Closed Bug 318733 Opened 19 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Reader 7.0.0?/7.0.5/7.0.7)


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: mark.masterson, Unassigned)



(Keywords: stackwanted)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7 (ax)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7 (ax)

When I close a pdf tab, causes ff to crash.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Most of time, open pdf in a tab, which is slow - but ok
2.When I try to close that tab, Firefox crashes
3. Have to kill process -- FF will not exit.

Actual Results:  
Freeze / Crash

Expected Results:  
Closing tab

using version 7 of adobe pdf reader.  Happens on both version 6 and version 7.  I am using it in default configuration.
That sounds like a hang, not a crash.
Keywords: hang
Summary: Closing PDF tab crash. → Closing PDF tab causes hang
I can confirm on 1.5 too. I always had this hang when opening a pdf in a tab or new window. The hang is certainly due to acrobat reader loading it's content and plugin so firefox waits a bit to show up the page when finished ...
If it's just slow, and then comes back, that's not a "hang".
Keywords: hang
(In reply to comment #3)
> If it's just slow, and then comes back, that's not a "hang".

sorry I didn't had the same definition of "hang"
slow for me is hang sometimes .. when it takes up to 5 sec or more I consider this like a hang (or temporary freeze). It's not smooth enought for me. The last time i crashed thought was while closing a pdf .. I always had this feeling when messing with acrobat reader (in browser), it's too slow like if it was bloated, if you know what I mean. Anyway, it's an acrobat issue I guess for the slow behaviour so .. not going to comment much on it.
It is slow to open the pdf (no matter the size of the pdf), and then freezes on exit -- you get the eternal hourglass of wait.  I always have to use the task manager to end the task, but if this does not work after two or three tries, I have to shut down the computer and reboot.

So I guess it is a hag/freeeze/crash thing with me.  This has NEVER happened with explorer -- so I am thinking it is a mozilla issue.  My guess is that adobe pdf reader is a more popular application than mozilla is -- so you need to respect the 500 pound gorilla, especially when you are trying to take on a 1,000 lb. gorilla (microsoft explorer).

It appears that no one is voting for the bug either, which might be helpful to get mozilla to fix it.
This bug report is essentially "plugins are slow", and while that may be true, that doesn't help anyone fix anything. There needs to be identifiable, specific issues for something to get fixed. If Firefox does crash, providing a Talkback incident ID would be the best course of action. Otherwise this bug as filed is most likely INVALID.
What is a Talkback incident ID?  This is a bug, not a plug-in problem.  When you do the error report to Microsoft, it says it is a problem with firefox and to deal with mozilla directly.  Firefox definetly stops responding, so there is a bug here.  Tell me how to give you more information - I am a prgramming noob and do not understand much, but I can follow instructions well, just point me in the right direction.  I can repeat this error easily -- it happens every time I close a pdf tab.
(In reply to comment #7)
> What is a Talkback incident ID?  This is a bug, not a plug-in problem.  When
> you do the error report to Microsoft, it says it is a problem with firefox and
> to deal with mozilla directly.  Firefox definetly stops responding, so there is
> a bug here.  Tell me how to give you more information - I am a prgramming noob
> and do not understand much, but I can follow instructions well, just point me
> in the right direction.  I can repeat this error easily -- it happens every
> time I close a pdf tab.

HELP --> Launch Talkback and put the agent ON. Try to reproduce this and when you get the crash send the incident ID to talkback servers and copy this talkback ID and post it here.

I would had post mine but they are all gone because of the auto-disabling issue I have with talkback .. and I loose all my IDs
erm. hangs don't trigger talkback, only crashes.

if you're willing to use a developer build, we can probably get some stack traces with it, but if it's a plugin problem, don't expect much.

at the very least you should copy the output from about:plugins so people know what version you're using.
Severity: critical → normal
Keywords: stackwanted
(In reply to comment #0)
> using version 7 of adobe pdf reader.  Happens on both version 6 and version 7. 

Problem when Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.0 is DUP of Bug 212067 and is already resolved by Acrobat Reader 6.0.1. See Bug 212067 comment #16.
Problem when Adobe Reader 7.0.x is similar to Adobe Acrobat Reader's Bug 212067 problem, but seems to be different problem, although regression is suspectable.

With Adobe Reader 7.0.5, with enabling "Display PDF in Broweser" option, I could easily reproduce freeze of AcroRd32.exe when closing Tab for PDF, using Seamonkey 2005120309-trunk/Win-2K on Celeron 500MHz/Memory 128MB notebook, Poorman's PC :-).
Killing of hanging AcroRd32.exe was the way to recover from freeze of Seamonkey in almost all freezes.

(Q1) What is the version of Adobe Reader?
     Please note that plugin's version number is 7.0.0
     even for newest Adobe Reader 7.0.5.
(Q2) Is killing of windowless AcroRd32.exe process from "Task Mangaer" 
     (Not started from start menu or shortcut. Stared by PDF open in browser.) 
     a effective recovery procedure from freeze of Firefox?
(Q3) Is starting "Adobe Reader 7" application before opening PDF in browser
     a work around?
     (This was a workaround when problem of Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.0.)

By the way, currently available simplest workaround of freeze issue is :
 - Disable "Display PDF in Browser" option in Adobe Reader's option settings.
If this bug's problem occurs when Adobe Reader 7.0.5, and if phenomenon is "Freeze of Firefox instead of crash of Firefox after opening/closing PDF when 'Display PDF in Browser' is enabled", and if the freeze of Firefox is recovered by killing hanging AcroRd32.exe process, I can confirm this bug based on same problem reported to Bugzilla Japan.
 -  (Sorry but in Japanese)

And the reporter in Japan says ;
 - Disabling other two options under "Display PDF in Browser" option
   was a workaround.
     (1) Optimizing option when displaying PDF in browser
     (2) Background loading option
     ( Sorry but I don't know exact english option text because I use )
     ( Japanese Adobe Reader 7.0.5.                                   )

When I disabled these two options with "Display PDF in Browser"=ON,
I couldn't reproduce hang of AcorRd32.exe, although I could easily reproduce
 the hang of AcroRd32.exe when these two options were enabled again.

To all problem reporters: Is disabling above two options a workaround? 
Another report to Bugzilla Japan.
 - (Q3) in my comment #10 was NOT a workaround and freeze of Firefox occured too.
I have another clue. When it became too annoying to kill the Foxfire browser hang up (100% cpu utilization) everytime I tried to close a pdf file within the browser, I decided to open up IE settings and make IE 6.0.2900.2180 check to see if it is my default browser (instead of Foxfire 1.5.01). So now when I open up mail with Thunderbird 1.5 and the email has a URL, when I click on the URL it still opens up within Foxfire instead of IE?? When I then subsequently click on a link to a PDF file I can open and close the PDF file and Foxfire no longer hangs. Go figure!! The puzzle is why did the URL not open within IE? How can I force Thunderbird to use IE instead (not that I would want to do that now, since the problem of hanging upon closing a PDF file has gone away).
I'm using Acrobat Reader 7.0.7
The other puzzeling thing is that after I kill Foxfire, Microsoft pops up asking to send an error report. How can I force Talkback to take precedence? 
I have another clue. When it became too annoying to kill the Foxfire browser hang up (100% cpu utilization) everytime I tried to close a pdf file within the browser, I decided to open up IE settings and make IE 6.0.2900.2180 check to see if it is my default browser (instead of Foxfire 1.5.01). So now when I open up mail with Thunderbird 1.5 and the email has a URL, when I click on the URL it still opens up within Foxfire instead of IE?? When I then subsequently click on a link to a PDF file I can open and close the PDF file and Foxfire no longer hangs. Go figure!! The puzzle is why did the URL not open within IE? How can I force Thunderbird to use IE instead (not that I would want to do that now, since the problem of hanging upon closing a PDF file has gone away).
I'm using Acrobat Reader 7.0.7
The other puzzeling thing is that after I kill Foxfire, Microsoft pops up asking to send an error report. How can I force Talkback to take precedence? 
Summary: Closing PDF tab causes hang → Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Acrobat 6.0)
Changing summary(replace "6.0" by "7.0") to focus on 7.0.x issue only.
Summary: Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Acrobat 6.0) → Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.x)
To mark.masterson(bug opener):
What was Adobe Reader 7's version when you opened this bug(2005-12-02)?
Adobe Reader 7.0.0? 7.0.1?
What version of Adobe Reader 7.x do you use now?
Hang after closing/trying to open PDF still occurs?
(Please note that PDF plugin version is still 7.0.0 even when Adobe Reader 7.0.7)
Summary: Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.x) → Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.0?/7.0.5/7.0.7)
Summary: Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.0?/7.0.5/7.0.7) → Closing PDF tab causes hang (Adobe Reader 7.0.0?/7.0.5/7.0.7)
(In reply to comment #4)
> when it takes up to 5 sec or more I consider this like a hang
This "terrible slowness of opening PDF" part is DUP of Bug 253117.
Although "terribleness" is improved by Adobe Reader 7.0.x than Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.x, startup time of Acrord32.exe is still sufficiently long for us.

mark.masterson, focus on "Hang when closing PDF" part in this bug, please.
I get the same behavior as already described.  PDF files are slow to open, and when I close the tab containing a PDF file, a dialog box pops up saying that Adobe Acrobat wants to close a file contained in the browser and asks me if that's okay, but I  never actually get to click any of the buttons; the entire Firefox user interface becomes unresponsive.  I have waited this situation out for more than just a few seconds, and it doesn't look like the hang is something that will resolve itself on its own.  I wind up having to terminate Firefox, which can be frustrating if I have several tabs open at the time.  

Something interesting is that it didn't hang when I simply typed in another URL in the tab containing an open PDF.  The dialog box I mentioned earlier came up, but this time I was able to use the buttons and everything behaved as intended (albeit a little slowly, but MUCH better than a hang).  

By the way, I am running Mozilla 5.0 and Adobe Reader 6.0.
A little more detailed information about my system (to append my post immediately above this one).  This is the information about my Firefox installation displayed in the About dialog box:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061206 Firefox/
To bug opener and all problem reporters:
Same question as Bug 351762.
Does your crash or hang or freeze occur even after Adobe Reader 8.1?
No response to Comment #20 for nearly one year...
Closing as INCOMPLETE.

To Reporter:
Crash/hang with Adobe Reader still occurs even after Adobe Reader 8, but it
seems to be limited in very special situation. See dependency tree for meta Bug
If you will encounter crash/hang/freeze problem, open new bug with setting
dependency to Bug 336184, please.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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