Closed Bug 969242 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Combine Android Phone and Android Tablet on submission page


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Developer Pages, enhancement, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clouserw, Assigned: asantos)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [feature])


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

Attached image Submit an app screen - 140205.png (deleted) —
We've decided to stop differentiating between "Android Phone" and "Android Tablet" as platforms.  This will be consistent with our other "Firefox" and "Firefox OS" platforms we support.  This bug is about changing the developer submission flow.  On Step 2 we choose between "Firefox OS" "Firefox for Desktop" "Firefox Mobile" and "Firefox Tablet".  Those options should become  "Firefox OS" "Firefox for Desktop" and "Android".  See attached for subtitles and mockup.
Attached image android-devices.png (deleted) —
Attached image firefox-desktop.png (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attached image firefox-os.png (deleted) —
I don't think this depends on bug 909458 - that's about desktop apps.  Signing already works on Android (albeit in a hacky way).
actually, isn't this a dupe of bug 845112?
Also, I have a really long email thread between product, ux and mkt-dev that goes over all of this that stopped in Nov 2013 without any action.  Let me know if I should forward/resurrect/copy to this bug.
Priority: -- → P1
We talked about this at the work week - this has to happen. Wil, do you have the etherpad of this discussion?
(In reply to Christopher Van Wiemeersch [:cvan] from comment #7)
> We talked about this at the work week - this has to happen. Wil, do you have
> the etherpad of this discussion?

I turned the etherpad into these bugs but if you're interested:
Dropping to P2 because I don't think this is required.
Priority: P1 → P2
Assignee: nobody → robhudson.mozbugs
Priority: P2 → P1
(In reply to Wil Clouser [:clouserw] from comment #2)
> Created attachment 8372059 [details]
> firefox-desktop.png

I noticed this png image is transparent inside the "screen" whereas the others are white. Which makes an inconsistency as you hover over them.

E.g. When I hover Firefox OS notice the yellow background, white inside:

vs when I hover Desktop the yellow bleeds through the "screen":

If that's not intended could I get a new firefox-desktop.png with the transparency in the middle removed?
Attached image firefox-desktop.png (UPDATED) (deleted) —
Rob: Updated firefox-desktop.png attached to bug, no longer transparent inside of graphic.
Attachment #8372059 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 10 years ago
Keywords: dev-doc-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2014-04-01
Severity: normal → enhancement
Whiteboard: [feature]
Re-opened because of revert.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Since this is hard to split into various separate bugs, let's also make this bug about all the bugs I'm about to dupe to this one.
Blocks: 999519
Blocks: 999227
Blocks: 999199
Blocks: 999188
Blocks: 987196
No longer depends on: 909896
The feeling was that in the end this didn't help much. It didn't make the submission flow much simpler or clearer and caused issues with the free and paid tab. It's sad to take this much work and not see it pushed live, but at this point the amount of issues it caused wasn't worth the importance of the feature.

After quite a lot of chat, we decided not to merge this in favour of the newer devhub ui.
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Not sure why we closed this and are not fixing the problem of a clearly documented submission issue.  The issues are:
* the submission page is confusing with the two sets of tabs that interact in non-intuitive ways.
* We need to separate out Paid vs Free, and the In-App payments.  Both Paid and Free apps may have in-app payments as well.  
* And not sure if we need to ask about in-app payments upfront as it isn't necessarily pertinent info at this point.  But if we do, this is a separate question.

I think a double tab interface is the incorrect interface for this type of selection process - and that is one of the sources of confusion.  Bug 978150 has more info.

Uploading a zipped Marketplace manifest file may be a future alternative, I think we need to fix this.  Would like to reopen and see if we can redesign this page instead of punting it.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Blocks: 1032516
No longer blocks: 968380
Assignee: robhudson.mozbugs → nobody
Target Milestone: 2014-04-01 → ---
We've tried to get this through from development but it hasn't happened. David and Tony can you two chat and give us some guidance.
Assignee: nobody → asantos
I will start a new bug as all the bugs are a bit convoluted as to what we really want.
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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