Closed Bug 91504 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Implement Complete and Correct Classic Theme on Mac


(SeaMonkey :: Themes, defect)

Mac System 8.5
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugmail, Assigned: andreww)



(Keywords: classic, meta)

This is a meta bug for Mac Classic theme issues. although 49144 has somewhat been used 
for this, this bug is intended to depend on all Mac Classic reports.
mac classic -> andreww
Assignee: hewitt → andreww
I did some photoshop work... :)

(edit: wrong URL, sry)
Sharky, is that mockup intended to illustrate some changes from the current Mac
Classic theme? If so, can you describe them?

Also, I noticed recently that the theme doesn't draw the top/vertical and
left/horizontal scrollbar borders right. It's missing a dark border of about 2
pixels. Would you be sure to illustrate that in your mockup?

Also, if you haven't already, take a look at the dependent bugs and make sure
you've covered all those issues.
I searched mozilla  but I couldn't find a lot more "interface" bugs that were 
conserning the browser (I only use the browser).
I will start from the  top of the image:
- collaps buttons at the left of the buttonbars I deleted, this is more 
personal because I only want buttons on my window that I really use, not  
- I deleted  the Mozilla animation because I  put a mozilla icon at the top of 
the window, and I don't like those animations (in the past you could turn that 
option off at most of the browsers, I want that option back :)
- I deleted at the window title " - Mozilla ######" from  " - 
Mozilla #######) because I can find that with "about Mozilla" and I already see 
that I am  using mozilla because of the icon.
- I changed the color and border of the button in the urlbar where you see 
your "window-history"
- the icons are really old... I used the icon from hard disk/system 
folder/favorites/ and changed with photoshop the color of the bookmark in the 
- At the scrollbar there  were at the top, bottom, right 1 pixel  line too much 
(deleted it)
- I changed the sidebar, the sidebar is not flat anymore. (also changed the 
color of the border from the sidebar collaps button and shadow/arrows)
- The statusbar is now the right size, deleted the vertical lines, changed the 
status bar (2) (where you see how much is loaded), changed the lock and 
connection icon so it  fit on the statusbar. I deleted "Document Done" because 
it is not very usefull => statusbar (2) will be gone if the document is loaded 
or show you when it is loading...

(I am not that good at english so I hope you will understand me)
Just a general comment for everyone watching this bug. I'm currently 
assigned as the owner of classic skin bugs, and for a while I've been out 
having a sabbatical and before that having to spend over a month on 
developing Toy Factory skin.  So now that I am back I will be able to spend 
more time knocking out several of these bugs.

Sharky - your comments in this bug are puzzling. Many of the things you 
mention having changed yourself are not relevant to this bug.  If you have 
found a skins related issue and wish to have it looked into, please file a 
bug on each specific issue and set the component to themes.

Oops. I need to qualify my last statement. I'm not the owner of windows 
classic bugs, just mac classic bugs., some of your ideas are valid even if they're not
relevant to this particular bug. I've posted a message on
netscape.public.mozilla.mac in order to discuss them.
Actually, Andrew, his comments about the extra "solid black 1px" border on the
right side of the vertical scrollbar and the lack of light and dark beveled
edges on the sidebar divider are valid and pertain to the Mac Classic Theme.

Three of his other issues are interesting; see the aforementioned NG discussion.
Also, he's right that the status bar is way too tall. It needs to be reduced to
a size more like that in Modern.
Whoa there, hoss. This bug is more or less invalid, because it's a duplicate of 
the Bugzilla search <
rep_platform=Macintosh&product=Browser&component=Themes>. Most of sharky_k's 
suggestions, however, are not Mac Classic bugs. They are as follows:

I'd like to see the collapsibility of toolbars go away, since it causes 
problems like bug 47770, bug 47873, and bug 59964. But I haven't dared file it 
as a bug while bug 45532 remains unimplemented. Similarly, I'd rather not get 
rid of the throbber until bug 47108 has taken its place (and until Mozilla's 
status feedback is considerably more reliable). The proxy icon in the title bar 
is bug 36305. The silly `- Mozilla' is bug 56995, and the silly `{build id: 
foopy}' is bug 80735. I'm sure the crookedness of the scrollbar in Navigator is 
filed somewhere, but I can't find it (see also bug 60336 and bug 61165). The 
icons in the status bar do not need to be squished to make the status bar short 
enough, since the same icons fit comfortably in 4.x; that's bug 83256. And 
fixing `Document: Done' is bug 48436.
Depends on: 68647, 83256
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Blocks: 157199
No longer blocks: 157199
Mozilla for Mac OS 9 is no longer supported.
Closed: 22 years ago
OS: All → Mac System 8.5
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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