Closed Bug 936669 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[story] Support Metrics for APKs in the FFx Marketplace


(Tracking :: User Story, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cgalimidi, Assigned: clouserw)



User Story

* As a developer, I would like to have the same metrics as I have for my 'normal' app.
* As a developer, I would like be able to see my metrics from the Developer Hub in the same way as I now can access metrics about my app
* As a developer, I would like to see % of installs on Android vs the other platforms
* As Mozilla Marketplace, we would like to # of App downloads for APK per app and aggregated.
* As Mozilla Marketplace, we would like to usage of Apps for APK in terms of how often each app is used.
      No description provided.
User Story: (updated)
Assignee: nobody → clouserw
Old User Story:
- Android apps have same metrics as all apps
- Developers know what % of installs are APK installs
- Internal Mozillians know # app downloads, app use of APKs

Open Questions:
Are there ADI pings?
Do we separate out app statistics - android APKs vs web apps?
Ability to add to FHR (like we do with add-ons)
User Story: (updated)
Blocks: 896007
No longer blocks: 896003
Blocks: 941926
No longer blocks: 896007
Blocks: 947023
No longer blocks: 941926
Download/install statistics will continue to work as expeced.  Update statistics are different (the ping goes to the Factory) so we expect to create an interface between the two so the factory can give us update counts.
> * As a developer, I would like to have the same metrics as I have for my 'normal' app.
> * As a developer, I would like be able to see my metrics from the Developer Hub in the same way as I now can access metrics about my app
> * As a developer, I would like to see % of installs on Android vs the other platforms

> * As Mozilla Marketplace, we would like to # of App downloads for APK per app and aggregated.
Is this the number of Android installs?  In which case, isn't it the same as #3 except adding some aggregation?  If so, we need to define that aggregation.  If using a current graph as an example is possible, let's do that.

> * As Mozilla Marketplace, we would like to usage of Apps for APK in terms of how often each app is used.
This also seems the same as #3 - what is the difference?

> * As Mozilla Marketplace, we would to deploy FHR in Fennec related to APKs downloaded and used.
I'm not sure what this is but I think it's for the FHR team and should be a different bug.
Flags: needinfo?(dalmstrom)
Reuse what we are using is what I was going for. Same metrics and reports as we do now.
User Story: (updated)
Flags: needinfo?(dalmstrom)

What are the specific dev tasks to deliver against this task?
(Do you need a "dev pair" on this or is it straightforward?)
Flags: needinfo?(clouserw)
Depends on: 973076
Depends on: 973079
(In reply to Caitlin Galimidi from comment #5)
> Wil 
> What are the specific dev tasks to deliver against this task?
> (Do you need a "dev pair" on this or is it straightforward?)

dependent bugs should cover the tasks
Flags: needinfo?(clouserw)
No longer depends on: 973079
Depends on: 973079
Blocks: 941926
No longer blocks: 947023
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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