Closed Bug 95854 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

2.14 Test Bug


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: myk, Assigned: justdave)


(Keywords: meta)

Use this bug to test problems you encounter with Bugzilla version 2.14 on When you make submit changes to this bug, include the number of the bug you are testing in your comment field.
testing bug 95857
testing bug 95857 again
I triggered the problem reported in bug 95857 with the following addition to the cc: list:,,, , a space here --^ ^-- and another one here
testing bug 95857
more testing of bug 95857
Reversing database corruption caused by bug 95857 and bug 95798. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
testing a keyword bug yet to be filed.
Keywords: nsenterprise
testing same bug, nsenterprise -> nsenterprise+
Keywords: nsenterprise
bingo. Activity table shows nsenterprise removed, does not show nsenterprise+ added. Now removing nsenterprise+
Keywords: nsenterprise+
adding nsenterprise+
Keywords: nsenterprise+
removing nsenterprise+, bug 95890 filed.
Keywords: nsenterprise+
testing bug 95890
Keywords: nsenterprise+
nsenterprise+ -> nsenterprise testing bug 95890
Keywords: nsenterprise
testing fix for bug 95890
testing bug 95890 again, this time going nsenterprise+ -> nsenterprise
Test of fix for bug 95890 successful. Removing "nsenterprise" keyword, renaming this bug to "2.14 Test Bug," and setting the target milestone to 2.14 so that it shows up on queries for 2.14 bugs (and can be closed like the release notes bugs when 2.14 ships).
Keywords: nsenterprise
Summary: bug for testing problems with version 2.14 on b.m.o. → 2.14 Test Bug
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.14
Random meta keyword to help bzbot.
Keywords: meta
Component: Bugzilla → Bugzilla-General
Product: Webtools → Bugzilla
Version: Bugzilla 2.13 → 2.13
we're at the end of the 2.14 release cycle. To the best of my knowledge everything that needs testing code-wise now has been, so no reason to keep this test bug open. If you find something to test, feel free to continue using this as a playground. :-)
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Pasting v5 of the release notes so I can get tooltips on most of the bug numbers. I can then check the rest by hand :) --------------- After many hours of banging heads against brick walls and much imbibed caffeine, the Bugzilla team is proud to announce Bugzilla 2.14. This release is primarily a security release, in order to rectify security issues. However, some other important changes were made. Recommended Practice For The Upgrade ------------------------------------ As always, please ensure you have ran after replacing the files in your installation. It is recommended that you view the sanity check page (sanitycheck.cgi) both before the upgrade and after running after the upgrade, to see if there are any problems with your installation. It is also recommended that if you can, you immediately fix any problems you find. Be aware that if the sanity check page contains more errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily mean there are more errors in your database, as it is likely they weren't being checked for in the old version. Administrators must make sure that certain files are inaccessible or confidential information might become available to enterprising individuals. This includes the localconfig file and the entire data directory. Please see the Bugzilla Guide for more information. ************************** *** ABOUT THIS VERSION *** ************************** Bugs referenced in the following text are bug numbers on *** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** - Bugzilla 2.14 no longer supports old email tech. Upon upgrading, all users will be moved over to new email tech. This should speed up upgrading for installations with a large number of bugs. (bug 71552) - There is new functionality for people to see why they are receiving notification mails. Previously, some people filtered old email tech notifications depending on whether they were in the To or the CC header, in order to get a limited way of determining why they were receiving the notification for filtering purposes. Existing installations will need to make changes to support this feature. The receive reasons can be added to the notifications as a header and/or in the body. To add these you will need to modify your newchangedmail parameter on editparams.cgi, either by resetting it or appropriately modifying it. The header value is specified by %reasonsheader% and the body by %reasonsbody%. For example, the new default parameter is: -------------------------------------------------- From: bugzilla-daemon To: %to% Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary% X-Bugzilla-Reason: %reasonsheader% %urlbase%show_bug.cgi?id=%bugid% %diffs% %reasonsbody% -------------------------------------------------- (bug 26194) - Very long fields (especially multi-valued fields like keywords, CCs, dependencies) on bug activity and notifications previously could get truncated, resulting in useless notifications and data loss on bug activity. Now the multi-valued fields only show changes, and very big changes are split into multiple lines. Where data loss has already occurred on bug activity, it is indicated using question marks. (bug 55161, 92266) - Previously, when a product's voting preferences changed all votes were removed from all the bugs in the product. Also, when a bug was moved to another product, all of its votes were removed. This no longer occurs. Instead, if the action would leave one or more bugs with greater than the maximum number of votes per person per bug, the number of votes will be reduced to the maximum. The person will still be notified of this as before. If the action would leave a user with more votes in a product than is allowed, the limit will be breached so as to not lose votes. However the user will not be able to update their votes except to fix this situation. No further action is taken in this version to make sure that the user does this. (bug 28882, 92593) *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - Multiple instances of unauthorised access to confidential bugs has been fixed. (bug 39524, 39526, 39527, 39531, 39533, 65572, 70189, 82781) - Multiple instances of untrusted parameters not being checked was fixed. These included definite security holes. (bug 38854, 38855, 38859, 39536) - After logging in passwords no longer appear in the URL. (bug 15980) - Procedures to prevent unauthorised access to confidential files are now simpler. In particular the shadow directory no longer exists and the data/comments file no longer needs to be directly accessible, so the entire data directory can be blocked. However, no changes are required here if you have a properly secured 2.12 installation as no new files must be protected. (bug 71552, 73191) - If they do not already exist, will attempt to write Apache .htaccess files by default, to prevent unauthorised access to confidential files. You can turn this off in the localconfig file. (bug 76154) - Sanity check can now only be run by people in the 'editbugs' group. Although it would be better to have a separate group, this is not possible until the limitation on the number of groups allowed has been removed. (bug 54556) - Data was being echoed back to the user without being escaped on process_bug.cgi. (bug 87701) - The password is no longer stored in plaintext form. It will be eradicated next time you run A user must now change their password via a password change request that gets validated at their e-mail account, rather than have it mailed to them. (bug 74032) - When you using product groups and you move a bug between products (single or mass change), the bug will no longer be restricted to the old product's group (if it was) and will be restricted to the new product's group. (bug 66235) - There are now options on a bug to choose whether the reporter, assignee, QA and CCs can access a bug even if they aren't in groups the bug it is restricted to. (bug 39816) - You can no longer mark a bug as a duplicate of a bug you can't see, and if you mark a bug a duplicate of a bug the reporter cannot see you will be given options as to what to do regarding adding the reporter of the resolved bug to the CC of the open bug. (bug 96085) *** Other changes of note *** - Groups can now be marked inactive, so you can't add a new restriction on that group to a bug, while leaving bugs that were previously restricted on that group alone. (bug 75482) - backdoor.cgi has been removed from the installation. It was old code that was Netscape-specific and its name was scaring people. (bug 87983) - You can now add or remove from CC on the bulk change page. (bug 12819) - New users created by administrators are now automatically inserted into groups according to the group's regular expression. Administrators must edit the user in a second step to override these choices. Previously the administrator specified these explicitly which could lead to incorrect settings. (bug 45164) - The userregexp of system groups can now be edited without resorting to direct database access. (bug 65290) *** Bug fixes of note *** - The bug list page was sometimes bringing up a not logged in footer when the user was logged in and the installation was using a shadow database. (bug 47914) - You can now view the bug summary in your browser title for a group-restricted bug if you have proper permissions. (bug 71767) - Quick search for search terms did not work in IE5. This has been worked around. (bug 77699) - Quick search for search terms crashed NN4.76/4.77 for Unix. This has been worked around. (bug 83619) - Queries on bugs you have commented on using the "added comment" feature should be a lot faster and not time out on large installations due to the addition of an index. (bug 57350) - You can now alter group settings on bulk change for groups that aren't on for all bugs or off for all bugs. (bug 84714) - New bug notifications now include the CC and QA fields. (bug 28458) - Bugzilla is now more Windows friendly, although it is still not an official platform. (bug 88179, 29064) - Passwords are now encrypted using Perl's encrypt function. This makes Bugzilla more portable to more operating systems. (bug 77473) - Bugzilla didn't properly shut down when told to - some queries could still be sent to the database. (bug 95082) *** Outstanding issues of note *** - Bug counts (on reports.cgi) can be very slow if you have to count a lot of bugs. In this case the connection can time out before the page finishes loading. Extending the cgi timeout on your web server might help this situation. (bug 63249) - Renaming or removing keywords will not update the "keyword cache", and queries on keywords may not work properly, until you rebuild the cache on the sanity check page (sanitycheck.cgi). The changer will receive a warning to do this when altering the keyword. (bug 69621) - Email notifications will not work out of the box if you are using Postfix, Exim or possibly other non-SendMail mail transfer agents, as Bugzilla sends mail by default in "deferred" mode using the "-ODeliveryMode=deferred" command line option, which needs to be supported by the sendmail program. To fix this, you can turn on the "sendmailnow" parameter on the Edit Parameters page (editparams.cgi). (bug 50159) - The new options to let people see a bug when their name is on it but who aren't in the groups the bug is restricted to only allow people to view bugs if they know the bug number. It still will not show up in these people's buglists and they will not receive email about changes to the bugs. (bugs 95024, 97469) ********************************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.10 OR EARLIER - 2.12 ISSUES *** ********************************************************** *** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** - There is now a facility for users to choose the sort of notifications they wish to receive. This facility will probably be improved in future versions. (bug 17464) - "Changed" will no longer appear on the subject line of change notification emails. Because of this, you should change the subject line in your 'changedmail' and 'newchangedmail' params on editparams.cgi. The subject line needs to be changed from Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary% to Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary% or whatever is appropriate for the subject you are using on your system. Note the removal of the " - " in the middle. (bug 29820) - Some security holes have been fixed where shell escape characters could be passed to Bugzilla, allowing remote users to execute system commands on the web server. *** Other changes of note *** - Bug titles now appear in the page title, and will hence display in the user's browser's bookmarks and history. (bug 22041) - Edit groups functionality (editgroups.cgi). (bug 25010) - Support for moving bugs to other Bugzilla databases. (bug 36133) - Bugzilla now can generate a frequently reported bugs list based on what duplicates you receive. (bug 25693) - When installing Bugzilla fresh, the administrator account is now created in (bug 17773) - Stored queries now show their name above the bug list, which helps the user when they have multiple bug lists in multiple browser windows. It also appears in the page title, and will hence display in the user's browser's bookmarks and history. (bug 52228) - All states and resolutions can now be collected for charting. (bug 6682) - A new search-engine-like "quick search" feature appears on the front page to try and making searching easier. (bug 69793) - Querying on dependencies now works in the advanced query section of the query page. (bug 30823) - When a bug is marked as a duplicate, the reporter of the resolved bug is automatically added to the CC list of the open bug. (bug 28676) *** Bug fixes of note *** - Notification emails will now always be sent to QA contacts. Previously they wouldn't if you were using new email tech. (bug 30826) - When marking a bug as a duplicate, the duplicate stamp marked on the open bug will no longer be written too early (such as on mid-air collisions). (bug 7873) - Various bug fixes were made to the initial assignee and QA of a component. It is no longer possible to enter an invalid address. They will also now properly update when a user's email address is changed. Sanity check will now check these. (bug 66876) - Administrators can no longer create an email accounts that do not match the global email regular expression parameter. Previously this could occur and would cause sanity check errors. (bug 32971) - The resolution field can no longer become empty when the bug is resolved. This occurred because of midair collisions. (bug 49306) ******************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.8 OR EARLIER *** ******************************************* Release notes were not compiled for versions of Bugzilla before 2.12.
Ooo now that's smart.
clearing milestone for invalid/wontfix/worksforme/duplicate so they'll show up as untriaged if they get reopened.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.14 → ---
Reopening to test mail issues on b.m.o.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
It's mailing mail, hallelujah!
I don't want no stinking open test bugs ;)
Closed: 23 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.