Closed Bug 100393 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

JRE [java runtime] XPInstaller on doesn't install plug-ins correctly


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect, P1)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jbissett, Assigned: dprice)




(Keywords: relnote)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010913
BuildID:    .0.9.4

When I go to it shows that I am missing the plug-in. 
When I click on it and download it and install it.  After quitting the browser
and relaunching it when I go back it still shows that I am missing the plug-in.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
4.still doesn't work

Actual Results:  stills asks me to load the plug-in

Expected Results:  it should hav reconized that the plug-in was already installed
wfm with build 2001091803 on Win2k with JRE 1.3.1.

How did you install the plug-in ?

Make sure you read the release notes:
You should have a file named NPOJI600.DLL in your \plugins directory.
Component: XP Apps → OJI
Have you installed moziila from a .ZIP file or using the Installer ?

If you used a .ZIP file then I think this bug is a dup of bug 66840
over to default owners.
Assignee: pchen → edburns
QA Contact: sairuh → pmac
*** Bug 100681 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Jim, do u have the npoji600.dll in ur mozilla plugins folder? If not, pls copy 
it from the 4.x plugins folder and things should work fine.
Jim's right, installing the java plug-in does not work.

I've tried it several times.  All the install messages say installation
complete, etc.  But, the Java plug-ins do not show in about: plug-ins, and they
don't work.  

I found a recommendation on the plug-ins newsgroup that seemed to fix the problem.  

add: "pref("plugin.do_JRE_Plugin_Scan",true);"  to the all.js pref file.

Seems like MOZ needs  to be told to actually look for them.
Reassign to Joe as I'm leaving the role of OJI module owner.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.5
Ressign to Joe Chou, as I am no longer working officially on OJI.
Assignee: edburns → joe.chou
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
IMHO, Java should "Just Work".

The less the user has to muck around with ini-files, the more successful Mozilla
should become.

So either figure out why Sun java-installer does not stick the plug-in into
mozilla's plug-in directory (ha-ha) or make mozilla scan for the plug-in by default!
I'm just adding that to help...
I have two computers systems, i have test with both
- Mozilla in win98 -> same bug
- Netscape6 in win98 & win2k -> works
- Mozilla in win2k -> works

1/ i always reuse my account (mail, news, bookmark... copied into new installation)
2/ i always use tweak-ui to disable some windows 98 feature (like IE enable,
active desktop...). I just add that because it's the only stuff that isn't
standard on my win98
3/ i have try to install that java jre -> 1.1 + 1.3.0_01 + 1.3.1
4/ my systems are in french

I hope these informations will help you track the bug, i'm tired of "Get the
plug" message...
I've seen the problem: after downloading the Java plugin, the installation did
not put the DLLs into the plugins directory. I am going to push the installation
folks to correct the error. 
In the meantime, a work-around is to copy the DLLs (should be under something
like: program files-> javasoft-> jre -> 1.3.0_01 -> bin), and there should be 5
DLLs with prefix NP, like NPOJI600.DLL. Copy the five files into plugins, and it
should work.
Also change milestone to 097.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7

Perhaps it's time to be coherent and agree on files needed for Java Plug-in on
Win32 platforms. I've always been using 1 file only: NPOJI600.DLL (or
NPOJI610.DLL for 1.4b).
0.9.5 Release Notes still mention both ways, I asked many times (bug 100230)
that it should be corrected for 0.9.6: bug 104896.
I filed a bug report for correctness: bug 104506.

*** Bug 109756 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
You need all five NPxxx files in the plugins directory. For example, for
1.3.0_01, you need:

For 1.4, you also need five files, including NPOJI610.dll. Currently, there is a
bug in 1.4, that only NPOJI610.dll got copied, and the Java plugin team is
fixing it.

Reporter, how did you get your mozilla? Did you build it, or downloaded from
web? Then how did you install java plugin? Just went to a page with Java and
followed the instructions of downloading plugin? Try to reproduce what you saw.
(Sorry for the spam)


Then, Release Notes should be correctly.

However, can you explain why one needs the following files:
I've been running Mozilla nightlies for one year on Win2k with JRE 1.3.0_01,
1.3.1, 1.4b2 on several machines with only 1 file: NPOJI600.DLL (and NPOJI610.DLL).
how did you get your mozilla? Did you build it, or downloaded from
web? Then how did you install java plugin? Just went to a page with Java and
followed the instructions of downloading plugin? I am trying to reproduce what
you saw.
*** Bug 110025 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 110089 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
again, please answer the following questions:
How did you get your mozilla? Did you build it, or downloaded from
How did you install java plugin? Downloaded from Netscape as you went to the
first Java applet page? Or downloaded from javasoft?
In other words, please provide the steps to reproduce your problem.

Otherwise, without your input, this bug will be mark invalid, since it is not
 How did you get your mozilla?
               Did you build it, or downloaded from web?
I downloaded from web

How did you install java plugin?
   Downloaded from Netscape as you went to the first Java applet page? Or
downloaded from javasoft?

I downloaded as I went to the first Java applet page

I installed it and reboot my PC and I went back tho this page and the appet
didn't appear (only a message that says "click here to download the

--Aditional information: pattform: Windown 98 (Second edition) --

*** Bug 111233 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I am having this problem as well.  Here are the steps I took: Using Windows 98,
Mozilla 0.9.6.  Mozilla 0.9.6 was downloaded from Mozilla's main page using the
Windows link under the "Download Mozilla" part of the page.  Next, I went to  Under the "CivTrivia Leaderboard" part of
the page is the missing plugin icon and the "Click here to get the plugin"
message.  Clicking the icon brings up the Java 2 Plug-in Version 1.3 download
page.  I selected Java 2 Windows plug-in.  This brought up the installer which
downloaded the plugin from Netscape's ftp.  It downloads, the Windows installer
comes up, it installs successfully, the plug-in installer finishes the install,
a new Mozilla window opens up telling me the plug-in install is successful.  I
exit Mozilla and restart it.  I go back to and
the missing plug-in icon still shows up.

My father is also having this problem (trying to run a java program from a
totally different page) using the same installation steps, Mozilla 0.9.6, and
Windows 98 Second Edition.
   Can you tell me which version of JRE you downloaded? I need the exact version
This is the information from the "About Java Plug-in" Java(TM)2 Runtime
Environment, Standard Edition 1.3.1.  Default Virtual Machine Version 1.3.1-b24.
 Java(TM) Plug-in 1.3.1.
Keywords: mozilla1.0
*** Bug 113042 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 113167 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
When can we expect this to be fixed?  I just had the same prob' and had to do
the workaround.  I installed Moz0.9.6 on Win98SE, default plugin Java 1.3.1.  I
tried installing  another version several months ago, too, and had the same
problem.  Didn't have time then to go bug hunting, so I gave up (almost did this
time, too).  I've had a similar prob' with NS6.1, BTW.  Shouldn't be that hard
to fix, ey?

(And while you're at it, see if you can't get LiveConnect working.  I kinda
depend on that for my site.  Also, why isn't there a "Java" keyword here? 
Sheesh, is client-side Java really dead, or what?!)

*** Bug 113333 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
see also bug 101687
JPI installer fix in progress!
*** Bug 113610 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I couldn't reproduce this problem. Does any one try to reproduce this bug please?
You meant you tried it and it worked or you don't have the resource to try?
Joe, I meant when I tried on this url:
it loaded fine.
Jesus, Patty, did you even read the comments on this?  Did you have the Java
plugin installed already when you pulled up  This is a problem
for installations where the Java plugin hasn't been set up yet.  You'll need to
completely wipe out your install and then try it.  If you didn't, you should
either pay attention or hand this bug off to someone else.
Tried it on my win98, after downloading jre1.3.1 (by going to a page with
applet,, still asking for downloading plugin. Took a look at the
JRE downloaded, at ...\javasoft\jre\131\bin, no NPxxx.dll files there. The
installer seemed still broken.
Sorry that I didn't clean the java stuff on the registry.Anyway, after cleaning 
out everything. I went to this url and it asked me "get 
the plugin". So I downloaded from there. After the installation was completed, I 
visited that url: and it still asked me again "get the 

The second way I tried to reboot the system and visited that url above, and it 
still asked the same "get the plugin". Anyway, I took a look at the JRE 
downloaded at C:\Javasoft\jre\1.3.1\bin, all the 5 files "NPJava11.dll, 
NPJava12.dll, NPJava131.dll, NPJava32.dll, NPOJI600.dll" were there. Shrirang and 
I also verified this.

applet,, still asking for downloading plugin. Took a look at the
JRE downloaded, at ...\javasoft\jre\131\bin, no NPxxx.dll files there. The
installer seemed still broken.
Tried it on my win98, after downloading jre1.3.1 (by going to a page with
applet,, still asking for downloading plugin. Took a look at the
JRE downloaded, at ...\javasoft\jre\131\bin, no NPxxx.dll files there. The
installer seemed still broken.
I have the same bug.

I am running Win 2000 Pro.
I specifically want Mozilla to try the MathML support.

I went to
I clicked on Download Mozilla  Mozilla 0.9.6
I clicked on Zip file with MathML (8.9 MB)
It downloaded the file
which I saved to my downloads directory.
I extracted the files using WinZip and put them in the
directory C:\Program Files\Mozilla.
I opened the file C:\Program Files\Mozilla\bin\mozilla.exe
It is build 2001112310

I opened the location
At the top right is an applet which says click here to get the plugin.
I clicked on it and got a dialog box and clicked on Java 2 Windows Plug-in
It says I am downloading Java 2 Windows Plug-in from
I clicked on Install. A few OK's and Next's. Then a window opwned saying
Install Results  Java 2 Plug-in for Windows : Successful
I closed Mozilla and reopened it.
I opened the location
At the top right is still the applet which says click here to get the plugin.
I rebooted and reopened Mozilla.
I opened the location
At the top right is still the applet which says click here to get the plugin.

I copied NPOJI600.DLL from C:\javasoft\jre\bin to "\plugins" directory.
I reopened Mozilla.
I opened the location
Now the applet loads.
Joe, Any updates on a updated JRE installer to recognize Mozilla that we could
get for
Here's how to read the Windows registry and correctly install plugins for all
Gecko embedding browsers:

It's possible we could hack-in the DLL copy in the XPI. What do you guys think?
But if someone chooses to uninstall the JRE, the copied files would still be
there and could cause problems. It would be better if the native installer put
the DLL's in the correct location.

Patty, did you use a commercial Netscape branded build or a Mozilla one? I
recall this being a Mozilla-only bug, but things may have changed recently. Can
you verify? Thanks.
Summary: java plug in problem asks to load plug in even after I have loaded plug in → JRE installer on doesn't install correctly for Mozilla
Peter, I used "commercial netscape trunk build: (2001-12-19-11-trunk)", I 
downloaded this from ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/
*** Bug 117520 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Peter, based on the comment #37 and #40 dated 2001-12-19 13:30, 
I used "commercial netscape trunk build: (2001-12-19-11-trunk)", I 
downloaded this from ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/
2001-12-19-11-trunk/. After cleaning out java from the registry and everything,
I went to this url and it asked me "get 
the plugin". So I downloaded from there. After the installation was completed, I 
visited that url: and it still asked me again "get the 
The second way I tried to reboot the system and visited that url above, and it 
still asked the same "get the plugin". Anyway, I took a look  
at C:\Javasoft\jre\1.3.1\bin, all the 5 files "NPJava11.dll, 
NPJava12.dll, NPJava131.dll, NPJava32.dll, NPOJI600.dll" were there. Shrirang and 
I also verified this.
Just a few minutes ago, I tried to visit this url: http://wwww/, 
it popped up the alert dialog saying "The connection was refused when attempting
to contact I will try to visit this url sometimes later today
and using the recent commercial build to see the latest result for this. Thanks!
I just tried on windows 98 with jre 1.3.1 (commercial build: 2002-01-11-09-trunk)

Steps to reproduce:

1.Delete jre 1.31. from Add/Remove program properties.
2.Go to registry and delete anything relating to java.
3.Go to
4.Click on Java2 Windows plug-in and install it.
5.After the installation is sucessful, I revisit
  It still asks "Click here to get the Plugin".
6.Go back to C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jre\1.3.1\bin, all the 5 dll. are in this
  foler:"NPJava11.dll, NPJava12.dll, NPJava131.dll, NPJava32.dll, NPOJI600.dll"
-->XPI Packages

Shrirang sent me an e-mail saying it DOES work fine in daily MachV builds, but
not in Mozilla nor in Netscape 6.2!

I think the XPI that are hosted on for Java may need to be updated.
Assignee: joe.chou → syd
Component: OJI → Installer: XPI Packages
Priority: -- → P1
QA Contact: pmac → ktrina
Summary: JRE installer on doesn't install correctly for Mozilla → JRE XPI installer hosted on doesn't install correctly for Mozilla or Netscape 6.2
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.7 → mozilla0.9.8
*** Bug 96953 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 100316 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 96867 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 117815 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 84463 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 93554 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: nsCatFood
Taking it from syd
Assignee: syd → curt
Whiteboard: mcp-working
*** Bug 119113 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 117373 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
I believe that the java plugin hosted by netscape has been updated and the
mozilla xpinstaller is looking at the old location. The new location is
I think. 
My bug - Bug 117815 - was marked a duplicate of this one but my problem isn't so
much that Mozilla can't find the java plugin, it is that the java plugin doesn't
start up properly.  This freezes mozilla - isn't there something you can do to
prevent the mozilla browser freezing as a result of the java plugin dieing?  

It might be a problem with my registry keys so I'll try deleting all java
related and reinstall the jre.  Seems funny that reinstalling the jre wouldn't
fix the registry entries.  That or maybe the mozilla entries are #$@#@#.
I tried installing from the new location with Build ID 2002012103 and it didn't
acknowledge Mozilla at all. When it asked me if I wanted to restart my browser I
clicked yes and it never restarted.
QA Contact: ktrina → gbush
see also bug 104387
*** Bug 104387 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
To get the problem resolved, a Sun internal bug (#4627662) has been created and
assigned to the Java plugin group. Hopefuly there will be a good solution to
this problem soon. In the mean time, the work around is to copy the default JRE
to plugins after download it from web.
If the work around does work (it works for me on win2000), this bug should not
be a p1 blocker.
This is a P1 blocker becase it prevents all Mozilla and most Netscape Windows
users from using Java without first reading the release notes and being savy
enough to know to copy the DLL's to the right location.

If it is not possible to modify the JRE EXE installer at this time, could the
XPIs be updated to do the copy of the DLL's instead of relying on the user? It's
pretty, but it's better than reporting a successful installation to the user and
still not working.
Joe and I are meeting Monday to figure out how we can address this problem.
The meeting is our OJI weekly meeting, and at the beginning we are going to talk
about this issue and see what may be a good solution. The meeting will be held
in Netscape bld 21, at 3:30 pm PST, and some people from JRE installer is
planning to attend as well.
*** Bug 121820 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I just installed the "RTM" build of JDK 1.4 downloaded from the Sun web site.
The installer and even control panel have options for Netscape 6, but they don't
seem to work for me. :(

I'm using a recent MachV (not Mozilla) FULL install build that came with Java
1.3.1. Java was working before I installed the JDK 1.4 but no Java plugin are
registered in about:plugins now after doing the recommended restart.

What is the correct procedure to get the 1.4 plugin working with the browser on
Windows? Should I copy a DLL or run regxpcom.exe?
*** Bug 122117 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
changing summary to reflect this is not a problem on Netscape 6 (6.2 as noted 
earlier or recent trunk builds)
Summary: JRE XPI installer hosted on doesn't install correctly for Mozilla or Netscape 6.2 → JRE XPI installer hosted on doesn't install correctly for Mozilla
As per meeting Sun folks today, I'm expect to get pointed to a new jre installer
(1.3.1_3, I believe) which we believe will correct this problem.
*** Bug 123779 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
shouldn't this bug be marked as accepted, unless no one wants to work on it?
only nsbeta1+ bugs can have milestones, resetting to ---
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → ---
This should have been nsbeta'ed but got missed somehow.  Still waiting for a fix
from Sun.  I'm actually a little confused, though, as to whether we're going to
try to get the fix 3.1.3 or try to move to 4.0.  If someone knows for sure which
way this is going I'd sure like to hear.  In any case, we do want to take a fix
from Sun as soon as we get the right thing.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.9
Sun contacted me about a test drop Friday- but have not  heard any more since 
*** Bug 124118 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 124081 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 120914 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 123832 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 115457 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 101195
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → mozilla1.0.1
*** Bug 125067 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
inserting common words into summary..

summary: + [java runtime] XPInstaller, plug-ins
Summary: JRE XPI installer hosted on doesn't install correctly for Mozilla → JRE [java runtime] XPInstaller on doesn't install plug-ins correctly
Curt, Grace, and others,

We've got a tentative drop for internal testing purposes which I'll disclose in
e-mail to you folks :-)  There are a bunch of obstacles towards moving to 1.4.0
and we're trying to iron these out -- these obstacles aren't in Bugzilla because
ultimately they are Sun JRE code changes (an nsIComponentManager fiasco
methinks).  So for the interim, it looks like it's going to be very wise to test
with 1.3.1_03.  Why was this nsbeta-'d?  I guess because latest Commercial
builds have no problems, but N6.2 does have problems?  Someone will have to
teach me why.
It was minus'd because the page serving 1.3 works for 6.2 and is broken for
Mozilla, and the problems are in Sun's installer so it's really up to them if
they want to re-spin 1.3x to work in Mozilla.

I assume we have internal bugscape bugs to track integrating new versions of the
JRE with newer versions of Netscape products
renominating- this is a problem on trunk builds too.  (build 202022103)
to reproduce:
1.uninstall Java
2. Install recommended or custom (Java deselected) using this build
3. go to (or url above)
4. plugin prompt is displayed, click on icon
5. download and install Java- verify install successful screen
6. relaunch and return to same url

actual results: user prompted for plugin again  :(((
expected results: to proceed with applet test

I performed the same test with Netscape 6.2.1 and was able to proceed testing 
Keywords: nsbeta1-nsbeta1
This is working on Commercial builds for 3/1 and 3/4- removing nomination.
It is still not working on mozilla unless the dll is copied over.

Keywords: nsbeta1
I had the same problem with the java plugin with my Linux from Scratch system.
The Java Runtime Environment want's to link to ( But
the library I have instead is ( So I made a symbolic
link from the former to the latter. Java now works correctly for me and is
recognized by Mozilla.
*** Bug 132317 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 133752 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
comment from another user in bug 100580
Comment-  just loaded Mozilla 0.9.9 on my Win2k machine, complete install.  Went
to a site that uses java, told me I needed the plugin still.  Installed it,
restarted Mozilla, same result, I still need the plugin.  Found this bug, copied
NPOJI600.dll into the plugin directory which was still not there, whereas the
other 4 files mentioned HAD been copied there by the install.  (Whether by 0.9.9
or the java install, not sure...)  

Regardless, I am writing this comment with the main concern that this be
addressed before release 1.0, because users will be immediately unhappy if Java
does not work easily.  If anyone knows and can point me to the appropriate bug
that is fixing this or if it is being fixed in the java installer, please direct
me to the appropriate bug...  I am sincerely hoping that the PC community starts
using Mozilla as well.
Adding relnote keyword. This bug's target release is 1.0.1. It's important that
the Mozilla release notes' section on Java be improved and updated for the 1.0
release. It's one of the first and most insoluble of problems for new Mozilla users.

If help is needed, I offer to contribute to the relnote update.
Keywords: relnote
So, you're going to release 1.0 with this still broken?  I think that's very
poor for a major release, given how important Java is.  I can't believe this has
been broken since 0.9.4 and you're STILL putting it off even though it's a P1
Mozilla is intended for developers, volunteers, and expert users. End users
should use Netscape 6.x, on which Java installs fine.

The target milestone is 1.0.1. Severity is blocker. That means that this bug is
a blocker for that release, not prior releases. 

There are a lot of bugs to fix, and no one can make it perfect immediately. 
I think we need a native JRE installer from Sun that correctly installs to
Mozilla (see comment #59) or perhaps someone can hack the install.js scripts
(comment #39) or use the pref in comment #6.
Good news:JRE 1.3.1_03, which is still in beta stage (AFAIK) addresses this
problem.  I *think* this is the case.  Can NSCP QA, that have done preliminary
tests, verify this?  1.3.1_03 was given to NSCP to test in a preliminary manner.  
I found the _03 file and did the following
1. installed Mozilla build 2002032906 (launched, no plugin available- trying tod 
ownload here will take you to _02 version)
2. Installed Java 1.3.1_03 from my machine
3. relaunched Mozilla- voila all the right files in plugins directory-

now to get this in the builds!
And on the site! Gregg, Rafael, who owns the JRE download page these days?
Whiteboard: mcp-working → [mcp-working]
Affects Win2000 as well.  I cannot get JRE to run at all.
Read all comments, am up to current JRE, have all necessary files in Plugin
directory, applied all suggested solutions/ideas/etc.

No results.

This thing HAS to be resolved before 1.0, IMHO.  Users, ever experienced ones
are going to be really T.O.'d is they have to hassle this, as JAVA is in
extensive use on the web.
Follow-up to comment 96:

Managed to get things running by double-checking version of NPIJ600.DLL; turned
out to be for previous version of JRE, not the required 1.3.01_02.

Odd, but there it is.

Plug-in now _seems_ to be responding normally.
I've spent a few hours today trying to get Java working in Mozilla 0.9.9 running
on Win98SE.  (I'm using a self installing talkback build).

I tried most of the solutions here, with no luck.  Eventually I had to do a
complete uninstall of all JRE and Java plugins (but not the JDK), and then
re-install the 1.3.1 JRE.  This finally worked, but ONLY IF:

I entered pref("plugin.do_JRE_Plugin_Scan",true); in a preference file


I copied these files into the \plugins directory.


Interestingly (and frustratingly) neither fix worked when I still had old JRE's
on my system, but both (or either) fix works now I've de-installed and
re-installed  the 1.3.1 JRE.  I think the preferences fix is cleaner.

I am having this problem on Windows XP Pro using Mozilla 0.9.9 (2002031104) as
well.  After installing the JRE 1.3.1_02, the NPOJI600.dll file is not copied to
the Mozilla plug-ins directory.  The other files (NPJava11.dll, NPJava12.dll,
NPJava32.dll, and NPJava131_02.dll) are there, however.  It appears as though
manually copying NPOJI600.dll from the JRE\bin directory to the plug-ins
directory does the trick.

I'm adding my experience here to point out that this is something that seems to
occur on all versions of Windows (the original reporter was using Win98; Grace
reported the same problem on Win2k in comment #87).  I also strongly agree that
this is something that MUST be remedied prior to a 1.0 release.

If the JRE 1.3.1_03 fixes this problem, then what can be done to get Sun to get
that release out of beta as soon as possible?  I think manually copying the
file(s) needed is too much to ask of the average user.
In response to Comment #99 From Mike Chesnut, Mozilla is not for the average 
user.  That is why we have Netscape.  The question we have to ask 
copying some plugin file too much to ask for the average Mozilla-tester, or 
advanced computer user, etc...

Me personally, I never install anything using the automatic installer.  I 
install it manually so I have full control.  Actually I think I started doing 
this a year ago when I first tried the automatic installer and it didn't work.

This is not something that desperately needs to be fixed for 1.0, but I think 
the 1.0 tree should get this ASAP, in 1.01 or 1.02.  As far as getting sun to 
release the newest 1.3.1_03 sooner, that's pretty much impossible.
It will be fixed in next release of JRE (1.4.1).
Re: David Grant's comments...

I guess this is a difference in opinion of what Mozilla should be.  I understand
that it is not for Joe Windows User, currently.  That's why it's 0.x software. 
But I think when you go ahead and release something dubbed "1.0," that changes
people's perception of it.  There are expectations there that the 'basic'
functionality will work 'out of the box,' so to speak, and I think Java should
be included in that.

It is good to know that it will be fixed "soon," though, whatever that means.
I think you comment is valid.  I think this "out-of-the-box" feel for Mozilla
should come with the 1.0.0 series.  I am patient, however, and I'm still
expecting there to be many problems in 1.0.0.  But I think there should be great
expectations for 1.0.1 and 1.0.2  These should be targetted towards ANYONE in my
opinion.  I once set up a novice Windows user on Moz 0.9.8.  Bad mistake.  I
ended up going over to his house every second day to get some plugins working,
JAVA, and there were also some problems opening up some file attachments.  I
realized at the point that 0.9.8 was still development  Moz.  We are two
releases since 0.9.8, but I still think 1.0.0 is fairly early, but the versions
have to push forward to deep development motivated to create stable releases. 
So I guess in my comment above, I was thinking in the past too much...but you
are right, now that we are at 1.0.0 there should be expectations that basic
things will work out of the box.  I guess most basic things do...but this Java
install thing will hopefully come around in 1.0.1
I've found the same problem, when I try to access a java chat room on - the link is down the left side.  I install the java plugin,
restart, and it just tells me again that I need it.
*** Bug 136095 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
As you guys probably already know, in Win2k (SP2/SRP1) with Mozilla 1.0 RC1 web
d/l (mozilla-win32-1.0rc1-installer.exe) (and past versions) The JRE Setup (in
the order I tried them, j2re-1_3_1_01a-win.exe, j2re-1_4_0-win.exe, jre131i.xpi)
will not install the Plug-ins at all or wont install them correctly (installs
the other dll’s but not NPOJI600.DLL). I followed this person’s advice and basically manually copied the
NPOJI6x0.DLL file to the Plug-ins folder, and it worked. 
I now have a problem (not sure if its Mozilla or Java that’s the problem) with (Java Chat) though. Ok the problem is that the layout
is “Funky” in some parts of the screen and I can’t “Copy and Paste” text to the
chat window, any idea’s?
I feel this bug is a major problem because it has kept me for fully switch over
to Linux for the fact that a support group I go to on (Java
chat only) would not work with Mozilla. All this time I thought that java was
installed and working and that it was a problem with Sun’s Java Spec, the site
works perfect for MS Java (and was made for MS Java) with fall back for less
capable browsers (HTML, and a light ver. of Java, both ****). Now that I know
this is a bug and did the fix, it looks and works like it does in IE.
There should be more documentation about this bug in the release notes etc. if
its not going to be fixed before 1.0, it has caused me a lot of problem’s and
I’m sure other’s too.

First post to bugzilla btw, not sure if I’m doing this right.
*** Bug 133069 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
FYI:  I installed Mozilla 1.0 yesterday on a W98se machine.  I encountered the
JRE problem discribed bellow, tried installing the latest edition of Java 2
Runtime Environment (v. 1.4.0) and still found the problem.

Copied the .dll files to the Mozilla plugins folder.  Problem persisted.

I finally got it working by deleting all Java related files from the Windows
directory, Mozilla Plugins folder, and Program Files, then reinstalling the JRE
and copying all (for luck) of the NP .dll files to the Mozilla Plugins folder.

Point:  this is still a problem with both Mozilla 1.0 and with JRE 1.4.0
I just encountered this problem running Windows XP. Clicked on 'install plugin'
link on a web page, got sent to a Sun page, had to HUNT AROUND to find a page
that even mentioned the Java plugin (NOT GOOD, guys. Newbies don't know how to
do this!) and installed the JDK 1.4.0. 

Mozilla still refused to recognize Java applets. Then did some Google searches
to find out that I needed to copy some .dll files into my plugins directory.
After doing that, it worked.

This is embarrassing, folks. I shouldn't have to hunt around and then copy files
by hand in order to get this to work. And it shouldn't be dependent on Sun to
get this to work. If Mozilla notices a Java plugin, and it notices a JDK is
installed, it should copy the files itself if it needs to. In any case, if this
is not fixed, I should at least be sent to a web page that tells me how to do
the copying myself.

This is JDK 1.4.0! This bug was reported clear back in 1.3.0, almost a year ago,
and it still doesn't work. This is not a difficult bug to fix (at least by a
workable hack that would work for most people) since all it involves is a little
bit of file copying... find all installed JDK's, find the .dlls with the most
reacent date, version number, or whatever, and copy them into the correct location.

Mozilla 1.0 shouldn't be allowed to go out the door with this kind of gross
feature missing, since Java support should "just work" with almost no user
intervention, and failure to do so in a clean fashion will cripple functionality
that helps one of Mozilla's allies (namely, Sun), and will have the effect of
encouraging people do things the Explorer/ActiveX way instead.

This is a bad bug! It should be fixed ASAP!
I'm sure the developers have already thought about this, but here goes anyway...

Part of the problem is that the .dlls have to be copied from the JRE folder to
the Mozilla plug-ins folder. I think I saw somewhere that the fix for this is
that some newer Sun JRE installer is supposed to do this when you install JRE.
Of course, that doesn't help if you install JRE first and then Mozilla.

Also, I think I saw in another bug report that there was an issue about how an
uninstall of the JRE should work. Should it uninstall the .dlls from the browser
plug-in folders?

My question is: Why do the .dlls have to be in the plug-in folder? Why can't
Mozilla, when it needs to, go find the JRE installation and load the .dlls from
there? Isn't some of the JRE folders in the path or in environment variables?

(I can't check on that right now because I'm using my Mac, which for some reason
doesn't have any of these problems...)
You can't assume anything. I keep all my programs and junk on my D: so that way
if windows blows up, none of my documents and settings are affected when I
format C: I just have to reinstall everything...

I think the easiest work around to get things solved is to place the necessary
.dll's in the plugins dir on install when it is asked if they want to install
java. That way, Java installs, and the plugs are automatically placed. Dont
worry about copying stuff over, just put it there. That way its done and over
with with no hassel!

This not by far the fix for this bug, but it can be a temporary solution until
something comes up.
See bug 95700 for JRE plugin scanning.
JRE scanning is now automatic and on by default. See bug 133282.
BTW David, it looks like this hasn't really been triaged correctly so maybe you
will want to assess it quickly and see if you think it needs nominated for rtm.
 Since it says it is a blocker, I would think it should be a candidate, but I
haven't looked into it carefully enough to know for sure.
Assignee: curt → dprice
Whiteboard: [mcp-working]
I think comment 113 means this works now. Needs to be tested in Mozilla
specifically, though.
I tested with nightly build 2002053104 and this is working now
two test cases:
no Java installed, installed Mozilla, got plugin- pass
Java installed, installed Mozilla, Java was accessible (as in commercial)-pass
*** Bug 138318 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
retested with mozilla builds, both trunk and branch and this is fixed,
marking worksforme
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Component: Installer: XPI Packages → Installer
QA Contact: agracebush → general
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