Closed Bug 975691 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Sora][Contacts] Contacts amount in the list does not match the imported amount.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Contacts, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sync-1, Assigned: arcturus)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

FFOS1.3 Mozilla build ID: 20140208004002
  Contacts amount in the list does not match the imported amount.
  Percondition: There are several contacts in the list(e.g.15 contacts)
  1. Idle -> Contects -> Tap "+" to add a contact -> Export Contacts -> Memory card -> Select all -> Export -> 15/15 contacts exported(OK)
  2. Back to "Settings" interface -> Import contacts -> Memory card -> 15/15 contacts Imported -> Back to contacts list interface -> Only 20 contacts in the list(K.O.)
  Contacts amount in the list match the imported amount.
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3?
Can someone confirm this in Moz QA?
Keywords: qawanted
Please take into account that while importing, the rules for merging are active, which means that we will merge automatically contacts that match the rules.

We have seen that behavior when testing several times, the export to SIM doesn't do that merge and if the SIM already contains contacts suitable of being merged you'll see this behavior.


I found that even it imports contacts correctly from SIM card, when I create one new contact, some of imported contacts lost in contact list. So I think it's problem of contact list display.
More information:

Even the lost contacts aren't showed in contact list, but they can be prompted in dialer.
Attached file Test Contacts vCard (deleted) —
This file is export from sim card.
Please verify the issue by this file, the contacts import can't complete and will lost many record in contacts list.
Some findings:

I tried to reproduce this issue with the attached vcf file, indeed it can be reproduced, the import process will stuck at 80/81, and once you hit the Cancel, you can see that the Contact app only import around 40 entries, not 80 as it indicated during the import process.

Then I delete the 81th entry in the vcf file and also reset the device to import the vcf again, this time I get 80/80, all the contacts in the vcf file are imported to the device successfully. So i guess there might be two questions here:

1. Anything wrong(format, syntax, etc) with the 81th contact in the attached vcf file that might cause the import fail?

2. If the import process is not complete and user cancels the import action, do we have a sound error handle mechanism?

BTW I test this with 20140218 build
Can you check to see if this reproduces on a 1.1 Buri device?
Flags: needinfo?(sync-1)
Keywords: qawanted
1.1 is OK
Flags: needinfo?(sync-1)
Partner just find that the import not complete after hitting the Cancel is caused by partner's patch for Chinese name sorting. However, still need Moz's help to check why the import stop at 80/81
Jason, Vance, don't you think we should file another bug for what you see in comment 6, and close this one as WORKSFORME?
Will take a deep look to this
Assignee: nobody → francisco.jordano
Waiting on QA testing before we make a blocking decision here. I want to understand if the original issue as filed reproduces on the latest 1.3.
QA Contact: mvaughan
The issue from comment 0 does reproduce on the 02/26/14 1.3 build on a Buri, as I understand it.

The way I tested this is I had 5 contacts, 4 of which had phone numbers associated with them. I exported all 5 contacts to the SD card and then imported them. After importing them, the footer message displayed "Imported 5 contacts" which could lead a user to believe they should see 10 contacts total in the list. However when I went back to my contacts list, there were only 6; out of the 5 contacts I imported, 4 of them passively merged. This causes the displayed number of contacts imported to not match how many contacts are expected to show up in the list after the import.
Keywords: qawanted
I think this needs a change from UX. I don't think we want to show "1 contact imported" either because the user selected 5 contacts. We probably want more something like "5 contacts imported, 4 were merged with existing contacts".

Note that the merge algorithm was made for 1.2, so it's completely expected that 1.1 does not reproduce this behavior. Moreover, I think either export or import (or both) to/from sdcard was made for 1.3 only, so I don't know how someone could even check this on 1.1.

I think we also need to check how this behaves when (for example) importing twice from gmail (which was existing in 1.1, but again, without merging) and have the same behavior for sdcard importing. Qawanted to test importing the same contacts from gmail twice on 1.3.
Keywords: qawanted
> I think we also need to check how this behaves when (for example) importing
> twice from gmail (which was existing in 1.1, but again, without merging) and
> have the same behavior for sdcard importing. Qawanted to test importing the
> same contacts from gmail twice on 1.3.

Importing twice from gmail should end up with 0 new contacts.

Which was the desired behavior. I'm closing this as WORKSFORME since we are doing what we were expecting, importing contacts and not adding duplicates (that was as requirement), by merging contacts.

Also I've created another bug, a new feature aligned with Juliene's suggestion, bug 977528, where we should be more clear on the message we give to the user, something like:
10 imported contacts
2 merged contacts

Definitely, for me NOT a blocker, that's why I opened a new one, with the description of what's happening and what we should (IMHO) do.

Please, if you still consider it a blocker, reopen and I'll kill the feature bug.

Thanks all!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
blocking-b2g: 1.3? → ---
Francisco, I'd still like to know if the message is consistent when we import twice gmail, and when we import twice from sdcard: do we have in both cases the message "imported n contacts"?
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #16)
> Francisco, I'd still like to know if the message is consistent when we
> import twice gmail, and when we import twice from sdcard: do we have in both
> cases the message "imported n contacts"?

Hi, in the case of gmail (and the import ways that show a list: fb and outlook) we show the number of contacts that have been modified in the list:

- If we import the first time and we click 3, we will display 3 contacts, but it could lead to the situation where the list has 2 contacts, cause of merging algorithms merged one automatically.

- We import again, the list shows the contacts that were imported previously, if you click 2 new, or unclick one of the previous, the total display will be the number of row affected in this last selection. Again we will display the number of rows affected, but that could lead to less contacts in the list cause of the merging rules.

Which leads me to believe that we need even more bug 977528, since we should say in some cases as well: We deleted 1.
Removing regressionwindow-wanted per comment 15 and removing qawanted per comment 17.
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