Closed Bug 768358 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

OV certificate for has expired


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: WebOps: Other, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Assigned: bburton)




We want to use for SSL tests and there is already a subdomain up with an EV SSL certificate. Sadly this one has been expired: The certificate expired on 6/24/12 11:28 PM. The current time is 6/26/12 10:21 AM. We need a new one as soon as possible to continue moving our SSL tests to that machine.
Blocks: 661121
So how would I go about getting a new SSL certificate?
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #1) > So how would I go about getting a new SSL certificate? Lets CC Al so he can give instructions. Also setting the user doc needed keyword so we can get this documented on MDN for later usage.
Keywords: user-doc-needed
Hm, that reminds me that Al is away the next time. So I have checked bug 639932 where we have requested the DV cert and it looks like IT would be in charge here. mrz, could you help us so that we can get this service up again? Do we have to move it to another product/component? Thanks.
Seeing no action here we probably have to move it into the IT section.
Assignee: nobody → server-ops-infra
Component: Infrastructure → Server Operations: Infrastructure
Product: Mozilla QA →
QA Contact: jdow
Version: unspecified → other
Assignee: server-ops-infra → server-ops-webops
Component: Server Operations: Infrastructure → Server Operations: Web Operations
QA Contact: jdow → cshields
Assignee: server-ops-webops → bburton
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIC2zCCAcMCAQAwgZUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlh MRYwFAYDVQQHEw1Nb3VudGFpbiBWaWV3MRwwGgYDVQQKExNNb3ppbGxhIENvcnBv cmF0aW9uMRQwEgYDVQQDFAsqLm1venFhLmNvbTElMCMGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYWaG9z dG1hc3RlckBtb3ppbGxhLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoC ggEBAMZs4Ejqb9b4AcGpnj4lPbg1KpPSMPsG1k1kjf5QAlhk1AYEi2jv9J80T4jy GHOoR+8q9MGFa9el4QpCE+0YfXr4MtAdxdDoOXo5PTEDFtVCZQ8ls3zx/SPeoYqF DRiOyaOYg+09CUKqmCVbgqGoBSk2e4xP/zJQp/5f5zDppp+waUtWiBwS0phoCbsS sDljPENnET1NZM1X90zY9a9dcTqzdhj0iQ+2UJACJiNtLeLDzLs0Ht3qNDRAf5YB 4BUdQHpXcTXlsh7aOxUqnaO1l8pgybg3x5PNbH6ufziotSycOp6Ur8DopgfeM9mJ PD0vLTBSilad7b8B+q/9VHKKOLcCAwEAAaAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQBG i1v+mmtzE/JOSQ46CQJviiv/wNYCdIr4chRpU3vrv24IOSn+Hlg6zeNLOAwiH7AG mlG4dLDY2fumYtFY28eHUhrzYniaujYctXOk1SGmz1BFbKG7m6A5BU04StpQbtAw 9a9g2BVBIDeWKJ3/9H/Lf12q08e4qx6sFPdOC6SUAc3w9aSOr3Sxr5austP2lT8V pPJCfGYupzxR6xOqKmy1eIwGbHhTJlJWDgpouOW+dtmOtk8J6SeHaJXZ3GoxY8fO Rgit3/ROWzeibY4mxKDMSjxzExQ1eZJA2AcRcF7k4JgnHcVtJXiYgK5QVekJ2GQc DNU91Dj78jna8Lg9Azp3 -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
Please note : 1) If this is a public facing website, we need to change whois information from Mozilla Corporation to Mozilla Foundation (so the EV cert will say Mozilla Foundation (US) in accordance with what engagement wants with public facing websites) 2) If 1 above doesn't hold, then we don't care :)
Jason, can you please take care of it? Brandon shall we move this bug into Mozilla QA / Infrastructure again, given that your work has been done?
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) from comment #7) > Jason, can you please take care of it? Brandon shall we move this bug into > Mozilla QA / Infrastructure again, given that your work has been done? This has not been ordered yet, I will be working on that today and it may take up to 10 business days for Geotrust to do the verification process
So I guess there was a misunderstanding on my part about this certificate and what kinds of certificate combinations are valid. The previous certificate was a wildcard certificate only. Per "Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates provide a higher level of assurance than older and existing types of SSL Certificates. In order to ensure that EV SSL Certificates are not issued fraudulently or misused after issuance, the regulatory body governing the issuance of EV SSL Certificates known as the CA/B Forum decided to require that issuing CA's validate the legitimacy of each and every Web address to which an EV SSL Certificate is assigned. Therefore, the issuance of "Wildcard" EV SSL Certificates for Web addresses such as "*" is not permitted. If you would like to purchase multiple EV SSL Certificates to replace your Organizationally Validated Wildcard SSL Certificate, contact Customer Support to inquire about our volume discounts." So we are not going to be able to issue you a certificate that is both a wildcard for * and it have the EV level of verification. If you want the certificate to be an EV level, then you'll need to provide a list of names, up to 10 names total, and I'll get the order going. Or, if you want a wildcard for, let me know and I'll proceed with an order for it. Thanks!
Brandon, then how did we get an EV cert a year ago?
(In reply to Al Billings [:abillings] from comment #10) > Brandon, then how did we get an EV cert a year ago? It had to have been for a single name or a limited set of names, do you have details on what URL(s) you had listed as being EV enabled?
Whiteboard: [pending decision on ssl cert type]
Oh, wait. See bug 639937. Looks like we decided to not use an EV cert on our side given the amount of costs. In that case we should stop any process and get the given subdomain removed from
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) from comment #12) > Oh, wait. See bug 639937. Looks like we decided to not use an EV cert on our > side given the amount of costs. In that case we should stop any process and > get the given subdomain removed from Ok, so per bug 639937 an EV certificate was never purchased for a DNS name. But, was/is falling under the non-EV wildcard for Do you want me to proceed with a renewal of the non-EV wildcard for
Whiteboard: [pending decision on ssl cert type] → [pending decision on wildcard renewal]
So given the IP address ( of this subdomain it falls back to as given by the Apache configuration. That means it's not the EV certificate which has been expired but the OV certificate (bug 639936). So there should be two things to fix here: 1. Do a renewal of the OV cert 2. Fix the Apache config so we do not fallback to OV certs for HTTPS connections ( Jason can you fix that please?
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) [away 07/27 - 08/05] from comment #14) > So given the IP address ( of this subdomain it falls back to > as given by the Apache configuration. That means it's not > the EV certificate which has been expired but the OV certificate (bug > 639936). > > So there should be two things to fix here: > > 1. Do a renewal of the OV cert > Sorry, I missed your comment here, when you say OV, do you mean a wildcard for * ? Thanks > 2. Fix the Apache config so we do not fallback to OV certs for HTTPS > connections ( Jason can you fix that please?
(In reply to Brandon Burton [:solarce] from comment #15) > Sorry, I missed your comment here, when you say OV, do you mean a wildcard > for * ? Yes, please check the cert yourself on the updated URL.
Summary: EV certificate for has expired → OV certificate for has expired
Blocks: 725486
Brandon, can we get an update on that renewal? Thanks.
No longer blocks: 725486
Sorry for the delay, I've been on PTO True BusinessID Wildcard Enrollment Thank you for your True BusinessID Wildcard certificate request Your order number is: 8913651 Processing time is 7-10 business days, but we can usually get them to do it in 2-3 days, I'll update the bug as I get updates from them.
Thanks Brandon! Jason, can you please update the cert on accordingly?
Ack. Something got screwed up here, and is down now. I did the following: 1. Updated the crt file for the SSLCertificateFile to use the above Web Server Certificate 2. Updated the intermediate crt file (SSLCACertificateFile) to use the above Intermediate CA Digging into this - Looks like the private key's modulus is different than the above certificate's modulus, which likely implies that either the private key is wrong or the above certificate is wrong. As a result, I can't get the server back up and running right now. Brandon - Are you sure that's the right cert?
Also restarted the server in the above steps in comment 21.
I've temporarily commented out the apache config part for the above URL and restarted the apache server to get running.
Hm, this is bad. Jason, have you made a backup before replacing the content of the crt files? I hope so and I wish we can revert this change until we found the solution.
Whiteboard: [pending decision on wildcard renewal]
Sorry, I was not expecting you to try to update it, I was planning on doing this myself, but I am in London for a work week and was tied up yesterday. Yes, we did generate a new private key, I'll replace the private key on your web server and get the config working, shortly
I did not realize is hosted on a rackspace VM. I don't see that we have a root login listed for this box. Can you add my ssh pubkey to root *or* I can email the private key via a GPG encrypted email? Thanks ssh-rsa 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
Email the private key via a GPG encrypted email.
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #27) > Email the private key via a GPG encrypted email. Can you email what your PGP key ID is so I can retrieve it from our key server and email your the private key? Thanks!
Jason, can you please make sure we can get this bug fixed in the next days?
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) from comment #29) > Jason, can you please make sure we can get this bug fixed in the next days? Sorry, I was on vacation from 8/23 - 8/27. I'll look into this on 8/28.
(In reply to Brandon Burton [:solarce] from comment #28) > (In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #27) > > Email the private key via a GPG encrypted email. > > Can you email what your PGP key ID is so I can retrieve it from our key > server and email your the private key? > > Thanks! ping. I sent you my public key, but haven't heard back from you yet.
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #31) > (In reply to Brandon Burton [:solarce] from comment #28) > > (In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #27) > > > Email the private key via a GPG encrypted email. > > > > Can you email what your PGP key ID is so I can retrieve it from our key > > server and email your the private key? > > > > Thanks! > > ping. I sent you my public key, but haven't heard back from you yet. I am unable to find your PGP key on public key servers, please submit it with gpg --send-keys KEYID so that it's available to search Thanks!
Brandon, I tried adding the private key you specified with the public key above, but I'm still getting an error: [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch And now the server is down again. I'll get that fixed shortly. I think the problem is likely since that the private key given here only applies to the public key stated above, but doesn't apply to the other public keys being used on the server.
And we're back up, but the issue in comment 33 still stands.
Change comment 33 - the general case with the private key doesn't work.
Whoops, somewhere along the way a csr and key were generated, but the ones I used were named, so tab complete fail on my part I just emailed you what should be the correct key
(In reply to Brandon Burton [:solarce] from comment #36) > Whoops, somewhere along the way a csr and key were generated, but > the ones I used were named, so tab complete fail on my > part > > I just emailed you what should be the correct key That worked, although I realized there's two caveats that will need to be taken care of as followups: - We need to update the self-signed mozqa certificate against the new private key for - We'll need to update the certificate file and CA certificate file for Henrik - Are both of these URLs ( and needed to be maintained? If so, I'll file followup bugs for the certificate updates for each one.
Closed: 12 years ago
Keywords: user-doc-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 787234
Follow up action item is tracked in bug 787234.
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #38) > Follow up action item is tracked in bug 787234. Fixed the self-signed cert. Second action item is tracked in bug 787252.
Component: Server Operations: Web Operations → WebOps: Other
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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