Closed Bug 771725 Opened 12 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Mochitests on B2G otoro device


(Testing :: Mochitest, defect)

Not set



blocking-kilimanjaro +


(Reporter: onecyrenus, Unassigned)




(1 file)

There doesn't seem to be the capability to run mochitests on the latest b2g devices. 

I believe something has changed on device that creates this problem. 

#1) the wireless lan is disabled at startup, whereas before the wireless lan was enabled if you had previously selected the hotspot.  Basically it would autoconnect. I don't see this happening anymore. 

#2) I believe there is some cached data which makes the previous process of switching the profile directory out not work. 
If you perform an lsof -p (b2g pid) you can see it is linked to /local/data/tests/profile, but what is visible on the screen is the normal ui.
Attached file lsof output (deleted) —
Component: General → Mochitest
Product: Mozilla QA → Testing
blocking-basecamp: --- → ?
It appears there is a similar problem with mochitest on the emulator.
OS: Mac OS X → Android
Hardware: x86 → ARM
On the emulator, the problem that blocks this is:

2012-07-09 19:40:57 ERROR addons.manager: Exception calling provider startup: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520006 (NS_ERROR_FILE_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST) [nsILocalFile.isDirectory]"  nsresult: "0x80520006 (NS_ERROR_FILE_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST)"  location: "JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/XPIProvider.jsm :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 1932"  data: no] at resource://gre/modules/XPIProvider.jsm:1932
Depends on: 772238
Depends on: 772249
Depends on: 772307
Depends on: 772687
Depends on: 774553
The thing which is blocking this now is this strange error which occurs after we restart B2G to pick up the test profile:

I/Gecko   (  106): Error loading: chrome://marionette/content/marionette-actors.js: Error opening input stream (invalid filename?) - undefined

We do not see this error on the emulator.
Depends on: 774951
Depends on: 775051
Depends on: 775708
blocking-basecamp: ? → +
blocking-kilimanjaro: --- → +
David, can this be closed now?
Not quite, there are two bugs I'd like to hang off of this. 

1) Specialpowers.Quit I believe doesn't seem to work, which causes closeWhenDone not to work 

2) I have a second bug with a series of patches that I would like to present for review. 

Both should be created by eod. Took awhile to get back to you on this because I was having some issues ("was in a tussle with the framework")
Depends on: 780031
Depends on: 780034
No longer depends on: 780034
Depends on: 781392
Assignee: nobody → jgriffin
John - Triage indicated you would be a good person to look into this. Is that correct?
If by John you mean Jonathan, yes, I've already looked into it.  The only item remaining is bug 781392, which is not something I can fix; we'd need a platform developer to look at it.
(In reply to Jonathan Griffin (:jgriffin) from comment #8)
> If by John you mean Jonathan, yes, I've already looked into it.  The only
> item remaining is bug 781392, which is not something I can fix; we'd need a
> platform developer to look at it.

Okay. I'll renom that bug then.

I'm also renoming this - sounds like this is a meta bug now, so this should be taken off tracking.
blocking-basecamp: + → ?
Clearing blocker nom on tracking bug.  All deps are either +'d or -'d.
blocking-basecamp: ? → ---
Unassigning myself since I'm not actively working on this.
Assignee: jgriffin → nobody
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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