Closed Bug 102928 Opened 23 years ago Closed 17 years ago

MAPI: Unable to launch a migrated profile with simple MAPI


(MailNews Core :: Simple MAPI, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marina, Assigned: rdayal)



*** observed with 2001-10-02 build ***
Steps to reproduce:
- bring up a Wordpad;
- type some text into the Editor;
- click Send...
- note : at this point Mozilla will come up;
- chjose an old profile that needs to be migrated;
- Ok the migration process;
//no progress, no profile comes up, it will bring up mozilla if the profile
should not be migrated
Reassign to Krishna.
Assignee: tiantian → kkhandrika
Priority: -- → P2
changed to P3.
Priority: P2 → P3
Hi, Scott:

Is there someone in your team who is familiar with profile code? Can this person 
take up this bug?

We did a bug triage for all sMAPI bug today. Everyone has two bugs to fix within 
the next two days. We need some help. Thx.
Keywords: nsbranch
Priority: P3 → P2
Hmm this sounds like it might be pretty hard. What's the expected behavior that
the user should expect to see in this situation? Obviously we aren't going to be
able to send the message until the user goes through the account wizard the
first time. This means the mail 3-pane has to come up. So the user can go
through the account wizard and set up their mail accounts.
Keywords: relnote
Trying out from Windows XP machine, this looks like a dup of bug 84937 to me.
Adding Shiva to the cc list.

I will check what's going on with win2k machine. 
On Win2k : I don't see the problem I noticed on my XP box. There are some other
problems I have faced with some degree of success with some cases as explained

On triggering from Wordpad document's 'Send..' ->

It migrates the profile properly. Mapi username and password dislog comes up (we
are always bringing up the browser window and it is not even minimized blocking
the username and password dialog). After entering the data and pressing OK,
nothing happens. Mail Compose window is expected to show up. 

Now, manually open mail app and login into the migrated account.

Exit the app.

Now do the same i.e., open the Wordpad doc and do 'Send..' ->

Username and the password dialog comes up. Enter that data. Mail compose window
comes up with document attached (If you try to send new & unsaved document, you
get an alert in the wordpad dialog, click OK). Click on send. You are prompted
for password again. We should either cache the password enter at the beginnig or
not ask at all then. Document is sent successfully. One of the problems noticed
in this process is that when compose window comes up, there is no focus on the
'To' field neither can you get the focus clicking mouse at that spot. You need
to click onthe wordpad or doc or some other place and comeback to the compose
window. We need to break such dependencies.

So, finally coming to the original problem, there seems to be a need that
account be fully established (probabaly logged in once) meaning all relevant
prefs for that being available in order to carry out the mapi operations
successfully. Are there any prefs that we are looking for here which are
avaialble in existing accounts and not in migrated accounts ? 

Adding Esther to the cc list as she is aware of various bugs related to MAPI and
her findings on this could help us narrow it down further.
I tried this with this morning's branch build 0.9.4  2001-10-09 on windows XP
(the one with the fix that removed the User Name and Password dialog) and the
profile did migrate, but it didn't open into the Compose window after migrating.
 I clicked on Send To... again from Word97 and then the newly Migrated profile's
Compose window came up.  

1.  Make 6.2 the default mail app.
2.  Make sure you have a unmigrated profile in the previously displaye profile
3.  Launch Word97, type text and select Send To| Mail Recipient from the menu.
4.  When Profile manager comes up, select a profile that needs migrating.
Note: Netscape6 puts up the migrating message and then leaves you in the Word97
word document.  I checked the Task Manager and saw Netscape6 was still running
so I clicked Send To again and the Netscape6 Compose window came up.  I sent, it
sent and exitedm  then I exited Word and opened the newly migrate Profile to see
that it migrated.  It did.  
So the I see now is that it doesn't give you the Compose window after the
migration, but it did migrate.
Using 20011009 branch build to test.
This problem is still happening on my Win2K. Nothing happen after migration.

Using command line, netscp6.exe -compose, going through the same migration
process also fail to bring up New Message window.
what are the chances this is gonna make 094 branch?
Whiteboard: [Need ETA]
the chances should be 0 because this bug was minused at a pdt meeting last week
as pdt decided to release note it instead. The assumption being that it should
be pretty rare for someone to install the product then to try to invoke a simple
mapi session before setting up (or migrating) a profile. I think this bug should
be duped against the identical bug which says something like "fail to get
compose window when mapi invoked before mail accounts are setup". I think that's
the specific bug that we said release note and PDT- on. This is a dup of that.
Agree with Scott, we should resolve as dupe of Bug 103185 ... me thinks?!?!??!?
or vice versa. Bug 103185 is marked nsbranch-, relnote. I don' think the PDT
minused the MAPI bugs, we just helped the Simple MAPI team triage their list,
and they marked the bugs with nsbranch [+/-]. I say this because: 1) Either, I
failed to mark any of the bugs we decided not to take this round with PDT-, or
2) Tiantian was gonna minus those, we choose not to take this round. I think it
is the later, though ... because u know how i like to minus bugs ;-)
*** Bug 104466 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Release notes (draft) that I wrote on Monday, 10/8, has already taken care of 
this one. We suggest the user to first migrate the profile, then use the MAPI 

My understanding is: once the bug got the relnote keyword, it's out of 0.9.4. 

I can certainly add the nsbranch- keyword if necessary.
Priority: P2 → P3
Added nsbranch-, since that's how PDT would like see.
Keywords: nsbranch-
Keywords: nsbranch
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
Hi, Trix:

Please can you try the scenary in this bug on the latest build. My concern is:

(1) did the profile gets migrated properly?
(2) after the profile migration, did the compose window show up?

We'd like to see this bug gets fixed before the work on the next release of 
sMAPI. Need more info. 

I saw the problem on yulian's machine.  I tried to bring up mozilla with
-compose option by selecting a profile to be migrated.  Then also, the compose
window didn't come up after migrating the profile.  But, when I tried to bring
up mozilla with other parameters (I remember it was 'messenger') the mozilla
shows up after migrating the profile.  So, the problem persists irrespective of
MAPI with the compose window.  My poor guess is, the problem could be either
with Profile Migration or Compose Window code.
Blocks: 103807
here's the behavior with the latest branch release(2001-10-22-18-0.9.4):

if attempting use send a doc using a 4.x profile needing to be migrated, the 
migration process is successful and takes the user to the activation dialog 
which the user can then activate the profile.  at this point though, instead of 
displaying the compose window, netscape is no longer running(the netscape 
process has ended). if you attempt to send the doc again, it'll display the 
profile manager and the migrated profile is now displayed as a valid 6.x 
profile. selecting that profile will now display the compose window and the doc 
can now be sent successfully.

was also able to duplicate krishna's comments regarding launching compose window 
fails when attempting to migrate a 4.x profile  (but launching the email client 
does work (netscp6 -mail)). with that being the case, this is not a Simple Mapi 
Hi, Scott:

Can I reassign this bug to you or JF? Thx.
reassigning to rdayal.
Assignee: kkhandrika → rdayal
nominating ...
No longer blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbeta1
Whiteboard: [Need ETA]
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
removed tiantian from cc (bad alias; sends mail to jhooker)
QA Contact: trix → yulian
QA Contact: yulian → stephend
Product: MailNews → Core
as with bug 45777...
->WONTFIX since 4.x migation has been dropped on trunk. 

If one has an overwhelming need to see this fixed on branch, please attach a patch and reopen the bug.  Also, evaluate whether the issue is a bug or an enhancement request and adjust severity accordingly.
filter bugmail for "4.xmidrop" to delete these messages.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Keywords: relnote
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