Closed Bug 428923 Opened 17 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[meta] Use every icon produced for Firefox 3


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: faaborg, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

This is a tracking bug for making sure that all of the icons that we have produced for each platform is actually landed and appearing in all of the correct locations in the user interface.

A tremendous amount of work went into producing more than 480 icons across the 4 platforms, so we need to make absolutely sure that all of the icons produced for features in Firefox 3 are actually being used in order to give the product a high level of polish.

I'll cc the various themeing teams to bugs that block this tracking bug based on the relevant platforms.

I would like to manage this list myself, but please nominate related bugs in the comments below, or to  My apologies if I file any dupes, I'm working mainly off of the icon inventory and trying to get everything covered in bugs quickly.
Flags: blocking-firefox3?
Depends on: 428924
Depends on: 428943
Depends on: 429231
Depends on: 429232
(We can't block on tracking bugs)
Flags: blocking-firefox3? → blocking-firefox3-
Depends on: 429262
Bug 409287 -- Report broken website tango icon

Bug 427717 -- Use GTK icons for error console

Bug 425998 -- History items (Today, Yesterday, etc.) should use a calendar icon

Bug 418877 -- Error/Warning/Information/Question icons

Bug 387018 -- Autoscroll icon no longer transparent

Bug 419041 -- Local file system favicon

Bug 419446 -- Live bookmark item icon shown as normal link icon in Library and Bookmarks sidebar
bug 424164 - missing icons in addons manager
bug 427292 - strange padding in "places" listview near icon
bug 427467 - wrong icon near "restart {product}" button in addons manager notifications
Depends on: 417844
Depends on: 424603
Depends on: 424383
Depends on: 425116
Depends on: 429717
Depends on: 429721
Depends on: 426453
Depends on: 429725
Depends on: 429149
Depends on: 430880
Depends on: 430895
Depends on: 430897
Depends on: 430902
Depends on: 430903
Depends on: 430904
Depends on: 430905
Depends on: 430907
Depends on: 423744
Depends on: 423742
Depends on: 431002
Depends on: 431013
Depends on: 431014
Depends on: 431018
Depends on: 431022
Depends on: 431458
Depends on: 432409
Depends on: 432938
This bug doesn't seem to be useful anymore, closing.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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