Closed Bug 948584 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[DSDS][Settings] Edit PIN1 and PUK1 for both SIMs


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wmathanaraj, Assigned: arthurcc)



(Whiteboard: [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms])

As a user, I should be able to EDIT SIM PIN1, PUK1 to unlock each SIM.

Acceptance Criteria

AC1: I want the interface to match to how I edit single SIM - PIN and PUK
Summary: [DSDS] Edit PIN1 and PUK1 for both SIMs → [DSDS][Settings] Edit PIN1 and PUK1 for both SIMs
(In reply to Wilfred Mathanaraj [:WDM] from comment #0)
> As a user, I should be able to EDIT SIM PIN1, PUK1 to unlock each SIM.
> Acceptance Criteria
> AC1: I want the interface to match to how I edit single SIM - PIN and PUK

Hi Wilfred,

Edit here means to change the PIN code, right? If so, are we able to edit PUK?

Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
same as for PIN2 - yes this means editing PIN and not entering PIN.
If we dont support PUK editing in single SIM solution then we dont need it in dual sim either.
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
(In reply to Wilfred Mathanaraj [:WDM] from comment #2)
> same as for PIN2 - yes this means editing PIN and not entering PIN.
> If we dont support PUK editing in single SIM solution then we dont need it
> in dual sim either.

Thank you. Yes, we don't support PUK editing in single SIM solution.
Assignee: nobody → kaze
features should not block release, remove blocking flag
blocking-b2g: 1.4+ → ---
Whiteboard: [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms]
Flags: in-moztrap?(atsai)
QA Contact: atsai
Flags: in-moztrap?(atsai) → in-moztrap?(echu)
I’m afraid I have to unassign myself for now, as I still don’t have any DSDS device right now.

Feel free to take this bug, I’ll be happy to review patches or do some mentoring.
Assignee: kaze → nobody
ni? Arthur to confirm this is already done back in v1.3
ni? Carrie to confirm the implementation
Assignee: nobody → arthur.chen
Flags: needinfo?(cawang)
Flags: needinfo?(arthur.chen)
The v1.3 implementation already supports editing PIN1 on dual sim devices and it behaves the same as single sim devices.
Flags: needinfo?(arthur.chen)
(In reply to Arthur Chen [:arthurcc] from comment #7)
> The v1.3 implementation already supports editing PIN1 on dual sim devices
> and it behaves the same as single sim devices.

Hi Arthur, I found 2 1.4? bugs(both 1.3 and 1.4 have them) related to change PIN functions that would need your help to check them. They are bug 975293 and bug 975292.
(In reply to Joe Cheng [:jcheng] from comment #6)
> ni? Arthur to confirm this is already done back in v1.3
> ni? Carrie to confirm the implementation

PIN 1 can be edited in SIM security (done in 1.3) and PIN 2 can be edited in FDN (spec done in 1.4, which is produced by Neo). Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(cawang)
per comment 7, PIN1/PUK1 were done as part of 1.3. mark as resolve fix
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified on Fugu v1.4.

Gaia      6781459a49642ca0eb7ec3e95667808d5d77b656
Gecko     d574219c44f75c9dfb007274e9de0479ef51020a
BuildID   20140305053055
Version   30.0a1
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