Open Bug 1621326 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta] RDM Fission re-work - QA bug tracking


(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, task)



(Fission Milestone:Future)

Firefox 76
Fission Milestone Future


(Reporter: clara.guerrero, Unassigned)


(Depends on 23 open bugs, Blocks 5 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

This is a QA Meta bug tracking task to track all bugs logged by QA during RDM Fission re-work validation.

Summary: [meta] RDM - QA bug tracking → [meta] RDM Fission re-work - QA bug tracking
Blocks: 1625501
No longer blocks: 1625925
Depends on: 1647221
Depends on: 1647304
No longer depends on: 1647330
Depends on: 1648112
Depends on: 1648728
Depends on: 1648730
Depends on: 1648741
Depends on: 1648754

Moving Fission meta bugs that don't block Fission MVP to the Fission "Future" milestone.

Fission Milestone: --- → Future
Severity: normal → S3
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