Closed Bug 1585121 Opened 5 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Ensure RDM tests work with fission-capable RDM on fission-enabled browser


(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, task, P1)



(Fission Milestone:M6, firefox75 fixed)

Firefox 75
Fission Milestone M6
Tracking Status
firefox75 --- fixed


(Reporter: bradwerth, Assigned: bradwerth)


(Blocks 3 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: fission-rdm-mvp)


(9 files, 2 obsolete files)

(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request

RDM tests need to work with two prefs turned on:

  1. devtools.responsive.browserUI.enabled
  2. fission.autostart

This will likely reveal many RDM test failures. Part of the fix will be updating the helper functions in devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js.

Blocks: 1574888
No longer blocks: 1549775
Priority: -- → P3
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: fission-rdm-mvp
Depends on: 1593073

Tentatively moving all bugs whose summaries mention "Fission" (or other Fission-related keywords) but are not assigned to a Fission Milestone to the "?" triage milestone.

This will generate a lot of bugmail, so you can filter your bugmail for the following UUID and delete them en masse:


Fission Milestone: --- → ?

Blocks enabling Fission in Nightly (M6)

Fission Milestone: ? → M6
Assignee: nobody → bwerth
Priority: P2 → P1

Some tests will take more effort to get working in automation. As with many RDM features, the test harness struggles to test behavior that can be verified interactively (see meta Bug 1520057). The patches here will disable some tests to be fixed in a follow-up bug.

Blocks: 1616701

Many RDM tests check ui.toolWindow to get access to the store and document.
Instead of changing all of those tests, this creates an accessor to do the
right thing depending on whether the new browser UI is in use.

Tests need to check properties of the viewport element (to check size,
typically). This getter provides a way to do that that works with the new
browser UI.

Depends on D63411

There are two functional changes:

  1. Chain return values to task functions. This change allows the preTask
    return value to affect the behavior of the task, and for the return values
    of both of those functions to affect the behavior of the postTask. This can
    be used to create promises that are later awaited, for example.

  2. Wait before calling the task. Many RDM tests have entry points that wait
    for the viewport to be loaded and the device list to be populated.
    Additionally, for new browser UI tests need to wait until the viewport has
    been sized and placed correctly. These waits have been moved into the
    addRDMTaskWithPreAndPost function.

Depends on D63412

Depends on D63417

This doesn't activate the test yet (pass true as final arg to addRDMTask),
because of some problems with addDeviceInModal with new browser UI. More
fixes needed there.

Depends on D63418

Blocks: 1617215
Attachment #9127722 - Attachment description: Bug 1585121 Part 5: Fix and activate test browser_cmd_click.js. → Bug 1585121 Part 5: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_a* through browser_d*.
Attachment #9127723 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9127724 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9127717 - Attachment description: Bug 1585121 Part 3: Extend capabilities of addRDMTaskWithPreAndPost. → Bug 1585121 Part 4: Extend capabilities of addRDMTaskWithPreAndPost.
Attachment #9127720 - Attachment description: Bug 1585121 Part 4: Disable tests that can't be easily modernized for new browser UI. → Bug 1585121 Part 5: Disable tests that can't be easily modernized for new browser UI.
Attachment #9127722 - Attachment description: Bug 1585121 Part 5: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_a* through browser_d*. → Bug 1585121 Part 6: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_a* through browser_d*.

Changes to these tests are being bundled together to reduce the overall
number of patch parts.

Depends on D63417

Attachment #9127714 - Attachment description: Bug 1585121 Part 1: Make responsive/ui.js toolWindow into a read-only accessor. → Bug 1585121 Part 1: Make responsive/ui.js toolWindow into a read-only accessor, and use it in test functions.
Blocks: 1541692
Pushed by
Part 1: Make responsive/ui.js toolWindow into a read-only accessor, and use it in test functions. r=mtigley
Part 2: Define getter for responsive/ui.js viewportElement and use it in test functions. r=mtigley
Part 3: Give new browser UI ability to response to content window resize. r=mtigley
Part 4: Extend capabilities of addRDMTaskWithPreAndPost. r=mtigley
Part 5: Disable tests that can't be easily modernized for new browser UI. r=mtigley
Part 6: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_a* through browser_d*. r=mtigley
Part 7: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_e* through browser_s*. r=mtigley
Part 8: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_t* through browser_u*. r=mtigley
Part 9: Fix and activate RDM tests browser_v* through browser_z*. r=mtigley
Blocks: 1620413
Blocks: 1620417
Blocks: 1620421
Regressions: 1498336
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