Closed Bug 1050643 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Followup tiles work


(Firefox :: New Tab Page, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Mardak, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

Tracking some bugs related to enhanced tiles to prioritize after initial release of enhanced tiles in bug 1030832.
Depends on: 1050646
Depends on: 1071088
Depends on: 1070022
Depends on: 1064515
Depends on: 1071822
Depends on: 1059591
Depends on: 1054099, 1067173
Depends on: 1071635
Depends on: 1058971
clarkbw, are there bugs that are fixed in nightly that should be uplifted? Below is the current state of fixed and uplifted.

to uplift directly:
bug 1058971: [Legal]: text for sponsored tiles needs to be localized for Firefox 33

already uplifted:
bug 1045760: Enhance tiles more specifically than eTLD+1/baseDomain (e.g., no 
bug 1054099: Remove use of gradients in new tab page
bug 1067173: The page with Tiles is not rendered correctly

tracking-33, fixed nightly:
bug 1059591: Incorrectly formatted remotely hosted links causes new tab to be empty
bug 1062256: Improve the design of the »What is this« bubble on about:newtab
bug 1068181: NEW Indicator for Pinned Tiles on New Tab Page
bug 1070022: Improve Contrast of Text on New Tab Page

no tracking, fixed nightly:
bug 1064515: update learn more link for sponsored tiles overlay
bug 1071088: Hover-area is cut off at the bottom of the tiles
bug 1071635: checkSizing() and onPageFirstSized() cause uninterruptible reflows
bug 1071822: update the learn more link in the tiles intro popup
Flags: needinfo?(clarkbw)
(In reply to Ed Lee :Mardak from comment #1)
> clarkbw, are there bugs that are fixed in nightly that should be uplifted?
> Below is the current state of fixed and uplifted.

> no tracking, fixed nightly:
> bug 1071088: Hover-area is cut off at the bottom of the tiles
> bug 1071635: checkSizing() and onPageFirstSized() cause uninterruptible
> reflows

These two don't need to be

> bug 1071822: update the learn more link in the tiles intro popup
> bug 1064515: update learn more link for sponsored tiles overlay

These need to be uplifted.
Flags: needinfo?(clarkbw)
Depends on: 1073823
Depends on: 1075620
Depends on: 1081157
Depends on: 1007993, 1008929, 1068354
Summary: Followup enhanced tiles work → Followup tiles work
Depends on: 1091327
Depends on: 1071696
Depends on: 1099402
Moved blocking bugs from bug 977787
No longer depends on: 1045766
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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