Closed Bug 920081 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Create a management command for directly submitting packaged apps for internal use


(Marketplace Graveyard :: General, defect, P3)

Windows 7


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: basta, Assigned: mat)



(Whiteboard: [qa-])

This API will be used for making the packaged dev marketplace possible.

The API would involve a single endpoint. For instance:


The client would PUT a zip file to the endpoint with OAuth authentication. The API would then carry out:

- Create a new version
- Save the zip for the new version
- Sign the zip
- Make the new version active

Things that should not happen:

- Validation (though it could be added to fire off warnings)
- App Review

The API should only allow clients that have been explicitly whitelisted in an API key/app ID mapping to perform this action. Since it's for internal use, it might make sense to put this configuration in settings rather than in the DB.

For instance, cvan's OAuth token might be mapped to the production marketplace app.

25 bonus points if we create a management command that allows this to be done from the terminal, as well.
Priority: -- → P4
(imo) we should instead start implementation on the reviewer API then just use the existing submission API to submit, followed by the reviewer API to approve.
This is much higher priority than P4 since it blocks is from becoming a packaged app. At least p2. 

(In reply to Andrew Williamson [:eviljeff] from comment #1)
> (imo) we should instead start implementation on the reviewer API then just
> use the existing submission API to submit, followed by the reviewer API to
> approve.

That's not the point. We would use this to deploy marketplace updates and automate deployments of dev as a packaged app. This is not intended to be used for apps that need a review.
Priority: P4 → P2
(In reply to Matt Basta [:basta] from comment #2)
> (In reply to Andrew Williamson [:eviljeff] from comment #1)
> > (imo) we should instead start implementation on the reviewer API then just
> > use the existing submission API to submit, followed by the reviewer API to
> > approve.
> That's not the point. We would use this to deploy marketplace updates and
> automate deployments of dev as a packaged app. This is not intended to be
> used for apps that need a review.

okay, but what's the argument against implementing something we're going to do anyway at some point?  As opposed to writing a whole new API that will only be used by one app.
(In reply to Andrew Williamson [:eviljeff] from comment #3)
> okay, but what's the argument against implementing something we're going to
> do anyway at some point?  As opposed to writing a whole new API that will
> only be used by one app.

Our current implementation requires upwards of six API calls, including polling to determine whether validation has completed. It's also unclear in the docs whether it's possible to submit a new version of an existing app through the API (I'm not sure that it's possible currently).

Additionally, we can't update the marketplace through the existing API since the validator blocks apps that use the origin app:// (our own protections working against us).

On top of that, there's currently no API (or at least no documented API) for marking an app as reviewed.

None of this touches on delays and checks that would have to be added to an implementation to make sure that caching issues or pinning issues don't muck up the submission process.
(In reply to Matt Basta [:basta] from comment #4)

> Additionally, we can't update the marketplace through the existing API since
> the validator blocks apps that use the origin app://
> (our own protections working against us).

This is the biggest blocker for me. I was considering working on bug 877454 to work around this.

But I very much like this solution for getting an automatic deploy process going for -dev (and daily for stage and weekly for prod) for packaged apps.

The API's submission flow is too complicated and needs to be fixed. I agree we should work on it soonish though. But until we have an automatic deploy process we cannot become a true packaged app, which blocks us from many more things.
Assignee: nobody → cvan
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-10-01
(In reply to Christopher Van Wiemeersch [:cvan] from comment #5)
> The API's submission flow is too complicated and needs to be fixed. I agree
> we should work on it soonish though. But until we have an automatic deploy
> process we cannot become a true packaged app, which blocks us from many more
> things.

To be fair, the current submission APIs map essentially 1:1 with the human-friendly submission flow. If you were going to build a front-end to the Marketplace using the API, it wouldn't be the worst API to have. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't really do a great job of supporting automated submissions where everything is ready before the first request is made.
> It's also unclear in the docs whether it's possible to submit a new version of an existing app
> through the API (I'm not sure that it's possible currently).

Last time I checked, this is possible.
My only argument against a DELETE would be that we're deleting a property of a resource, and not a resource itself.

That said, I'm not especially pedantic about such things. Carry on!
Wrong tab, wrong bug. Ignore that!
Sounds like people don't want us to become a packaged app anymore. No priority for this then. Manual package updates should suffice.
Assignee: cvan → nobody
Target Milestone: 2013-10-01 → ---
We should do this.
Assignee: nobody → mpillard
Priority: P2 → P3
Assignee: mpillard → cvan
Priority: P3 → P1
Blocks: 998811
Priority: P1 → P3
Wiki outlining the manual packaging, submitting, an approving+signing instructions:

Commands for `make package`, `make submit_package`, `make approve_package`:
Assignee: cvan → mpillard
Mat and I talked on IRC, but this is what I started with:

(It doesn't actually work, but it's an outline of how it could possibly work.)

In Yogafire's for -dev, we should automatically create a new package + create a new version for 'marketplace-package' + sign it.
For stage and production, we should have a management command that we call from the command line to create the package, create the version, and sign the package.
PR for the management command approach
Management command fixed in

Syntax: upload_new_marketplace_package <path-to-zip>

I'll look into having this called automatically every time we deploy yogafire.
Whiteboard: [qa-]
Blocks: 1000301
No longer blocks: 998811
Depends on: 1005911
The management command works on -dev, I just pushed a new package using it (need to be ran with apache user, if you are curious), but I'm running into transaction issues - I'm hoping the upgrade to django 1.6.4 will fix those.
Depends on: 1005967
This is done. With this bug and jason's work in bug 1005967, yogafire now builds, uploads and sign a new dev package for every commit in yogafire.

Details of a deploy (click "deploy"):
Closed: 10 years ago
Component: API → General
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Create an API for directly submitting packaged apps for internal use → Create a management command for directly submitting packaged apps for internal use
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