Closed Bug 1091327 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

History title shown with "enhanced" styling when default links download finishes before thumbnail capture event


(Firefox :: New Tab Page, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox34 --- affected
firefox35 --- affected
firefox36 --- affected


(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)




(4 files)

Attached image screenshot of bug (deleted) —
 1. Start Firefox with a fresh profile, using an empty folder, e.g.:
      mkdir /tmp/empty; firefox -profile /tmp/empty -no-remote

 2. Immediately open a new tab, while the firstrun page is loading.

 - The new tab renders with a single tile, with no preview generated yet. Its title is "Firefox Nightly First Run Page".

 - After a second or two, the tab gets an "OUR 10 PRINCIPLES" preview (the manifesto default-tile's preview), *and* a "[SPONSORED]" label. The label overlaps the tab's title.

 - The tile probably shouldn't have the Mozilla Manifesto's preview-image
 - The tile should NOTE be labeled as "sponsored". (It's from my history!! It's the one site I've loaded so far.)
 - We also should perhaps have some safeguard against "sponsored" overlapping the tab title.
Summary: In fresh profile, an immediately-opened new tab page has just a single tile (the First Run Page), w/ incorrect "Sponsored" label, overlapping the title → In fresh profile, an immediately-opened new tab page has just a single tile (the First Run Page), w/ incorrect "Sponsored" label, which overlaps the tile's title
I hit this from my home network, which is on not-extremely-fast DSL. (Downloads max out at ~700 KB/s, usually)  I'm noting that in case a bit of network delay turns out to be important for making this reproducible.

I'm using Nightly 36.0a1 (2014-10-29)
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0

This seems to be highly reproducible -- I've reproduced this three times in a row, using a new empty folder each time, as noted in step 1 of my STR. (I also tried using a ProfileManager-generated fresh profile, and wasn't able to reproduce in that instance; not sure if that was just bad luck or not.)
I can reproduce in Beta34, too; so, this isn't a recent regression.
  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
  Built from

There, the first tile is for the "Welcome to Firefox" page, with URL:

I can also reproduce in Aurora, though to reproduce there, I need to specify a URL on the command-line, since it doesn't have a firstrun page by default (so I need to give it one). I launched Aurora like so (from inside my extracted Aurora build):
> mkdir /tmp/empty; ./firefox -profile /tmp/empty -no-remote  ""

I tried with a domain, too, but that doesn't trigger the bug (it doesn't get the Mozilla Manifesto preview-image or the "sponsored" label on the new-tab page).

Hence, setting "affected" for builds from 34 - 36.
Attached image screenshot of bug in beta (v34) (deleted) —
Attached image screenshot of bug in Aurora (v35) (deleted) —
The Mozilla Manifesto enhanced tile would appear on tiles. The screenshot in attachment 8513957 [details] seems to be a timing issue of somehow it knows it's an enhanced tile but the title isn't set and none of the default tiles are shown. I'm guessing opening another new tab page will show just default tiles.
Blocks: fx10
Oh oh. I think I know what's causing this. Initially you open the new tab page before default tiles are fetched, so it shows a history tile that also doesn't have a thumbnail yet. So in the background a thumbnail is being generated while default tiles are downloaded. By the time the thumbnail is done triggering a refresh thumbnail call, links data has been downloaded as well.

This results in..
1) only the one history tile is updated and none of the defaults are shown
2) the history tile image is updated to enhanced but not the title
clarkbw, I don't think this blocks anniversary. It should only happen for users who

1) immediately open a new tab on first run (not letting default tiles download)
2) wait on new tab long enough for thumbnail of to be generated

And it goes away on refresh or another new tab.
Blocks: 1050643
No longer blocks: fx10
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
(In reply to Ed Lee :Mardak from comment #5)
> I'm guessing opening another new tab page will
> show just default tiles.

Correct. This is only a problem the first time I open a new tab. (And only if I open the new tab within a second or two of starting Firefox.)
It's still mysterious to me why the history tab is marked as "Sponsored", though. If I wait a few seconds & open another new tab page (with populated tiles), the Mozilla Manifesto tile there is *not* marked as sponsored.  Do you know why that would be?
(This bug seems to happen if you use any first-run page whose domain happens to match one of our downloaded tiles.

This can be used for semi-silly effects with e.g. the Google Play store's "Chrome" page, since we have a tile for Android in the play store. So, if you happen to trigger this bug while starting Firefox at this page...
...then you'll see a new-tab tile for Chrome [albeit with a Firefox logo], marked as "SPONSORED". Screenshot attached.)
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #10)
> since we have a tile for Android in the play store

(sorry, meant to say "since we have a tile for Firefox-for-Android, linking to the play store")
(I agree with comment 7 -- this seems not-worthy-of-blocking, despite my contrived silly "sponsored link to chrome" example. In the real world, this will likely just cause a minor head-scratch the first time someone opens a new-tab page (if they even notice it).)
It's showing [SPONSORED] because it's a history tile being enhanced. I believe it was required by legal.

The enhanced tile should be showing the enhanced title instead of the history title, but because of this timing bug, image and indicator are being updated when the title isn't being updated.
Summary: In fresh profile, an immediately-opened new tab page has just a single tile (the First Run Page), w/ incorrect "Sponsored" label, which overlaps the tile's title → History title shown with "enhanced" styling when default links download finishes before thumbnail capture event
(In reply to Ed Lee :Mardak from comment #13)
> The enhanced tile should be showing the enhanced title instead of the
> history title

Per IRC -- this would still be pretty broken for the (admittedly-contrived) "Chrome for Android" example in comment 10.  Even with this timing bug fixed & everything working as it's supposed to work, it sounds like we'd end up with a tile labeled "Firefox for Android" which actually points to Chrome for Android.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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