Closed Bug 974474 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Ensure that QA has access to tile metrics


(Firefox :: New Tab Page, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: kairo)



(Whiteboard: [tiles] p=0)

To verify that bug 972930, bug 972933, and bug 972936 work, the responsible QA people (probably tracy and me) will need to have access to the metrics collected (or some kind of report created from them).

Once it's decided how/where the metrics will actually be collected, I'll move this bug to the fitting component. I'm also taking this myself for now as I'll coordinate getting that access.
Blocks: 972929, fxdesktopbacklog
No longer blocks: 972930, 972933, 972936
Whiteboard: [tiles] p=0
No longer blocks: fxdesktopbacklog
Hi Robert,
Bug 972930 and bug 972936 have been fixed. Any updates here ?
Flags: needinfo?(kairo)
Flags: firefox-backlog+
(In reply to Paul Silaghi, QA [:pauly] from comment #1)
> Hi Robert,
> Bug 972930 and bug 972936 have been fixed. Any updates here ?

Sorry, I was busy or distracted with other stuff for a bit.

Mardak, I see this is going to telemetry now. How can QA access the data to make sure the reporting works?
Flags: needinfo?(kairo) → needinfo?(edilee)
If this is about about:telemetry, I already verified bug 972930 and bug 972936.
1) Bug 972930 and bug 972936 were implemented with telemetry to generate non-url specific metrics.

2) Bug 975235 will cover impressions and clicks of specific tiles on the client to send to the server piece implemented in bug 995262.

3) Similarly, bug 993906 will provide data in the links fetch from the client to be processed by server side bug 993909.

The first item is handled by telemetry while the latter 2 are new server code that we'll want to make sure QA can access.
Depends on: 972930, 972936, 993906, 993909, 975235
Flags: needinfo?(edilee)
Depends on: 995262
Mardak, thanks for the info, I'll leave the bug open until we have verified QA can access the new server-side and verify the implementations through that as well.

Paul, great that you could already verify the telemetry parts. :)
Mass-move to Firefox::New Tab Page.

Filter on new-tab-page-component.
Component: General → New Tab Page
(In reply to Robert Kaiser ( from comment #5)
> Mardak, thanks for the info, I'll leave the bug open until we have verified
> QA can access the new server-side and verify the implementations through
> that as well.
> Paul, great that you could already verify the telemetry parts. :)

Kairo, any update on this?
Seems we didn't need anything from me there and we shipped it.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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