Closed Bug 1644397 Opened 4 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Create tab targets on process change via the Watcher Actor


(DevTools :: Framework, task)



(Fission Milestone:M7a, firefox89 fixed)

89 Branch
Fission Milestone M7a
Tracking Status
firefox89 --- fixed


(Reporter: ochameau, Assigned: ochameau)



(Whiteboard: dt-fission-m3-mvp)


(4 files, 4 obsolete files)

Bug 1644360 highlighted that server side resource listening is broken for top level document because its target is lazily created. Because it is lazily created, from the frontend by LocalTargetTarget.onRemotenessChange, we start watching for resources late.

In order to fix that, we should create the tab target from the server side, by the Watcher actor and its helpers. So that we create the target before the page starts loading.
We don't have to change how we create the first target, but we have to handle all targets that may be created when navigating to another origin while Fission is enabled.
The first target can still be created via TabDescriptor.getTarget, but target switching should probably be done server side.

Such work relates to bug 1618693. If we move target switching to the server, the LocalTabTargetFront may become almost empty and be removed.

The unanswered challenges are:

  • can we remove the LocalTabTargetFront code related to target switching? Could the new server side option be breaking many things, and we would have to make the new mode be yet another option?
  • will it be easy to create a message manager target, surviving reload? Or should we switch to JS Window Actor target actors when we navigate to a new origin with Fission? This would break quite significantly reloads after such navigation.

Supporting early resource on cross origin navigation sounds like an important use case? So flagging this MVP.

Tracking dt-fission-m2 bugs for Fission Nightly (M6c)

Fission Milestone: --- → M6c
Depends on: 1646459
Assignee: nobody → jdescottes

Bulk move of all m2-mvp devtools bugs to Fission M7.

Fission Milestone: M6c → M7
Whiteboard: dt-fission-m2-mvp → dt-fission-m2-reserve
Depends on: 1674977

This work is currently blocked on removing all call sites for setupInParent (and other mm-based APIs) in devtools actors.

Whiteboard: dt-fission-m2-reserve → dt-fission-m3-mvp
Depends on: 1686723
Depends on: 1686727

Once bug 1665383 is fixed, the problematic spawnActorInParentProcess call should no longer be used in production:
But it will still be in all tests which are still querying WebConsoleFront.startListeners["NetworkActivity"], bug 1686723 covers refactoring these network tests.

There there is the problematic setupInParent calls from storage actor:
Similarly to network monitor, once bug 1644192, only tests which are still querying the storage actor directly, without passing through the ResourceWatcher will be using setupInParent. When we go through the ResourceWatcher, we instantiate a special instance of StorageActor, which avoids trigerring the codepaths involving setupInParent. Bug 1686727 covers refactoring these storage tests.

If we want to land this bug before bug 1665383 and bug 1644192, we have to be careful as it would break network and storage on navigations/reloads. So we would better use a preference for landing this.
We might reuse the devtools.testing.enableServerWatcherSupport preference. But we may as well use a dedicated preference.
Turning this on by default would force us to refactor tests and fix bug 1686723 and bug 1686727.

Finally, once this bug gets its main patch landed, we can probably revisit the code in ResourceWatcher.onTargetAvailable:
In order to stop reseting/restoring resource watching on top level target switching.
This is what causes bug 1601331 to fail and probably many other tests.

And last but not least, could it be that bug 1602748 ends up being a duplicate of this one?

Blocks: 1686748
Depends on: 1686950
Type: enhancement → task
Blocks: 1685500
Depends on: 1687965

There is an interesting issue with the resource-watcher and top level target switching. I have mostly seen the issue with document event resources, which could arguably be replaced with targetDestroyed/Available once all targets are going through proper target switching. But it feels like the pattern could be an issue with any resource.

My scenario, I navigate from a parent process page to a content process page.
The style editor is opened and watches for document event resources.

As soon as the content process page is created on the server, the target is created and we start watching for document events.
We receive the target on the client side, but before we can notify the resource watcher, we have to attach the thread.

In the meantime, we emit the dom-loading, dom-interactive, dom-complete events.
Since we are not yet listening for resources on this target on the client side, they end up in the resource cache of the targetFront (searchfox).

Then the thread attaches and we finally call the target-available callbacks, including resourceWatcher onTargetAvailable.
Since this is a target-switching, we call stopListening for all resources.
Then we call targetFront.on("resource-available-form",...) (searchfox).
This will release our cached document-events.
Finally we call startListening for all resources, including document events. This means we recreate the server-side listener. Since the document is already loaded, we will recreate the document events and emit them a second time.

The target-front cache was introduced for a similar situation, but for a resource which would not be re-emitted:

Maybe we should differentiate resources that will be safely recreated when the listeners restart (document events, maybe console messages?) from the ones that are not.

Depends on: 1690698

Tracking for Fission M8 milestone (Release experiment).

Fission Milestone: M7 → M8
Blocks: 1694651
Depends on: 1694906
Blocks: 1696957
Depends on: 1697118

Comment on attachment 9203836 [details]
Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Read isTopLevelTarget server flag to trigger target switching

Revision D105540 was moved to bug 1697118. Setting attachment 9203836 [details] to obsolete.

Attachment #9203836 - Attachment is obsolete: true

Comment on attachment 9203839 [details]
Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Check followWindowGlobalLifeCycle flag in navigateTo test helper

Revision D105542 was moved to bug 1697118. Setting attachment 9203839 [details] to obsolete.

Attachment #9203839 - Attachment is obsolete: true

Nicolas agreed to take over this bug, thanks!

Assignee: jdescottes → nchevobbe
Depends on: 1698842

Picking up in coordination with Nicolas.
I rebased the patches on top of my destroy tweaks.

Assignee: nchevobbe → poirot.alex
Attachment #9209538 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9203842 - Attachment description: Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Create tab targets on process change via the Watcher Actor → Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Create tab targets on process change via the Watcher Actor.
Attachment #9209677 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9203843 - Attachment description: Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Check if we should unregisterJSWindowActors after destroying a WatcherActor → Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Check if we should unregisterJSWindowActors after destroying a WatcherActor.
Blocks: 1693269
No longer depends on: 1698842
Depends on: 1631451
No longer depends on: 1686727
No longer blocks: 1693269
Fission Milestone: M8 → M7a
Fission Milestone: M7a → M8
Fission Milestone: M8 → M7a
Attachment #9203845 - Attachment description: Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Add test for duplicated early messages in console → Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Add test for duplicated early messages in console.
Attachment #9203844 - Attachment description: Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Add dedicated navigation test → Bug 1644397 - [devtools] Add dedicated navigation test.
Pushed by
[devtools] Create tab targets on process change via the Watcher Actor. r=nchevobbe
[devtools] Check if we should unregisterJSWindowActors after destroying a WatcherActor. r=nchevobbe
[devtools] Add dedicated navigation test. r=nchevobbe
[devtools] Add test for duplicated early messages in console. r=nchevobbe
Regressions: 1702682
Regressions: 1702683
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