Closed Bug 786513 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

verify full keyboard access is off by default on 10.8 slaves


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kmoir, Unassigned)



from philor: kmoir: - we've got the same failure on 10.8, is full keyboard access on by default so we should fix the test, or did it get flipped on the ref image?

I need someone to help out and login to a mtnlion mac slave and verify that Preferences->Keyboard->Keyboard Shortcuts->Full Keyboard Access pref isn't set to "All controls" 

I'm tethering via my phone to work this week and I can't vnc to a slave because it would take too big of a chunk out of my data plan.

You can do this via the command line:
defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode
which I checked and it doesn't list that key on ours slaves. It would be a good idea to confirm via the ui as well.
Blocks: 731278
What's the best way to connect with VNC ? 10.8 doesn't seem to like CoRD as a client, and I'm having trouble making the standard auth work if I go cmd-k in finder and use something like vnc://
Oops, I meant Chicken of the VNC instead of CoRD.
On a mac
Finder -> Go -> Connect to Server -> vnc:// -> Connect
login with cltbld credentials 
connect to virtual window 

I own bug 779678 to configure the 10.8 slaves so you can connect via Linux vnc, right now that's not working
Apparently having to use a Mac is more burden than I would have guessed, it seems to have completely stopped anyone but you from being able to connect to one :)
I'm flying back home today (was away for family emergency) and will be able to connect via vnc tonight/tomorrow and look at the configuration of the slaves.
Just looked at a slave from the airport, full keyboard access is enabled for text boxes and lists only, not all controls.
Extremely curious fact: the test wasn't actually failing all the time, only maybe two thirds of the time, and not "on two thirds of the slaves" but "two thirds of the time on any given slave."

Personally, I'm quite willing to believe any one of "FKA manages to turn itself on after two of every three reboots" or "the code that checks for FKA gets the wrong answer two of every three times" or "we lie about what checking FKA told us two of every three times" or practically anything else.
There isn't any code in the puppet modules that changes the full keyboard access preferences.  We just leave the defaults that are associated with the reference image.  Is there anything else I can do to help from a releng perspective?
I'm going to close this since default keyboard access is off by default for all controls, reopen if you need anything else.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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