Closed Bug 991711 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

please move 1T drive from one seamicro chassis to another


(Infrastructure & Operations :: DCOps, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: arich, Unassigned)



We would like to borrow a 1T drive from (node 0 works) for use with Can you please move one over this week so we can install 2008r2 on it?
07:49:11 < phrawzty> arr: how long do you expect to be holding on to it ? 07:49:37 < arr> phrawzty: this is a poc, so probably not more than a few weeks? 07:49:55 < arr> if it works out, we order some for ourselves 07:50:05 < phrawzty> arr: "probably" is a dangerous word in mozilla speak :) 07:50:11 < arr> true enough 07:50:33 < arr> phrawzty: worst case, we buy you a new drive 07:50:47 < phrawzty> arr: fair enough.
colo-trip: --- → scl3
In addition, can you tell me whether one of these would work in the seamicro (right size/interface/fits in the sled)? If so, can we get one of those to test as well?
is it safe to assume node0 is this drive? Disk0/0 is up Model: ST91000640NS, Revision: BK03, Serial: 9XG17Q46 Id: 5000c5004057f498, Name: /dev/wd6c, Size: 931GB Server: 0, Vdisk: 0, Name: partition-0/0-00, Size: 930GB, Offset: 00000000GB opened service-now RITM0025350 for SSD order.
:arr, looks like all slots are occupied. which drive can i pull from to insert the 1tb drive? >15:04 <@ericz> van: So I think it confirms right there in what you pasted, disk 0/0 is for server 0 e.g. node 0.
here's the disk attached to that node: Vdisk: 0, Disk: 0/1, Name: partition-0/1-00, Size: 70GB, Offset: 00000000GB
And for future reference, we're testing on this node: # show server detail 1 Server Number 1 is up UUID : - Description: Location: Ccard-A1 NIC(s) : 8 NIC Number: 0 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8012 IP Address: DDNSName: - NIC Number: 1 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8014 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - NIC Number: 2 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8010 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - NIC Number: 3 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8016 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - NIC Number: 4 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8017 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - NIC Number: 5 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8011 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - NIC Number: 6 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8013 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - NIC Number: 7 MAC Address: 0022.9945.8015 IP Address: not assigned DDNSName: - Vdisk(s): 1 Vdisk: 0 Disk: 0/1 Size: 70GB Offset: 0000000GB BIOS: hyperthreading: ON C-states: OFF Cpufrequency-scaling: OFF Hide Top mem: OFF boot-order: hd0 pxe
For the ssd replacement, we are actually more interested in (which we can partition and use for nodes at a time) instead of the 256G. Would that work in the seamicro, and if so, can we procure one for next week while we test on the 1T SATA now?
service-now request updated.
this is the disk i moved: seamicro-c1> show disk Disk0/1 is up Model: INTEL SSDSA2CW080G3, Revision: 4PC10362, Serial: CVPR1476002W080BGN Id: 5001517bb2768818, Name: /dev/wd0c, Size: 74GB Server: 1, Vdisk: 0, Name: partition-0/1-00, Size: 70GB, Offset: 00000000GB i moved them between seamicros so not to lose track of the disks.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 982261
Hey, I saw this was closed, but didn't see anything about the SSD. What was the bug # for the SSD order?
Resolution: FIXED → ---
:arr, it's in comment 3 "opened service-now RITM0025350 for SSD order." i checked with ann earlier this morning as i'm also ordering a 500gb drive for jake's test and amazon screwed up her order. should be arriving tomorrow or the day after. 2014-04-14 12:27:PM Ann Ignacio - Changed: Reply/Additional comments [Reply/Additional comments] Update from Task: Checked with Amazon and they screwed up the order. I reordered it and they should arrive tomorrow, Apr 15.
when the SSD arrives, where will i install it in
Please put it in Disk0/2 We'll split that between (server id 2) and (server id 3)
1TB SSD replaced for Disk0/2
Closed: 11 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
thanks vinh/sal Disk0/2 is up Model: Samsung SSD 840 EVO 1TB, Revision: EXT0BB6Q, Serial: S1D9NSAF215924V Id: 50025388a02795b6, Name: /dev/wd6c, Size: 931GB
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
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