Closed Bug 780821 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Outreach to YouTube to serve HTML 5 content to mobile devices, not flash content


(Web Compatibility :: Mobile, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jsmith, Unassigned)



YouTube currently functions well on FF Android mainly due to the fact that content served will open up video content in the YouTube Android app. However, this strategy will not work on Firefox OS. Firefox OS does not support Android intents and additionally, does not support flash content. We need to ensure that YouTube only serves us HTML 5 content to Firefox OS especially, as too much flash content served will likely provide a bad user experience to anyone consuming the site, as they will not be able to watch many videos. YouTube so happens to be a top site, so outreach is critical here to ensure we get good content served to our device.
Though this is an evangelism bug, this so happens to be a pretty critical one to get that might warrant a block. If YouTube isn't working, then we're bound to get waves of complaints by our users of Firefox OS about a heavily visited top site failing to function to work almost entirely.
blocking-basecamp: --- → ?
Blocked on the WebM & h264 bustage on FF OS.
blocking-basecamp: ? → ---
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: Evangelism → English US
Product: Firefox for Android → Tech Evangelism
Assignee: english-us → nobody
Component: English US → Mobile
Blocks: b2g-youtube
Blocks: 877024
Ah. One point of clarification - bug 877024 has been tracking any gaia/gecko (client-side changes) required. bug 871970 has been tracking the TE work required. So we've got the right links here.
No longer blocks: 877024
Meant to say - bug 871910 is tracking the tech evangelism work.
with Youtube now serving Firefox OS 1.1 the correct content, can we close this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(jsmith)
Yup. We can close this as fixed.
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jsmith)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
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