Closed Bug 84121 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Submenu of scrollable menu is positioned one menu row too low


(Core :: XUL, defect, P2)






(Reporter: ajbu, Assigned: bugs)




(Keywords: intl, regression, relnote, Whiteboard: Have r=, looking for sr=)


(5 files, 2 obsolete files)

Mozilla build 2001060420, Windows 2000

I mentioned this before on bug 66848 (2001-03-31 06:46), filing this as a new 
bug after the checkin of bug 78409.
if a submenu of a scrollable menu is 'bounced' of the bottom of the screen, or 
submenu is so large it is a scrollable submenu itself, it is positioned (one 
menurow?) to low.

So a big scrollable submenu (larger then the height of the screen is positioned 
(top=1, bottom=screenheight+1, height=screenheight) instead of (top=0, 
Submenu’s aligned to the bottom of the screen are aligned to (screenheight+1) 
instead screenheight. This seems independent of the scrolled position of the 
scrollable menu.

Steps to reproduce: 
1) Create a bookmark menu so large it becomes scrollable
2) Create a submenu of that scrollable menu so this would be large enough to go 
beyond the bottom of the screen
3) Open the bookmark menu and the submenu

Actual results: The submenu is positioned to low, the last row of the submenu 
is offscreen
Expected results: Submenu completely visible on the screen.

See the screenshots:
(Screenshots where created with an earlier build, but seeing the same in build 
ajbu, can you attach a bookmarks file that exhibits this? that'll make it easier
to debug and fix.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
Does this mean that the incorrectly positioned menu can have items that are not
Blocks: 78409
On my screen the top two pixels of the last menu item (or the scroll arrow if 
that menu is scrollable itself) are visible, so it can be selected but the text 
of that item is not visible so this might not be very usefull. The item can 
also be reached with the cursur keys.
Note that the size of the bookmark list needed to make it scrollable depends on 
the screen and font settings.
The effects of bug 75142 (when opening a bookmarks menu that needs scroll 
arrows, ALL parent menus get scroll arrows ) might also give insight:
When making the bookmark menu smaller so it fits on the screen, 'Test Folder' 
is positioned correctly. When opening an submenu that needs scroll arrows, the 
bookmark menu is also given scroll arrows, and 'Test Folder' is shifted down.
No longer blocks: 78409
over to ben.
Assignee: pinkerton → ben
Summary: Submenu of scrollable menu is positioned one menu row to low → Submenu of scrollable menu is positioned one menu row too low
marking new. As noted above, all items on the bookmarks can be selected, but 
the bottom-most item on a submenu is partially off the bottom of the screen,
and the text is generally not readable (win32/linux/mac(personal toolbar 
bookmarks, top level OK) on both branch and trunk). It's worse in Classic
than in Modern (where it is partially readable).
Ever confirmed: true
*** Bug 84387 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: intl, regression, rtm
> Naoki Hotta wrote:
>     This has to be fixed for RTM. Looks like a xptoolkit problem.
Yung-Fong Tang wrote:
> why?

Naoki Hotta wrote:
The problem is not only the arrow is missing but also you cannot see 
what is selected, so it is realy hard to select the right charset (i.e. 
the feature is not really functioning).
*** Bug 84777 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
removed myself from this bug as I was CC'd in error (wrong email address)
sorry about the mistake, adding to cc.
*** Bug 85180 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nhotta - Is this i18n issue, or a CORE issue?
Jaime, this is a core issue but it affects i18n feature (mail folder property to
set a folder charset shown in the attachment on 06/08/01 10:14).
in 2001-06-11-04 build i am not able to use up and down arrows to scroll in a
Folder charset dlgbox as a workaround, it makes folder charset practically
unusable ( since this bug was introduced we at least had a workaround) 
Changing the severity to major. This bug does not allow users to set their
character encoding by mail folder. However, we can note the workaround, whish is
to scroll with the up and down keys, as oospoossed to the mouse.

Nominate fror M0.9.3 | P2. 

Vishy - Let's try and get this one, if all other work has been completed for
M0.9.2. Pls set priority to P2.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: correctness
correctness with 2001-06-12-04 build:i am able to navigate again with up and
down arrows (meaning that we still have a workaround...) and can use the folder
charset... though it would be good to fix it :-)
nav triage team:

Marking nsbeta1+ and p2. Note, on a mac commercial build, the menu is drawn past
the bottom of the screen, so if you move the cursor below the bottom of the last
menu item, you can scroll the menu down.
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P2
nav triage: not critical for netscape 6.1 rtm, -> m1.0. 
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla1.0
*** Bug 89112 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From 89112, attachment 41087 [details] has another screenshot.
*** Bug 89752 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 89867 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 93796 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Due to this problem, it makes folder charset UI very hard to use (see this 
screen shot
Nominating for nsbranch.
Keywords: nsBranch
*** Bug 95738 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 87533 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Marking mostfreq at 10 dups.

Nominating mozilla0.9.5 as this is a very visible bug.
Pchen - This is getting a lot of dupes reported against it. I agree with Jacek
nomination for M0.9.5. Let's fix this one.
ok, we'll try to get this done for 0.9.5 but no guarantees, marking mozilla0.9.5
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla0.9.5
I may like mucking with menus, but Jan's better-versed with these scrolling
suckers.  Jan, any idea on this one?
Menupopup probably doesn't know about up and down arrow
some debug info:
method GetViewOffset() returns y value like this:
360 - when bookmarks menu is not scrollable
600 - when bookmarks menu is scrollablethis value is used to position submenu
I think Ben understands this code much better.
*** Bug 96905 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 99227
Ben - What's the status on this one? We'd like to have afix ASAP (i.e. No late
then the end of the week). If this can be completed by Friday, please work with
you Manager to get this one nsbranch+.
Marking nsbranch- as it was decided in the August bug triage that we wouldn't
have eenough time in eMojo to fix this.  Let's revisit for MachV.
Keywords: nsbranch-
removing redundant nsbranch keyword, ->0.9.6
Keywords: nsbranch
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
No longer blocks: 99227
please also see 100986
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla1.0
this is a very important fix from the intl point of view, the folder properties
( its charset) can not be changed, the workaround would be to use up and down
arrow keys but this is not that evident to every user, more over we started to
get bugs where people are complaining about they Inbox being blank because the
encoding suddenly switched to Arabic and they are not able to change it. it
might happen that this new bug is not caused by 84121 but without this one being
fixed we can not verify that.
Your workaround does not consistently "fix" the display problem.
even more reason to fix this bug!
Nominating for nsbeta1 since it's very inconvenient for users to select a folder
charset from View | Folder Character Coding. 
Keywords: nsbeta1
*** Bug 88555 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.1
Adding relnote keyword.  This is a pretty frequent bug, so we should mention
that we know about it.
Keywords: relnote
Attached patch Fix for problem (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
There were a couple problems at work here.

1. The ySpillage wasn't taking into account the fact that the menu is offest
down in the y direction by the height of the combobox.

2. The wrong value was being used for the size of the screen (screenheight
should be used)

I also fixed another bug where if you moved the dialog off screen and popped
down the menu, it was bigger than the screen.

This case should have checking for bigger than screen as well.

Looking for review.
The fix has an mismatched parenthesis. I'll post the corrected file. Otherwise
looks OK. 
Attachment #60202 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #60288 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Keywords: patch
Keywords: review
Kinda makes sense to me, I guess.  Does it fix the problem with the submenus of
scrollable menus (screenshots in initial report and testcase is the first
attachment), as well as the menulist problem that brought you here?
I applied the patch to my CVS tree (WindowsME). Seems it cures all the problem
of vanishing lower ends of 2nd tier bookmark lists and submenus (like Message ->
Move -> or View -> Encode ->), assuming you've tested the heck out of it.
As I test this for two days with no side effect, like the logic behind the
changes, and my input to the patch is only one character deleted, I believe I
can give it a second positive review (
Whiteboard: Have r=, looking for sr=
Adding hyatt to CC: hoping for a sr= review (I believe the only peer of this
component who has sr= priviledges)
*** Bug 85409 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 115188 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 117152 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
hyatt, blake, ben...  can one of you sr=?  This is a fairly visible bug.
*** Bug 97551 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: mozilla0.9.8
*** Bug 118107 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 118505 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Any chance for sr=? This bug has already 23 dups :-(
checked in
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This doesn't look like quite the right fix.  Using the testcases in bug 100986,
the first menu isn't long enough and the second two are still too long.  Plus,
my scrolling bookmarks menu is one row too short, similar to the first testcase
in 100986.
This does fix the original case in 100986 (the charset menu in mail folder 
properties) but itdoes not fix the testcases.

The testcase might be another issue.
Yes, it fixes that one menulist.  And it fixes the large scrolling sub-menu of
my bookmarks menu, which was the original report in this bug.  But my scrolling,
top-level bookmarks menu is now one row too short.
It is still too low in a couple of places in my bookmarks file. It is better,
but still not fixed.
*** Bug 119811 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I still see this. The menu goes too far down and I can't read the last menuitem.
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Resolution: FIXED → ---
In 0.9.8, I'm not only getting the top level menu one line too short, but the
other menus are still one line too far down--just in a different way.  The extra
line, instead of just falling off the bottom of the screen, causes a scroll
arrow to appear and lets me scroll down by 1 line.  (The menus are short enough
that if they were properly positioned on the screen, they wouldn't need scroll

The scroll arrow itself is almost at the right spot, so if the last line was
simply placed where the scroll arrow is, it would be nearly correct...
nsbeta1- per Nav triage team.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
It seems like if the menu width is narrow and you have a lot of bookmarks, it
doesn't give you arrows unless you have a certain amount of bookmarks. It then
hides the submenu below the screen while it should move it up to fit on the
screen. Anyone else see this problem? I think this bug is easy to notice and
since just about everyone uses the bookmarks menu that this bug is considered
very important to Mozilla1.0.
Keywords: mozilla1.0
*** Bug 129572 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is an example bookmark file that I created that shows the bug.
Attached file this bookmark file shows bug (deleted) —
Attached image Screenshot of scroll menu with 1 item (deleted) —
I confirm comment #73 on W2K, build 2002041206. When menu touches windows'
Taskbar, it creates up/down scroll arrows for 1 item. Instead, menu should
display one more line. See attached screenshot.
I see the same on Win 98 SE; Moz 1.0 RC1 and i've seen it quite a while as shown
in attachment 79046 [details].
The displayed menu shows scroll arrows where it would not be necessary, actually
producing a larger menu then if showing it without any scrolling.
I would think this is an other bug then the original one, but I don't know if
it's related. Maybe someone should change the summary.
Attachment 79046 [details] is bug 135076.  There's a patch there, and I wonder if it might
end up fixing this bug as well.  That patch should be checked in any time now,
so we'll know the answer soon.
Just tested Mozilla 1.0 RC3 and this bug has been fixed. Marking WORKSFORME.
Closed: 23 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I downloaded Mozilla build 2002052404 and tested for this bug. The bug is still
here in the same form. There are still numerous instances when text is not fully
displayed. So, it is still not fixed and does not work for me.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Really?  I imported the large bookmarks file (attachment 37223 [details]) into my
bookmarks.  The main Bookmarks menu displays properly, as does the "Test Folder
(big)" submenu.  This is off of both the Bookmarks menu and the Bookmarks button
on the personal toolbar.
Is this still an issue?  mkaply fixed something related to this a while back.
This is fixed.
Closed: 22 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Verified.  I can't reproduce this anymore.
*** Bug 118015 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XUL
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
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