Closed Bug 82655 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Modify Form Manager dialogs to use new editable menulist widgets


(Toolkit :: Form Manager, defect)

Windows NT
Not set





(Reporter: cmanske, Unassigned)



(Keywords: smoketest, Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND need r=, sr=)


(9 files)

The xul widget <menulist editable="true"> combines a textbox (input field) with
a popup menulist. The default behavior for this has been modified according
to expected standards. (See bug 82652).
The Form Manager's use of these widgets assumes that the selected item doesn't
change when the the menu is opened, so it needs to use set the attribute:
to retain it's previous behavior.
Depends on: 82652
Accepting -- patch comming soon.
Severity: normal → critical
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
Steve: ready for your review. You must also apply the patch to fix 82652 before
testing this. Who is a good SR= candidate?
Keywords: patch, regression, review
Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND need r=, sr=
Oops! I removed the debug dump line:
+dump("*** UpdateMenuListValue: menuItem.value = "+menuItem.value+"\n");
from my file.

cc'ing alecf for super-review.  I'll test this out right now, and if it works 
I'll add my r=.

Charlie, thanks for taking care of this
I applied the patch presented here, but was not able to apply the one in 
bug 82652 (see comments in that bug report).  With only this one patch applied, 
I'm still getting the wrong behavior.
well, assuming the other bug makes this bug work, sr=alecf
Things are looking much better.  With the revised patch posted in bug 82652, the 
form-manager use of editable menulists is working fine again.

However the prefill dialog's use of editable menulists is broken.  To 
demonstrate that, do the following:

1. From menu, go to tasks->privacy->form-manager->demo
2. Click on sample 1
3. Fill in name field with "Steve"
4. From menu, click on edit->save-form-data
5. Change the name field to "Charlie"
6. Repeat step 4
7. Erase the value in the name field
8. From menu, click on edit->prefill-form

At this point you will see editable menulists for each field that can be 
prefilled -- in this case the name field.  That menulist will contain both 
"Steve" and "Charlie" as choices.

9. Select "Charlie" in the menulist and click OK.  "Charlie" gets prefilled as 

10. Repeat steps 8 & 9 but this time select "Steve".  It gets prefilled as 

11. Now repeats steps 8 & 9 but this time type an entirely new name into the 
editable menulist.  When you click OK, you'll see something get prefilled, but 
it won't be the new name that you typed.
The files in involved for the prefill dialog are those in 
extensions/wallet/walletpreview, specifically walletpreview.js and 
*** Bug 82780 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding smoketest keyword.  See dup bug 82780 for details.
Keywords: smoketest
This is a smoketest blocker? There's a lot of Composer funtionality that gets
busted routinely that isn't considered smoketest blockers!
All these problems will be fixed for 0.9.2
It's a smoketest blocker because it blocks B.25 section of the smoketest.  
That's what dup bug 82780 reported.
The changes to the last file (WalletPreview.js) in cmanske's posted patch is 
wrong.  Attaching a revised patch just for that last file.

r=morse for the other files in cmanske's patch.  Charlie, please do a review on 
my patch for WalletPreview.js.  Thanks.
The latest patch (5/29) contains all earlier (already reviewed) changes plus
recent changes to WalletPreview only. r=cmanske on that.
One additional change is that I removed all onmousedown="Append(this)" handlers
for wallet dialogs. I don't think they're needed -- the "onchange" handler is
enough. Steve: My tests confirm this, but please test yourself to be sure.
When everthing is confirmed to work, please give your "r=" on the whole thing.
so what's left for me to sr=? which patches are valid and have reviews?
Alec: Use just the last patch. The only changes you really need to SR are
those in WalledPreview.js, and you assessment on removing all the "onmousedown"
handers from all the previously-reviewed dialogs (just about all the wallet
UI dialogs.)
ok, looks good, sr=alecf
Looks bad to me.  I get a failure when I try to apply the latest composite 
patch.  Namely:

|Index: editor/WalletAddress.xul
|RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/wallet/editor/WalletAddress.xul,v
|retrieving revision 1.4
|diff -u -r1.4 WalletAddress.xul
|--- WalletAddress.xul   2001/03/22 00:57:47     1.4
|+++ WalletAddress.xul   2001/05/29 16:01:44
Patching file WalletAddress.xul using Plan A...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 60.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 70.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 80.
Hunk #4 succeeded at 90.
Hunk #5 succeeded at 100.
patch: **** malformed patch at line 66:
Did you back out any existing changes before applying new patch? I'll update and
supply a new one ASAP.
Of course I backed out the previous changes before applying the patch.  In fact, 
I backed out several times so that I could alternately apply your 5/25 patch and 
your 5/29 patch.  Each time I did so, the 5/25 patch worked (for all but the 
wallet preview of course) and the 5/29 patch did not work.

I'll fetch your latest patch and try again.
Same failure with newest patch.  **** malformed patch at line 66:
Problem is that the bad patch has a blank line where it shouldn't.  Namely in 
the @111 section, following <html>&addressZipcode.label;</html>
Very weird! I don't see that extra line in the "Updated patch" (5/29/01 15:46).
Is it some weird lf/cr problem?
Can you generate a complete patch using your "Good subpatch" and the rest of
my updated patch?
Sorry, I'm just attaching what "cvs diff -u" gives me!
Do you not see the following lines when you view the 05/29/01 15:46 patch, with 
a blank line before <box>?

@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@

Nope. I just re-saved that attachment to a new file and the blank line isn't
I see:
@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@
-          <menulist id="postalcode.prefix" editable="true" flex="55%" width="0"
-                    onchange="Append(this)" onmousedown="Append(this)">
+          <menulist id="postalcode.prefix" editable="true"
autoSelectMenuitem="false" flex="55%" width="0"
+                    onchange="Append(this)">

So please just delete the blank line in yours and see if complete patch works.
Sorry, Charlie, but with the blank line removed I can get passed the patch-time 
error message but then the form-manager dialog doesn't work properly.  Original 
problem -- I can't add new entries to the editable menulist.

Can we stick with your 5/25 patch and my 5/27 ammendment?  That works fine.

r=morse for cmanske's 5/25 patch excluding the change to WalletPreview.js
my sr= still stands, however you apply the patch.. 
*** Bug 83724 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
That's SR=kin
Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND need r=, sr= → FIX IN HAND
Blocks: 83989
a= for checkin to the trunk.
(on behalf of drivers)
Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND → fixed, reviewed, a=asa
checked in.
Closed: 23 years ago
Keywords: regression, review
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: fixed, reviewed, a=asa
Now all of the panels in the dialog are empty for me (6/8 build, winXP).
Resolution: FIXED → ---

references 'data' twice.  Those should be 'value', although they probably 
aren't causing this problem (and existed before the change).
Blake: Can you please be more specific? Which dialogs? (This work affected all
the "Wallet" dialogs.)
The "data" usage existed before, and it's ok to leave that.
Oops, sorry -- the Form Manager (Edit | View Saved Data).

Data was an old menulist property that has since been changed to value.  That 
must have been a missed case; it really should be changed...
Ok, I see the missing dialog widgets. I'm getting the JS error:
chrome://communicator/content/wallet/WalletViewer.js line 124: elementIDs has no
when dialog loads.
I don't see how my changes could have caused this; it worked during last testing
about a week ago.
This problem is not caused by my changes, but by the fix to bug 62730.
This relocated the Wallet UI from "content" to "locale" directory.
Maybe this is a build problem?

Adding depends on bug 62730
Depends on: 62730
Since there's a new bug to cover the problems with Form Manager dialogs,
bug 85300, I'm marking this fixed again.
Verification is dependent on getting 85300 fixed, but this bug is fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Depends on: 85300
No longer depends on: 62730, 82652
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 80176 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Verified fix checked into
Form manager's use of editable menulists is once again broken.  You can't enter 
several items into a menulist.

To reproduce:

go to edit->view-saved-data
point curson on any of the editable menulists on the page
type in some text
open the menulist and select the blank entry
type in some more text
open the menulist again

expected result:

the previously entered text should appear as one of the selections in the list

actual result:

the previously entered text is not in the list
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Problem appears to be that the onchange handler for the editable menulist never 
gets called.
However if you do the following, the onchange handler is getting called and the 
menulist behaves as it is supposed to (you are able to enter several values into 
the menulist):

go to edit->view-saved-data
point curson on any of the editable menulists on the page
type in some text
select another menulist
select the original menulist again and open it

At this point, the original value entered is seen as one of the values inside 
the menulist.
The patch that cmanske checked in (5/30/01 10:31 New patch for all wallet 
changes) makes the following two changes to all the form-manager's editable 

1. adds the attribute autoSelectMenuitem="false"
2. removes the onmousedown="Append(this)" attribute

If I back off the second part of the patch (restore the onmousedown attribute), 
everything works fine again.
It's quicker to describe my proposed patch than to generate it.  It's simply to 
back out 1/2 of cmanke's patch, namely the half that deals with removing the 
onmousedown attributes.  In other words, restoring the attribute 
onmousedown="Append(this)" in each place that charlie's patch removed it.

cmanske, blake: please r and sr this proposed patch.  thanks.
I don't support the proposed change (adding back the "onmousedown" handlers).
Since someone broke the "onchange" handlers, we should fix that instead.
They worked before and still work in the 0.9.2 (NS RTM) branch build.
Ok, I see what's going on. It only occurs in Classic. The reason I didn't like 
the "onmousedown" fix is because it might be hiding an important problem in the 
"onchange" handling. So after thinking about it, I'm not sure if onchange should
fire when user opens the menulist (it does in Modern, it doesn't in Classic.)
The "onmousedown" fix isn't adequate, since user can open the menulist by 
pressing the down arrow key as well -- in that case the Append() method wouldn't
fire. The solution to get the behavior you want when menulist is opened, you
must add "Append(this.parentNode)" to each <menupopup> elements under
each <menulist> that uses onchange="Append(this)"
The really bad news is that this bug does happen in the RTM branch, also just
in Classic skin.
Keywords: review
Whiteboard: FIX IN HAND need r=, sr=
Milestone reality check.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
r=morse if it really works (I haven't had the time to test it out).
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
New patch from 7/24/01 checked in.
We should probably add a release note for the 0.9.2 branch (NS rtm build)
Verified Fixed Win XP build 2002013003
Assignee: cmanske → nobody
Product: Core → Toolkit
QA Contact: tpreston → form.manager
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → ---
Version: Trunk → unspecified
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