Closed Bug 17788 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

M12 Release Notes Scratchpad


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: verah, Assigned: verah)




Please post your M11 release notes item here.
Summary: M11 Dogfood Release Notes Scratchpad → Dogfood Release Notes Scratchpad
M11 is different from Dogfood. M11 Release Note Scratchpad is: This bug will be for Release Note on the Dogfood declared build in mid-December. Removing M11 from Summary.
Summary: Dogfood Release Notes Scratchpad → M12 Release Notes Scratchpad
Target Milestone: M12
Just found out Dogfood = M12. Putting on M12 radar.
Please document Solaris 2.6 patches needed to build/run:
Oh yeah, I already wrote this up, posted it to
lets get the caching info in as a high level visable item. here are fur's notes. Yesterday, I checked in support for HTTP caching, which should boost the performance of Mozilla a bit, particularly over dialup connections. (If you're using a LAN, you won't see startling speed improvements - Mozilla is still largely limited by layout.) I've got a few things to tell you, but the most important things you should know are: The cache is not turned on by default. For the moment, you have to enable it via a pref. Support is enabled for memory caching only - not the disk cache. That means that cached data will not be remembered across sessions. If anyone files a bug complaining that the disk cache is not working, I'll lock you in a room with chofmann and a pile of PDT+ bugs :) If you want to turn on caching, add this to your prefs: user_pref("browser.cache.enable", true); The cache has only been tested on Windows and partially tested on Linux. When a few adventurous people tell me that the cache is working well enough on their platform, I'll lobby chofmann to change the default behavior to enable caching. The cache certainly works well enough for me under NT4. I haven't seen any cache-related crashes on that platform, but I have seen one case in which the throbber won't shut off [Bug 21162]. In any case, assign any caching bugs to me, but first please check to make sure that they haven't already been reported. More limitations: Cache prefs aren't hooked up, so you can't clear the cache, change its size or how often data is validated with the server [Bug 20893]. Also, the reload and shift-reload actions won't alter the behavior of the cache until they're hooked up [Bug 21137]. -Scott
Just wanted to post some notes concerning mousewheel scrolling: Unix: You need to have your X server properly configured. For XFree86, this generally involves adding a line to the Pointer section of your XF86Config file such as "ZAxisMapping 4 5". You also need to make sure the Protocol line is set up correctly for your mouse. Windows: If you are using a Logitech wheel mouse, scrolling with the wheel in Mozilla may not work while Logitech's em_exec program is running. A workaround to the problem (which may involve upgrading your mouse driver) is documented in Bug 20618. Macintosh: Mousewheel scrolling (for USB mice) is not yet implemented for Mac.
The following bugs have been fixed and verified and should not be in the M12 release note: bug 17702 bug 18064 bug 17765 bug 17937 bug 17680 bug 18675 bug 11856 bug 6485 bug 16310 bug 18458 bug 16929 bug 18971 thanks. fenella
Update on the cache, mcaffe turned it into a pref Preferences->Debug->Enabale Mem Cache, so users wont have to muck with there prefs.js
19165 says: Win32 unzip installation will not work unless you run the seamonkey installer first. Installer apparently updates system files that unzip cannot.
Bug 21391: Can't create new Address Book Should be included in the M12 release note.
From "IMAP mail filters cannot move messages to local folders or folders on other IMAP servers. If you've migrated your filters from 4.x, the filters which perform this action will not work in 5.0. This feature will work in a future release." Pls add this to the list of known problems for mail for all platforms.
From "During the first mail session for a new POP account the thread pane doesn't display headers. Exit and relaunch to same account will be okay, headers will display. It's only the initial mail session for the new POP account which doesn't display thread pane list." Add to the list of known problems for all platforms for mail.
From "Color selection in composer causes crash. Composing a new message and trying to select a color to assign to a selected text element may cause a crash while trying to deactivate that selection dialog." Pls add this to the mail section for all platforms for list of known problems.
From "In the mail window's thread pane, you cannot extend the selection (via shift-click) to include a message immediately above the currently selected message. You can extend the selection if you click on a message that is 2 or more away from the currently selected message though. As a workaround, please use CTRL-Click as a workaround for this case." Pls add this to the list of known problems for mail for all platforms.
These bugs have been fixed and verified. Please delete them from the release note: bug 18083 bug 17931 bug 14722 bug 18642
From "Crashed when trying to read the send message from the messages thread pane" Please add this to the list of Mail known problems for Linux & Windows platforms.
From "Crashed when trying to send message to 3.5 News Server Newsgroup" Please add this to the list of Mail known problems for all the platforms.
Please remove bug#22001 & bug#21607 from this release notes since these bugs may be causing by AIM. Thanks.
From "Difficult to get to 4th addressing line in New Msg window" Please add this to the list of Mail known problems for all the platforms. "Cancel news message doesn't remove it from thread pane." Please add this to the list of Mail known problems for all the platforms.
From "Copy message menu did not reflect the POP Inbox subfolders" Please add this to the list of Mail known problems for all the platforms.
Updates for Printing category: Printing(images, html widgets, page sources and web pages) looks good on Windows and Linux. Printing on MAC is currently blocked by bug 21759. Blockers are: Bug 7201 Bug 21759 Bug 21997 Bug 21433
Plugins update for M12 : Some major plugins are working on Windows. The likes of Shockwave Flash, real audio and Midi files can be played . Some file types(.mov,.au etc) are not understood by mozilla. You cannot add a new mime type to launch a helper application. Blocking bugs are: Bug 20407 Bug 18656
Please document browser bug #21832, "Browser content frequently cannot be copied". e.g., "Copying text from the browser window frequently will not work."
vera, please display this somewhere in a fairly prominent place: Mac only, There are problems with the feature that remembers passwords on the Macintosh platform. It is recommended that you press "Cancel" when you are first asked if you want this feature turned on. You can also turn off the feature in Edit - Preferences - Advanced by unchecking the "Automatically Prefill Usernames and Passwords" box. See bug 21596
Under Sidebar, please put: Mac Only: You can not add or delete panels in the Sidebar, bug 22248
"You can't connect to secure sites....." Should be changed to "You can't connect to all secure sites......
an additional item under Known Issues in Mail and News Trying to delete an email that does not contain any newlines may crash. (bug 21670)
1. Composer and Editor: Bug# 11859 "Loading remote stylesheet in editor fails". It can also cause the application to freeze. 2. Mail: 3-Pane Bug# 21772 "Selecting a local empty folder does not refresh the thread pane" 3. In the Mail/News, Account Setup section it mentions that the Account Wizard does not show the correct server type. I think this should be removed because I haven't seen this problem for awhile and it is working in the latest build for NT4, Linux and Mac.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Marking Resolved/Fixed since release notes and build is out. Verah, please makr Verified if all is well :-)
Marking Verified. This milestone over.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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