Closed Bug 155562 Opened 22 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Ability to add a Zoom button to the Toolbar


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tanfeng, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access)


(1 file)

I use the zooming faculty very very often, but it's quite inconvinient to change
to ratio because the menus reside very deep.   So what about to add a "zoom"
button or 
a listbox along with the "search","print" etc.,just like the Opera browsers.
To UI design
Assignee: hyatt → mpt
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → User Interface Design
QA Contact: shrir → zach
have you tried Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- ?
This is an RFE. I doubt it'll land with the current UI...
Severity: normal → enhancement
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: A zoom button should be added on the tool bar → [RFE] A zoom button should be added on the tool bar
Yes. This is one of the buttons that should be available, but off by default, 
once Navigator has a customizable Toolbar. Clicking the button should drop down 
a menu identical to the Text Zoom submenu. Marking dependency. --> XP Apps: GUI.
Assignee: mpt → blaker
Component: User Interface Design → XP Apps: GUI Features
Depends on: 15144
QA Contact: zach → paw
Summary: [RFE] A zoom button should be added on the tool bar → Ability to add a Zoom button to the Toolbar
Keywords: access
See also bug 162208 (Chimera).
*** Bug 174400 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Two responses to Comment #4:

1.) I don't think that this option should be off by default.  Many *general*
users don't even know that it exists on the menubar, and are not aware of
keyboard shortcuts.  Advanced users, who you expect to customize the browser via
preferences, can turn off the button later.  Maybe I'm thinking more towards
Netsccape deployment.

2.) I would suggest that the interface be two buttons, one for zooming text (by
one step) and one for un-zooming text (by one step).  Therefore, three rapic
clicks of the zoom button would result in the text being resized 3 steps.  I
think that the idea of opening a dropdown or something else is not much better
interface than the menu-bar option.  

I figure that in most cases (based on my own use of zoom), when a user gets to a
page they probably only need to zoom the text by one step (up or down).  A
single button click would be much more easy than selecting from a menu.

A listbox might work OK too, but I would still suggest 2 buttons for zoom and

My apoologies for the duplicate bug.  I didn't find this one searching for "text
zoom". =(
Nielsen suggests making the Smaller and Larger buttons visible by default:
*** Bug 196546 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I realize that I'm probably in the minority, but I agree that this should
actually be on by default.
I agree with Jakob (comment 8). Furthermore, I think the amount of zoom should
optionally be dynamic, equal to the % zoom last selected from the view->text
zoom->other menu.
preliminary extension implementation 0100 GMT

taken directly (a few tweaks) from recent addition to trivial

proviso : current localisations of labels are long (makes buttons a bit wide)
only basic +/-/100% buttons currently

UI may be quirky
Reassigning obsolete bugs to their respective Seamonkey owners (i.e. nobody). 
If you want this fixed for Firefox, change the Product and Component accordingly
and reassign back to me.
Assignee: firefox → guifeatures
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Attached image ie_zoom.png (deleted) —
alternatively we can do like IE7 way.
No comment in about 5 months.

I expect the solution to this bug will become much easier when (and if) toolbar customization gets ported to Sm2.
Depends on: CustomToolbars
P.S. Resetting A+QA on the assumption that they aren't current anymore.
Assignee: guifeatures → nobody
QA Contact: pawyskoczka → guifeatures
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
No longer depends on: 15144
Blocks: 157199
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer blocks: 157199
Depends on: 1556972
No longer depends on: 1556972
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