Closed Bug 978150 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Add form factor to submission process


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Developer Pages, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clouserw, Assigned: robhudson)



On submission of the app we'd like to identify the device type the app works with.  The best mockup to visualize this with today is -- we'd be adding a new section under the platform and above the hosted/packaged section.

The devices are "Responsive", "Phone", "Tablet", "Desktop" (wording subject to change - see bug 978149).
Blocks: 978156
Blocks: 968380
Blocks: 978160
Summary: Add device types to submission process → Add form factor to submission process
Blocks: 969243
Depends on: 978210
(In reply to Rob Hudson [:robhudson] from comment #2)
> Pull request:

Oops, wrong bug.
Blocks: 978210
No longer depends on: 978210
Closed: 10 years ago
Keywords: dev-doc-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2014-04-01

Would like feedback from UX here:

I'm glad we're making progress here, but this UI is confusing:

(1) Why do we allow the developer to select the platforms?

We have packaged app support everywhere. The only valid reason I can think of is if a developer has a native Android app in the Google Play store and doesn't want to release an OWA in the Marketplace as well; so the developer selects Firefox OS only.

(2) Many of the form factors don't make sense for the platform combinations:

The boxes I've checked are the only possibilities I am aware of:

a. Firefox OS:

    [x] Responsive
    [ ] Desktop
    [x] Mobile
    [x] Tablet

    A desktop Firefox OS doesn't exist.

b. Firefox for Desktop:

    [x] Responsive
    [x] Desktop
    [ ] Mobile
    [ ] Tablet

    A mobile- or tablet-version of Firefox for Desktop doesn't exist.

c. Android:

    [x] Responsive
    [ ] Desktop
    [x] Mobile
    [x] Tablet

    A desktop version of Firefox for Android doesn't exist.

(3) What happens when I want to target multiple platforms and form factors?

For example, with both Firefox OS and Firefox for Desktop platforms selected, which form factors do I select?

Or can I have mark my app as responsive for only Firefox for Android on mobile and tablet?

(4) We should get rid of the qHD buchet in favour of the form factors now (bug 987359).
Flags: needinfo?(pwalmsley)
Flags: needinfo?(asantos)
I think these are all good points. The best solution I can think of off the top of my head is this:

Remove the "platform" selectors completely and assume that if an app is "mobile" and/or "tablet" it will get shown on FFOS, if it is "desktop" it will get shown on FF, and if it's "responsive" it will get shown everywhere. In the requirements section at the bottom, where we currently have the qHD check box, we add a "publishing options" section that will initially contain a check box that says "I want this Open Web App to be available on devices running Android" (or something like that.)  I call this a publishing section because it's not unrealistic to expect to see other options like "I want this Open Web App to be available on Panasonic SmartTVs" or "I want this Open Web App to be available on IoT Co. Brand smart toasters" or whatever the next class of device that support OWAs is. 

This would leave developers focusing more on "what kind of hardware" is my app running on instead of "what operating system am I targeting" as well as removing all those weird potential miss-matches cvan pointed out above. 

Flags: needinfo?(asantos) → needinfo?(dbialer)
Past discussions and agreement:
We could just remove the platform selector completely.  However, there were some issues/concerns with reviewers to do that right away.  We agreed to use terminology phone/tablet and not one-handed/two-handed

This is a bit of an inverse selection order of what cvan propose in comment 6:

( )Responsive Design  if checked, include these Platforms [ ]Firefox OS [ ]Android [ ]Firefox for Desktop
(*) Select devices and platforms
[x]Phone:  if checked, [x]Firefox OS  [x]Android (default both checked)
[x]Tablet: if checked, [x]Firefox OS  [x]Android (default both checked)

Notes: Responsive Design means all form factors (screen sizes) - so the issue is about selecting platforms. 
Responsive Design and Select device and platforms are mutually exclusive.
Alternatively we could make it simpler

Your app will be available on valid Device / Platforms
Select Devices you would like to target:
(*) Target by device type
[X] Phone
[X] Tablet
[ ] Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux)

( ) Responsive  ---note---this could be mutually exclusive of the device type selector (target devices or responsive)

Select mobile device Platforms
[ ] Firefox OS
[ ] Android

Admittedly, some combos don't make sense, but I don't see tremendous harm or confusion either.
Flags: needinfo?(dbialer)
Flags: needinfo?(pwalmsley)
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