Closed Bug 786177 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Buildbot config changes to support Mountain Lion - Thunderbird


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: standard8, Assigned: kmoir)




(5 files, 4 obsolete files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #777759 +++

Please port these to Thunderbird, to keep the build systems & platforms in sync.
Assignee: nobody → kmoir
Attached patch patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I ran 10.8 Thunderbird tests on my dev master today with the above patch and found the following issues with the tests
1) comm-central opt test mozmill failed because install_name_tool isn't available on these slaves is this is required in resources/ 
2) comm-central opt test xpcshell tests timed out, I'll attach the log
Attached file log from running xpx shell tests on 10.8 (obsolete) (deleted) —
I should have mentioned that install_name_tool is included with XCode which isn't part of our 10.8 image, it is on the 10.7 slaves.  It was suggested in bug 773710 that we could install a homebrew version of this binary so I'll investigate that option.
(In reply to Kim Moir [:kmoir] from comment #1)
> 2) comm-central opt test xpcshell tests timed out, I'll attach the log

Did the debug xpcshell pass? If you didn't try it, would you be able to try it please? I suspect there may be more in the log.

(In reply to Kim Moir [:kmoir] from comment #3)
> I should have mentioned that install_name_tool is included with XCode which
> isn't part of our 10.8 image, it is on the 10.7 slaves.  It was suggested in
> bug 773710 that we could install a homebrew version of this binary so I'll
> investigate that option.

Have you got anywhere with this? I'm not sure if there's a way around that, I guess it is virtualenv that needs it.
I'll run the debug xpcshell tests and post the results and no I haven't found a way to install it without XCode yet.
The command line tools (with install_name_tool) are now available as a separate dmg from Apple, I've tested this and the xpcshell Thunderbird tests pass. I'll attach a Puppet patch for review.
Patch to install the dmg for command line tools from Apple so install_name_tool is available for Thunderbird tests.  I didn't use the pkgdmg module to install it because the dmg has to reside in a private location on the server.  Didn't know if refactoring the pkgdmg module to accept a repo path was really worth the effort given this just applies to one package.
Attachment #663012 - Flags: feedback?(dustin)
Comment on attachment 663012 [details] [diff] [review]
patch to install command line tool developer tools for Mountain Lion

We should have more structure in that directory -- probably a mirror of what's outside, so private/DMGs/*.dmg.

The pkgdmg module should be refactored to accept a 'private => true' flag.  However, that filename doesn't follow the pkgdmg module's conventions, so if that's the filename from Apple, then the module should have a 'filename => ..' argument overriding its normal filename generation.

It'd be helpful if people are replicating this externally to give some hints as to where to find this DMG from Apple, even though we can't release it directly.

Finally, would 'packages::xcode_cmdline_tools' be a better name?  Mozilla's got a lot of stuff floating around that fits under the name "developer tools".
Attachment #663012 - Flags: feedback?(dustin) → feedback+
Attachment #663012 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #663157 - Flags: review?(dustin)
Attachment #663157 - Attachment is patch: true
Comment on attachment 663157 [details] [diff] [review]
refactor pkgdmg, install command line tools for Xcode

Review of attachment 663157 [details] [diff] [review]:

This can be shrunk a lot with a simple change, but otherwise looks fine.

::: modules/packages/manifests/pkgdmg.pp
@@ +1,1 @@
> +define packages::pkgdmg($version, $private, $dmgname) {

If you give these default values:
  ..($version, $private=false, $dmgname=undef)
you can remove all of the diffs for packages other than the xcode packages.

@@ +5,5 @@
> +                }
> +                default: {
> +                    $filename = $dmgname
> +                }
> +        }

There are some whitespace problems here, too - tabs, maybe?
Attachment #663157 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review-
thanks for the suggestions Dustin, this is much better
Attachment #663157 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #663490 - Flags: review?(dustin)
Attachment #663490 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review+
Attachment #663490 - Flags: checked-in+
looks like they timed out
Attachment #657341 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file logs from running mozmill tests today (deleted) —
some test failures
Attachment #657338 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #666539 - Flags: review?(jhopkins)
Comment on attachment 666537 [details]
logs from running xpcshell tests today

Hmm, the Mozmill failures might just be semi-random. The xpcshell tests ones I'd need the actual log (it doesn't list the test that is failing), although it may be helpful to see a debug build for that.
Comment on attachment 666539 [details] [diff] [review]
patch to support testing TB on 10.8

Looks good to me
Attachment #666539 - Flags: review?(jhopkins) → review+
This is for comment #15.  This had the same result as the non-debug tests, not sure if this is the log you're looking for.
Ok, that failure is somewhere around the Mac code for the address book, and I suspect it may be something specific to 10.8.

Probably easiest if we get this at least enabled on try-comm-central, and then we can debug from there. Enabling on other branches is fine as well if you want, we'll just hide them.
Comment on attachment 666539 [details] [diff] [review]
patch to support testing TB on 10.8

Thanks jhopkins.  Standard8, I've landed this patch and it will be enabled with the next reconfig.
Attachment #666539 - Flags: checked-in+
For some reason, this patch was in the default branch but didn't make it to the production branch during the last reconfig.  I don't know why, the default branch shows the change but the production branch doesn't recognize that this change needs to be merged.  In any case, I've released this change to the production branch and I'll watch to see if the TB tests run on this platform.
Depends on: 797905
No longer depends on: 797905
The tests ran, xpcshell is orange, but as noted in comment #18 this is expected.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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