listed the UTC offset used for most of the year in that time zone, and the entries were sorted by that offset.  For example, instead of this:

* ...
* Kentucky/Monticello
* Knox IN
* Kralendijk
* La Paz
* Lima
* Los Angeles
* Louisville
* Lower Princes
* ...

We would display something like this:

* ...
* -07:00 Phoenix
* -07:00 Shiprock
* -07:00 Yellowknife
* -08:00 Dawson
* -08:00 Ensenada
* -08:00 Los Angeles
* -08:00 Metlakatla
* -08:00 Santa Isabel
* -08:00 Tijuana
* -08:00 Vancouver
* ...

Then users who know their timezone offset (even approximately) could scroll immediately to the correct section of the list and scan through a much smaller list of cities to find the one in their time zone.
Blocks: 915343
ping UX
Flags: needinfo?(thsieh)
Flags: needinfo?(thsieh)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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