Closed Bug 937442 (lockscreen-window) Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Window Management] Implement LockscreenWindow to manage LockScreen


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System::Window Mgmt, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alive, Assigned: gweng)




(3 files, 3 obsolete files)

No matter we're having a standalone LockScreen app or not,
it's better if we could move current lockscreen into scope of window management.
Alias: lockscreen-window
Summary: [Window Management] Implement LockWindow to manage LockScreen → [Window Management] Implement LockscreenWindow to manage LockScreen
Since this bug relevant to LockScreen and is a facility change, I would start to survey it.
Assignee: nobody → gweng
Attached file Patch (deleted) —
Implemented the LockScreenWindow and LockScreenWindowManager.

The LockScreenWindowManager would also create the LockScreen and LockScreenWindow. Because this is really a simple case so I don't implement the factory.

And there're some code mocking the iframe's behavior and do some hacking tricks in the LockScreenWindow. If I done it improperly, please give me some advices.

We can remove these hacks after we put a really app-ize LockScreen inside the iframe. If we complete it, we can adjust these two constructors with:

1. Remove the LockScreen HTML template. Because the HTML would be provided by the app's entry file.
2. Remove the mocking functions and properties inside the LockScreenWindow.
3. LockScreenWindow would no need to create both LockScreen and LockScreenWindow. The former would be created inside the app while it got loaded.
Attachment #8384469 - Flags: review?(alive)
Comment on attachment 8384469 [details]

Cancel review for singleton of lockscreenWindow. Don't need to have multiple running lockscreen Window I think.
Attachment #8384469 - Flags: review?(alive)
Comment on attachment 8384469 [details]

Fixed the patch and set review again.
Attachment #8384469 - Flags: review?(alive)
Comment on attachment 8384469 [details]

Some tests are failing please check before sending review.
Also some more nits.
Attachment #8384469 - Flags: review?(alive)
Passed all relevant Travis tests:

The errors it shows are irrelevant to lockscreen. I'll push another commit to re-run those timeout issue.
Comment on attachment 8384469 [details]

Since the patch passed all related tests, reset the view flag.
Attachment #8384469 - Flags: review?(alive)
Attachment #8384469 - Flags: review?(alive) → review+
I'll try to land this tomorrow after solving all conflicts.
The six questions:

> Is this a good idea?
Yes. While we're refactoring System to manage these window-like
components with managers, this is a good idea to achieve that. Beside
that, this is also important for lockscreen-as-an-app, while the later
bug needs a window to manage the LockScreen app.

> What problem does it solve (and for whom)?
As above.

> Is it high priority?
Yes. Because this blocks the LockScreen refactoring plan I mentioned
in dev-gaia. And this also blocks the lockscreen-as-an-app bug, which
is one part of our 1.5 plan.

> Are there any risks involved in doing this?
Unknown regressions

> Who should I ask for input? Who should at least know that this is happening?
- Tim as the owner of Gaia, and the lockscreen reviewer
- Alive as the owner of System and reviewer
Travis now is only failed at irrelevant tests (APP=search)

I would test it again at another clean Gaia. If it still fail, I would land the code after resolved the last conflicts (from the SystemDialog).
Attached image Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 16.45.18.png (deleted) —
I've found the error would occur even with the clean Gaia (re-cloned from mozilla/b2g and sticked on the master branch). So I attached the screenshot and would land the patch later.
Attached file New Patch to master branch (obsolete) (deleted) —
The same patch but would be landed in master. Not obsolete the original one to keep the review logs.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
It seems you had some unrelated changes that may have slipped in here, possibly due to a conflict. See:

This resulted in several failing marionette tests, so we had to back this out. Please fix, wait for a travis green, and re-land.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Thanks Kevin. I now start to survey which parts cause the search app failed. If it's not the failed tests you mentioned, please tell me.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Kevin: Travis now is all green:

So I would land it again. Cross finger!
Attached file New Patch (obsolete) (deleted) —
New patch after the back-out.
Attachment #8399284 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Something is wrong here, after the first unlock there's no clock in the status bar and first icon on the right is battery. I know it's related to this because when the patch were backed out the clock near the battery icon appeared again.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Thanks for remind. I've tested it on my device and it actually happen (so sad). One more thing I can confirm is if we boot the device without LockScreen, the clock would appear. But after I set it on via Settings, the clock on the status bar would disappear, and never appear again.

I think I need to backout this first, and then to fix it again.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Sorry for bringing such annoying/upsetting news, I just didn't want it to go unnoticed.
No problem. It benefits me that someone can remind me which part may be broken.
Attached file New Patch (obsolete) (deleted) —
Fixed the asynchrnous LockScreen and LockScreenWindow states in LockScreenWindowManager.

Waiting Travis.
Attachment #8399767 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Fixed the failed test of FindMyDevice. Waiting Travis.
Merged again,

Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hi Greg,

sorry had to backout/revert this change for a test failure like
Resolution: FIXED → ---
I believe this can be solve with one line fix in the test file (didn't require the shared library). But Travis should told me this...
Attached file New Patch (deleted) —
Let's try again!
Attachment #8400350 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
It looks like this caused a regression -
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Depends on: 992466
I've solved the issue at the Bug 992466. The patch now is set 'r?' .
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
The patch is now landed.
Some really poor test code here, potential infinite loop and a repeated action which could mask real failures.

This should not have been done this way. Basically just how it was before was best practice and correct. Your change is just masking some other kind of problem.

Snowman, can you fix it?
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
The problem is the error (before I added the code) would only occur on Travis, and the patch would pass the test perfectly on my local machine (any time, every run). So I think before I "masked" it, there is something already wrong, but I lacked the skill to debug with Travis in such case, so the code you saw now is the only found that I've found.

And I remembered the problem is, even after I successfully execute the |_slide_to_unlock|, the panel would still not display. But if I inserted two or more |_slide_to_unlock|, the panel would show. I remembered this is tough because if you check the code of the |_slide_to_unlock| function, the |find_element| it called should guarantee the element can be manipulate, or there would be some error at the line the Action chain manipulate it. So obviously the unlocking function done it's work at the first time, but the consequence of its effort not happened, although it actually done at the local console.

Anyway, I'll fire a bug to try to fix it again. I would log any discovery to record any strange situation here.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
Depends on: 992903
Thanks Greg!
Depends on: 992281
Depends on: 992934
This patch has caused too many critical regressions (see the dependencies). Let's get this backed out.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm) → needinfo?(gweng)
Keywords: checkin-needed
I gather some of these bugs happened because we're now in an embarrassing situation: we have an ordinary window class just like other windows in the System app, but we don't have the corresponding isolating LockScreen app. So some events now handled by the LockScreen class would need to be handled by the window as well, and some events should be migrated to be handled only by the window class. I think my options is:

1. Back-out this patch and fix the regressions mentioned by Jason, and landed it again

This would at least solve the current regressions. However after my re-landing, new regressions may still appear due to the reason above, because I can't do so detailed tests as QA team did (and thanks for that). I can only let the patch pass all tests again as it already did, and "looks fine" on my local device (test all STR of all discovered regressions on this bug).

Of course the new regressions should be fewer compares to it before the back-out. However I may need re-run this back-out & regressions flow several times until the thing finally get stable enough. I'm afraid that we may both suffer from this.

2. Jump to the next step to make LockScreen as an app and land it with the window at the same time

If regressions are really caused (as I gathered) by the lacking of corresponding LockScreen app (so I must do so many workaround), these problem may be exposed more easily if we just jump to make LockScreen as an app, and land the both bug at the same time. Because at the early testing stage I may be better to find these problems because there would be no ambiguous questions that the events should be handled by whom.

The risk is this would force me to re-schedule the whole LockScreen refactoring plan, and may result in more bugs from those components that related with the LockScreen. However if LockScreenWindow continuously cause regressions due to the above reason, I think the schedule would still be delayed.
Flags: needinfo?(gweng)
No longer depends on: 992934
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #39)
> This patch has caused too many critical regressions (see the dependencies).
> Let's get this backed out.

Greg have discussed with me offline and I think base on the current status I disagree with the statement above.

Yes, there are 4 existing regression bug, but none of them are smoketest breakage, and two of them are already fixed, 1 under review, and 1 non-reproducible locally. I think we are on track on handling them, judging by the turnaround time of these bugs and the current project schedule. We can re-evaluate if the situation changes (# of regression bugs explodes or schedule changes again, like 1.4).
... and now we are down to 3 as I type.
Adding to the pile: This patch breaks debug b2g desktop builds, outlined in bug 994900. Backing it out restores our ability to use B2G Desktop in debug.
No longer blocks: 994900
Depends on: 994900
Got it. Debugging and NI to know the detail STR.
I've encountered problem to reproduce the Bug 994900. Kyle and me now trying to solve this inconsistent result in the bug.
Blocks: 985037
Depends on: 1020917
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