Closed Bug 97495 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

2.16 Release Tracking Bug


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect, P1)




Bugzilla 2.16


(Reporter: CodeMachine, Assigned: justdave)



(Keywords: meta)

This bug tracks the release of 2.16. Comment on any general issues to do with the 2.16 release here. Don't add any dependencies other than that of guaranteed permanent dependencies by definition (which is probably the 2.16 release notes and nothing else). The preliminary release process: 1 - verify everything is final and close the tree. No more last-minute fixmeups after the tarball is posted! :-) This means every bug targetted to this release must be closed except this one. That includes the release notes. 2 - ensure no references are present saying the software is an older version. 3 - ensure a security advisory is written if relevant. 4 - bump version number to the release version in and check it in. 5 - set cvs tags: a- cvs tag -FR BUGZILLA-2_XX b- cvs tag -FR -rBUGZILLA-2_XX Bugzilla_Stable 6 - make tarball: a- cvs checkout *** FROM *** b- cvs update -P to nuke the extra directories 7 - repeat step 1 one more time just to be sure 8 - upload tarball to ftp-staging 9 - bump version number to the development version in and check it in. 10 - update the web page at, including the new release notes and the security advisory if relevant 11 - sumbit news item to 12 - update 13 - post announcement to netscape.public.mozilla.webtools 14 - post any security advisory to netscape.public.mozilla.webtools and bugtraq. 15 - file a Release Tracking bug for next version 16 - file a Release Notes bug for next version 17 - go crazy
Keywords: meta
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.16
Depends on: bz-2.16-relnotes
You may consider avoiding the abbreviation "" as does actually exist, but it has nothing to do with ;). Just my 2 cents.
Depends on: 108581
7.5 - update Bundle::Bugzilla with new modules and new versions of modules listed in (or wherever they may relocate to); then upload to CPAN
step 7.5 (Bundle::Bugzilla update) complete unless there are last minute module changes.
Adding dependency on bug 126908, which basically amounts to an administrative file cleanup before release, and will probably be done as part of the release process.
Depends on: 126908
Adding bug 135707, more administrative cleanup stuff to do as part of the release.
Depends on: 135707
I don't think we should rename templates as part of the release process; it's quite possible we'll mess it up in any one of a number of ways. It should be done before the bake-off period that we are obviously going to have. :-) Gerv
Yes, Gerv is right. It's the same reason why jband wants to have some time between changing an interface and marking it frozen.
We should do this before RC1, but after my patch adding FILTER to a large number of the templates is done
Depends on: 133423
Depends on: 98266
Depends on: 139873
Step 1.5: rebuild the docs from sgml, and push the html version to the website
Removing bogus dependency. Only remaining dependency is the release-notes bug. Gerv
No longer depends on: 98266
2) is done. 1.5a) is done. 9) was done long ago. Gerv
Revised release plan (taking into account all of the above stuff plus adding and correcting a few things: items in (parens) are completed already 1 - verify everything is final and close the tree. No more last-minute fixmeups after the tarball is posted! :-) This means every bug targetted to this release must be closed except this one. That includes the release notes. ( 2)- ensure no references are present saying the software is an older version. 3 - rebuild the docs from the xml, and push the html version to the website 4 - ensure a security advisory is written if relevant. 5 - write a release announcement (but don't post it yet) ( 6)- bump version number to the release version in and check it in. 7 - set cvs tags: a) cvs tag -FR BUGZILLA-2_XX b) cvs tag -FR -rBUGZILLA-2_XX Bugzilla_Stable 8 - make tarball: a) cvs checkout *** FROM *** b) cvs update -dP to nuke the extra directories c) tar cfz bugzilla-2.xx.tar.gz bugzilla-2.xx 9 - repeat step 1 one more time just to be sure 10 - update Bundle::Bugzilla with new modules and new versions of modules listed in (or wherever they may relocate to) as needed; then upload to CPAN 11 - upload tarball to ftp-staging 12 - bump version number to the development version in and check it in. 13 - update the web page at a) Status Updates b) new release notes and the security advisory if relevant c) Update d) Update main page to announce the release 14 - submit news item to for inclusion on 15 - update the version tracking sites: a) b) 16 - post announcement to netscape.public.mozilla.webtools 17 - post any security advisory to netscape.public.mozilla.webtools and . 18 - file a Release Tracking bug for next version 19 - file a Release Notes bug for next version 20 - go crazy
For current status see Everything is done except for the updates to the version-tracking sites. I will do those tonight after I get back from picking up my kids. Otherwise, consider this baby released! :-)
updates have been submitted to the version tracking websites. I think we're done. :-)
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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