Closed Bug 897156 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[tracking] Become a real packaged app


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Consumer Pages, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: basta, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf)

This is the countdown to packaged app-ery.

What's the ETA on this? And what will the new hostname be? I'll need to update our GA profiles with this information. I believe you mentioned in a previous email that it might be something like "app:// origin"

Let me know. Thanks.

We're hoping to get this done within Q3, though I'm not sure when we'll start shipping it.

The new origin will be "app://", though potatolytics could potentially send URLs with the https: origin instead, keeping the data consistent.
Whiteboard: [external blockers]
No longer blocks: tarako-marketplace
Blocks: 992365
I've created a true packaged app of the Marketplace. You can test it by installing "Inferno" from the Marketplace:

You'll notice you're running the packaged app version if there's a cute orange sun next to the Marketplace logo. (Also if you go to the debug page, by searching for ":debug", you'll see the Package Version listed there.)
Depends on: 1016323
Depends on: 1020500
Depends on: 1020504
Depends on: 1008343
Whiteboard: [external blockers]
Blocks: 1024014
Blocks: 1020721
Depends on: 1032214
No longer blocks: 1020721
Depends on: 1020721
There is a package at

Please open any bugs against it and block this.  Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(krupa.mozbugs)
Depends on: 1033155
Blocks: 1026666
No longer blocks: 1026666
Depends on: 1036087
No longer blocks: 992365
Blocks: 1037140
Depends on: 1038398
Depends on: 1037662
Depends on: 1041838
Whiteboard: [repoman]
Depends on: 1038350
Depends on: 1044225
Depends on: 1044229
Depends on: 1044230
Blocks: 1048896
Depends on: 1053935
Depends on: 981968
Depends on: 1055295
Depends on: 1055745
Depends on: 1058104
Depends on: 1057018
Depends on: 1061966
Depends on: 1059539
No longer blocks: 1048896
Depends on: 1064688
Depends on: 1059546
Depends on: 1073225
Whiteboard: [repoman]
Depends on: 1073098
Depends on: 1073454
Depends on: 1072977
Depends on: 1073690
No longer depends on: 1073225
Blocks: 1073690
No longer depends on: 1073690
Blocks: 1073454
No longer depends on: 1073454
Blocks: 1073098
No longer depends on: 1073098
No longer blocks: 1073098, 1073454, 1073690
Flags: needinfo?(krupa.mozbugs)
We've come a long way in this bug, including making several versions of the marketplace which are real packages.  I'm going to close this bug out though, as being a real packaged app isn't on our roadmap anymore.  See for where the v3 architecture is going.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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