Closed Bug 1305957 Opened 8 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Page scroll position is not consistent while content is loading (implement "scroll anchoring")


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)

50 Branch



Tracking Status
relnote-firefox --- 66+
geckoview64 --- wontfix
firefox65 --- wontfix
firefox66 --- fixed


(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: rhunt)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 4 open bugs, Regressed 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: dev-doc-complete, feature, Whiteboard: [geckoview:p2][wptsync upstream])


(16 files, 1 obsolete file)

(deleted), text/html
(deleted), patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
(deleted), text/x-phabricator-request
Attached file scroll-bug.html (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
Build ID: 20160926162149

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open any page with several large images (or other dynamically loaded content with significant height)
2. With no waiting for images, scroll down for some point.
3. When images are loaded one by one, the browser does not keep you on selected point, rather loaded images are "pushed" all content below and you need to scroll again to find the point.

Actual results:

3. When images are loaded one by one, the browser does not keep you on selected point, rather loaded images are "pushed" all content below and you need to scroll again to find the point.

Very annoying.
It's happening even when anchor exists (open the example page with, say, #anchor3)

Expected results:

Browser should remember somehow the selected point and keep scroll there while content is loading
So this is basically asking for something like Chrome's experimental "Scroll Anchoring", .

I thought we had an existing bug about it, but I can't find it.
(In reply to Markus Stange [:mstange] from comment #1)
> something like Chrome's experimental "Scroll Anchoring",

Exactly! (Didn't knew Chrome has this feature)
I don't think we have any existing bug on this, it just came up in email or IRC discussion somewhere. This can be the bug :)
Blocks: apz-desktop
Component: Untriaged → Layout
Product: Firefox → Core
Summary: Page scroll is not consistent while content is loading → Page scroll position is not consistent while content is loading (implement "scroll anchoring")
Ever confirmed: true
Chrome Canary has now enabled this feature by default, and it is expected to ship in Chrome 56: I have tweeted about this some hours ago (, and have since then been showered with positive responses (most of them in “quote tweets”). I think, it would be a good idea to put a priority on this bug. Could someone notify D. Baron?
For comment 4.
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
FWIW, the existing bug on this was bug 43114.

I think this is worth doing, but I've never quite managed to get it to the top of my own priority list.  (I did briefly once, and then I was dragged away for the original crashkill effort.)

It seems like the Chrome team has done a bunch of good research as to what aspects of this are Web-compatible.

I had somewhat-different ideas as to how to do the anchoring (e.g., bug 43114 comment 10, and using named anchors as the anchor when available) and a little bit more in a local patch that I started.  Those could probably be added later if desirable.
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
This has been featured extensively in According to the Chrome team, "scroll anchoring is preventing about three page jumps per page-view."

David, Jet, we should probably look into prioritizing this.
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
It looks like this is now a draft CSSWG spec.

See also this explainer document:
We should implement relative scroll offset updates for APZ (bug 1453425) before enabling this; otherwise, this will just be another source of main-thread driven scroll offset updates that can interfere with async scrolling.

(There's no need for _implementation_ work on this to be blocked on bug 1453425, just the eventual enablement.)
Depends on: 1453425
Blocks: 1428030
Alias: scroll-anchoring
Blocks: 1474196
Clearly ni on Jet as he no longer works at Mozilla.
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
Attached patch scroll-anchoring-proto.patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
After I finish bug 1453425 I'd like to take this.

I experimented and wrote this prototype patch that implements the scroll anchoring spec without adjustment suppression or the opt-out CSS property.

The test case I was focusing on getting working is here [1]. Scroll down to the button that says 'Add element to top' and click it. With scroll anchoring you should not have content slide down after you click. I can confirm with Chrome and Firefox + this patch, that's the observed behavior.

I also added code to highlight the current scroll anchor as it changes for debugging. Here's the test case I wrote for seeing the interaction with different `display, position, float` options [2].

Assignee: nobody → rhunt
@Ryan Hunt
Thanks for taking this bug. I think this is a primary issue that afflicts user experience with Firefox in a very noticeable way. 

I just want to add an example, hoping it could help to cover all the cases scenarios related to this bug. 
In my experience, the problem don't happen only when a page is loading, but when I scroll a page that loads dynamically. In these cases wait for the page finishes loading is not a solution, and that's why it is very annoying. 

The problems happens, for example, when I scroll a wanted list on Amazon. The page loads the elements in the list (and other elements in the page such as suggested products on the bottom) while you scroll it, so simply check the list become a pain. 

I hope Firefox could have its "scroll anchoring" soon.
Whiteboard: [geckoview:p2]
Okay I think the patches are ready for review now. Here's my last try run [1]. It's green minus some WPT failures in the scroll-anchoring tests where I was trying to get the latest passes and failures.

Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
This commit is used in a later commit to exclude frames that are sticky positioned
from being scroll anchors.

Depends on D13265
This commit adds a barebones class called 'ScrollAnchorContainer' that will
contain most of the logic for scroll anchoring. It is owned as a member of
ScrollFrameHelper, and has the same lifetime.

Depends on D13266
This commit implements candidate selection for a scroll frame using a frame tree
traversal. It roughly tries to follow the algorithm given in the scroll
anchoring draft specification, adapted to operate on the frame tree [1].

Some details, such as not selecting an anchor if the user hasn't scrolled are
not currently in the specification but will be to match Blink's implementation.

Once a scroll anchor has been selected, we maintain a bit on it and its ancestor
frame's states. This is used in a later commit to detect changes to position
during a reflow so the scroll frame can perform an adjustment.

A scroll anchor will be invalidated when the user scrolls the frame or the
scroll anchor is destroyed. Later commits will add logic to drive selection and
invalidation appropriately.


Depends on D13267
This commit adds a mechanism for scroll anchor containers to request an anchor
node selection at a future time. Currently this is before styling so that anchor
adjustment suppression will have current anchor nodes.

Depends on D13268
This commit implements anchor offset adjustment. When the position of a frame
that is an anchor is changed during reflow, we notify the anchor container. The
anchor container will then post a reflow callback.

Then when reflow is completed, the anchor container will perform a scroll to
keep the anchor node in the same relative position.

Depends on D13269
This commit implements the first half of the heuristics to detect style changes
that could lead to feedback loops with scroll anchoring. [1]

When these style changes are made, a suppression flag is added to the anchor
container to ignore any adjustments that would be made at the next layout flush
and to invalidate the anchor at that time.


Depends on D13270
This will be needed to add a new change hint to detect changes to the position
property, in the next commit.

Depends on D13271
This commit implements the second half of the heuristics to detect style changes
that could lead to feedback loops with scroll anchoring. [1]

A new change hint is added for when a style is changed from positioned to not
positioned. When this hint is applied, scroll anchor suppression is triggered in
the scroll anchor container where the frame used to be, and the new scroll
anchor container where the frame is added after reconstruction.


Depends on D13272
Some of these tests were failing on try but passing locally because of viewport
size differences. This commit expands some spacing to ensure the tests are fully
scrollable on most screen sizes.

Depends on D13273
Not all tests are passing with the initial implementation. Most are due to
differences between Gecko and Blink with regards to ScrollTop, ScrollLeft in
documents with writing-mode: vertical-rl. Some are due to issues in our anchor
node selection algorithm remaining.

Depends on D13274
This commit adds a debug pref that will highlight the frames that are marked as
anchor nodes. This is helpful to debug anchor selection.

Depends on D13275
I tried to pick appropriate reviewers for all the patches, but please feel free to review whichever patches you think necessary and bring in anyone who should be included.
Attachment #9028352 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9028353 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 10 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when node moves into flow or out of flow inside of a scrollable frame. r?emilio → Bug 1305957 part 9 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when node moves into flow or out of flow inside of a scrollable frame. r?emilio
Attachment #9028354 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 11 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 10 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r?hiro
Attachment #9028355 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 12 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 11 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r?hiro
Attachment #9028356 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 13 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r?mattwoodrow → Bug 1305957 part 12 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r?mattwoodrow
Priority: -- → P3
Blocks: 1518624
Blocks: 1518626
Blocks: 1518631
Blocks: 1518633

I've filed some bugs for follow-up work.

I have patches for most of them, but don't want to delay landing the initial implementation in nightly for them to be reviewed.

Blocks: 1518636
Blocks: 1518637
Blocks: 1518640
Attachment #9028354 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 10 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 11 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r?hiro
Attachment #9028355 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 11 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 12 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r?hiro
Attachment #9028356 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 12 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r?mattwoodrow → Bug 1305957 part 13 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r?mattwoodrow
Blocks: 1518926
Attachment #9028335 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 1 - Add 'layout.scroll-anchoring.enabled' preference behind nightly flag. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 1 - Add 'layout.scroll-anchoring.enabled' preference behind nightly flag. r=hiro
Attachment #9028339 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 2 - Add 'overflow-anchor' CSS property. r?emilio → Bug 1305957 part 2 - Add 'overflow-anchor' CSS property. r=emilio
Attachment #9028340 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 3 - Add IsStickyPositioned() method to nsStyleDisplay. r?emilio → Bug 1305957 part 3 - Add IsStickyPositioned() method to nsStyleDisplay. r=emilio
Attachment #9028341 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 4 - Add basic ScrollAnchorContainer implementation. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 4 - Add basic ScrollAnchorContainer implementation. r=hiro
Attachment #9028345 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 5 - Add implementation of scroll anchor selection and invalidation. r?hiro,dbaron → Bug 1305957 part 5 - Add implementation of scroll anchor selection and invalidation. r=hiro,dbaron,dholbert
Attachment #9028347 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 6 - Select scroll anchors when flushing notifications in PresShell. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 6 - Select scroll anchors when flushing notifications in PresShell. r=hiro
Attachment #9028348 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 7 - Adjust scroll offset to match change in relative position of scroll anchor after reflow. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 7 - Adjust scroll offset to match change in relative position of scroll anchor after reflow. r=hiro,dbaron
Attachment #9028350 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 8 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when some layout affecting properties are changed on scroll anchor or its ancestors. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 8 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when some layout affecting properties are changed on scroll anchor or its ancestors. r=hiro
Attachment #9028353 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 9 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when node moves into flow or out of flow inside of a scrollable frame. r?emilio → Bug 1305957 part 9 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when node moves into flow or out of flow inside of a scrollable frame. r=emilio
Attachment #9035376 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 10 - Add block box inside of inline-box so it can be an anchor for 'start-edge-in-block' scroll-anchoring test. r?dholbert → Bug 1305957 part 10 - Add block box inside of inline-box so it can be an anchor for 'start-edge-in-block' scroll-anchoring test. r=dholbert
Attachment #9028354 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 11 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 11 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r=hiro
Attachment #9028355 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 12 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r?hiro → Bug 1305957 part 12 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r=hiro
Attachment #9028356 - Attachment description: Bug 1305957 part 13 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r?mattwoodrow → Bug 1305957 part 13 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r=mattwoodrow
Depends on D13276

Try run looks good [1]. There's just one last issue I found in a devtools test. Once the commit to fix that is reviewed, we should be good to go.


Pushed by
part 1 - Add 'layout.scroll-anchoring.enabled' preference behind nightly flag. r=hiro
part 2 - Add 'overflow-anchor' CSS property. r=emilio
part 3 - Add IsStickyPositioned() method to nsStyleDisplay. r=emilio
part 4 - Add basic ScrollAnchorContainer implementation. r=hiro
part 5 - Add implementation of scroll anchor selection and invalidation. r=hiro,dbaron,dholbert
part 6 - Select scroll anchors when flushing notifications in PresShell. r=hiro
part 7 - Adjust scroll offset to match change in relative position of scroll anchor after reflow. r=hiro,dbaron
part 8 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when some layout affecting properties are changed on scroll anchor or its ancestors. r=hiro
part 9 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when node moves into flow or out of flow inside of a scrollable frame. r=emilio
part 10 - Add block box inside of inline-box so it can be an anchor for 'start-edge-in-block' scroll-anchoring test. r=dholbert
part 11 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r=hiro
part 12 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r=hiro
part 13 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r=mattwoodrow
part 14 - Disable scroll-anchoring in webconsole-output. r=nchevobbe
Pushed by
Regenerate the devtools css properties-db.js. r=me

The issue was an invalid lifetime assumption in RestyleManager. Here's an ASAN run with the fix applied [1]


Flags: needinfo?(rhunt)
Pushed by
part 1 - Add 'layout.scroll-anchoring.enabled' preference behind nightly flag. r=hiro
part 2 - Add 'overflow-anchor' CSS property. r=emilio
part 3 - Add IsStickyPositioned() method to nsStyleDisplay. r=emilio
part 4 - Add basic ScrollAnchorContainer implementation. r=hiro
part 5 - Add implementation of scroll anchor selection and invalidation. r=hiro,dbaron,dholbert
part 6 - Select scroll anchors when flushing notifications in PresShell. r=hiro
part 7 - Adjust scroll offset to match change in relative position of scroll anchor after reflow. r=hiro,dbaron
part 8 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when some layout affecting properties are changed on scroll anchor or its ancestors. r=hiro
part 9 - Suppress scroll offset adjustment when node moves into flow or out of flow inside of a scrollable frame. r=emilio
part 10 - Add block box inside of inline-box so it can be an anchor for 'start-edge-in-block' scroll-anchoring test. r=dholbert
part 11 - Make sure scroll anchoring web-platform-tests are fully scrollable on larger window sizes. r=hiro
part 12 - Update web-platform-test expectations for scroll anchoring. r=hiro
part 13 - Highlight scroll anchor when 'layout.scroll-anchoring.highlight' is enabled. r=mattwoodrow
part 14 - Disable scroll-anchoring in webconsole-output. r=nchevobbe
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Whiteboard: [geckoview:p2] → [geckoview:p2][wptsync upstream]
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Depends on: 1519399
Depends on: 1519462
Depends on: 1519468
Depends on: 1519510
Depends on: 1519541
Blocks: 1519553
Blocks: 1519575

I've filed bug 1519644 to be the general meta-bug for all scroll anchoring issues, whether they block the initial release or are future improvements that would be good to do (I expect more of these over time).

Bug 1515946 will still be just for issues blocking the initial release.

Alias: scroll-anchoring
No longer blocks: 1519575
No longer depends on: 1519541
No longer depends on: 1519510
No longer depends on: 1519462
No longer depends on: 1519399
No longer blocks: 1519553
No longer blocks: 1518624
No longer blocks: 1518626
No longer blocks: 1518631
No longer blocks: 1506121
Depends on: 1519846
No longer depends on: 1519798
Depends on: 1520306
No longer depends on: 1520306
No longer depends on: 1520124

Ryan, can you suggest a release note? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(rhunt)
Keywords: feature
Depends on: 1521579

I'll do my best, please edit as necessary.

"Improved scrolling behavior: Firefox will now attempt to keep content from jumping around while a page is loading by supporting scroll anchoring."

Flags: needinfo?(rhunt)
Blocks: 1522026
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Upstream PR was closed without merging
Depends on: 1524281
Blocks: 1524170
Depends on: 1523866
Pushed by
[wpt PR 14816] - [Gecko Bug 1305957] Backed out 15 changesets (bug 1305957) for ASAN failures CLOSED TREE, a=testonly

Hello, I installed Firefox 66 beta but I don't find this feature as reliable as it is on Google Chrome. Here is an example link where scroll anchoring doesn't appear to work at all, unless I'm missing something:

The /22 at the end of the URL makes the page scroll to a specific post in the page (the one with ID 22).

When I load the URL with Chrome, the scrolling correctly "points" to the text message by "Ralkage", with ID 22 (you can check that by clicking on the date near the author of the message).

When I load the URL with Firefox, a different message is shown at the top of the page. Specifically, the image contained in the post with ID 21 (by "0E800") is shown, because it is loaded after the page was scrolled down, causing a content jump.

I've done the tests using incognito mode in order to avoid image caching.

Is this a scenario that is not covered by scroll anchoring?


(In reply to matteo from comment #48)

FWIW, it's easy to miss stuff in closed bugs, it's better if you file a new one blocking this one.

Hello, I installed Firefox 66 beta but I don't find this feature as reliable as it is on Google Chrome. Here is an example link where scroll anchoring doesn't appear to work at all, unless I'm missing something:

The /22 at the end of the URL makes the page scroll to a specific post in the page (the one with ID 22).

When I load the URL with Chrome, the scrolling correctly "points" to the text message by "Ralkage", with ID 22 (you can check that by clicking on the date near the author of the message).

When I load the URL with Firefox, a different message is shown at the top of the page. Specifically, the image contained in the post with ID 21 (by "0E800") is shown, because it is loaded after the page was scrolled down, causing a content jump.

This looks like a fairly complex test-case, where there's not only scroll anchoring at play, there needs to be other stuff going on as well (they need to manually call scrollIntoView(), I'd guess). So it's not clear to me if scroll anchoring is at play at all here, or it's just the page making bad assumptions, or is other kind of Firefox bug.

In any case, please do file a bug for this. Feel free to CC me and Ryan (:rhunt), and we can try to take a look... A sort of reduced test-case would be immensely helpful to diagnose this though, do you know if Disqus' code is open source somewhere? Otherwise it's much harder to debug.

Depends on: 1525586
Pushed by
[wpt PR 14816] - [Gecko Bug 1305957] Backed out 15 changesets (bug 1305957) for ASAN failures CLOSED TREE, a=testonly
Depends on: 1525509
No longer depends on: 1524281
No longer blocks: 1524170
No longer blocks: 1428030
No longer depends on: 1525586

Note to MDN writers — I've added a note to the Fx66 rel notes to cover this:

I think the docs probably need a page for overflow-anchor, and a page to expain what this feature is and show some kind of demo.

Depends on: 1541883
Regressions: 1543599
Depends on: 1545972
Regressions: 1561946
Regressions: 1541072
Regressions: 1566517
Regressions: 1583135
Regressions: 1616588
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


