Closed Bug 982644 (theme-win8) Opened 11 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[meta] Windows 8.x theme issues in Firefox


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

30 Branch
Windows 8
Not set





(Reporter: ntim, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [Australis:P5] [tracking])

With the new Windows 8 stuff landing, I see these issues :
- Weird borders in bookmarks menu button in some cases
- Weird active effect on back button
- Non Windows 8 style new tab, list all tabs, switch to metro, and tab scrollbox icons.
- There shouldn't be a border-radius on the customization mode buttons
- Darken the icons on hover (to match mockup, this can be done with SVG filters)
- Sidebars still have the aero blue
- The toolbars should have a lighter color (#F8F8F8), not just because of a mockup, but because it looks better
- .panel-multiview-anchor looks bad on Windows 8.

There are 2 other issues, but they were intentional, awaiting for a future decision :
- Toolbar button open state should be blue
- No Windows 8 style icons when they are inverted.
Blocks: 960517
Whiteboard: [Australis:P-]
Proposed solution for the sidebar :
- White background for the content
- Light gray for the header

A bit like the headers
Also, the dropdown icon is not windows 8 ish
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: [Australis:P-] → [Australis:P5]
Tim, thanks for filing this to keep track of things. We can use this as a meta bug for future work.
Depends on: 980339
Depends on: 980418
Depends on: 980413
Alias: australis-win8
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 982770
Depends on: 983227
Depends on: 983254
Depends on: 983259
Depends on: 983801
Depends on: 983808
OS: Windows 8.1 → Windows 8
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Depends on: 981908
Depends on: 983814
Depends on: 983819
No longer depends on: 983814
Depends on: 984976
Depends on: 984979
Depends on: 983814
Flags: firefox-backlog-
Whiteboard: [Australis:P5] → [Australis:P5] [tracking]
Depends on: 1007925
Is someone working on any of those?
(In reply to Stanzilla from comment #4)
> Is someone working on any of those?

See blocking bugs, most of them are resolved, if you see another issue, file a new bug blocking this one.
The remaining bugs require UX input or assets to go on.
Doesn't look like there is any progress on the blocking bugs.
Making this bug more global
Alias: australis-win8 → theme-win8
Summary: Australis - Windows 8.x theme issues → Windows 8.x theme issues in Firefox
(In reply to Tim Nguyen [:ntim] from comment #7)
> Making this bug more global

That didn't help much, by the looks of it :P
Depends on: 1089626
Pretty much irrelevant with Photon.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Windows 8.x theme issues in Firefox → [meta] Windows 8.x theme issues in Firefox
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