Closed Bug 116181 Opened 23 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Green arrow (folder has new messages indicator) doesn't disappear when all mails are read


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: simon, Unassigned)


(Blocks 4 open bugs)


From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.6+) Gecko/20011218
BuildID:    2001121803

I have several accounts Moz checks and filters which move the mails to different
folders. When I get a mail the inbox is marked with the green arrow (as is the
mail icon) and the mails get moved to the different folders. After having read
the different new mails in the folders the green arrow should disappear, but it
only does when I click on the Inbox. Mozilla should be able to recognise that
all mails are read and the green are should disappear then.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have different subfolders and filters leaving to them.
2. Check your mail
3. Read the new messages and observe that tha green arrow does only disappear
when you clock on the Inbox.

Actual Results:  The green arrow does only disappear when you click on the Inbox.

Expected Results:  The green arrow should disappear after having all mails read.

Maybe this is related top bugs 94913, but I'm not sure.
Just checked it with an older build (2001121508) on a different computer
(Win98), seems to work there. The bug must have appeared at the beginning of
this week.
No one taking care of this? It's small but annoying as hell. I always believe
that I have new mail while all mails are already marked read.
Confirmed with 2002012408/Linux.
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 98 → All
reassiging to naving.  I'm unable to reproduce this. When I read all of my mail
in a folder that is filtered to, either pop or imap, the new message arrow on
the folder disappears.
Assignee: sspitzer → naving
QA Contact: esther → laurel
I don't know if this is related or not, but with build 2002012708 the behaviour
of Mozilla changed when new Mails arrive. Now the green arrow disappears as soon
as I have read a message. This is also wrong of course, it should stay there
until all messages are read. Also, the name of the folder which contains new
messages remains bold, even if all messages in it are markes read. If I collapse
the parent folder and reopen it again, the folder name is displayed normally.
Same bug or different bug)
It would be even nicer if when I have a new mail netscape pops a little mail
icon into my system tray like netscape 4.6 and 4.7 used to that way I dont have
to go to netscape all the time to check if I have a mail I just look down at my
system tray and no Icon then I know I have no mail.
Chris, what you just wrote about the system tray got checked in over the weekend.
*** Bug 102562 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
i brought this issue up in bug 121660, comment 52 too - attachment 70847 [details] just
shows the same problem. would be nice to have that fixed soon. i'll give my vote
for this one.
*** Bug 131317 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Isn't this is a dup of Bug 84705? Are the're any chance we might see this fixed
in Mozilla 1.0?
from Comment #11 From  Bug 84705 indeed does seem somehow
alike. the issue reported is not, but it turned out to be. maybe the two
assignees ( (Navin Gupta) and (Seth
Spitzer)) should decide who's turn it is =)

but seth pointed out in bug 121660, that his bug would _not_ include the
green-arrow issue, so maybe it could also be the other way round. anyway, either
QAs or Assignees should have a talk.

(BTW: there is the possibility to /vote/ for bugs, you want to have fixed; but
since this one does not have any moz1.0 or machv or any keywords and in addition
no target milestone, it's unlikly for it to be in v1.0)
*** Bug 144129 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 148074 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 149619 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 153871 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 164316 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 148379 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 169738 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 182593 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 200789 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've been seeing this bug, occasionally, since about version 0.9.  
It's definitely there in 1.4a. 

It ONLY happens if several mail items arrive at once, and if they are being
moved between accounts.   

I have accounts with several ISPs, but filter mail from them all to the same set
of "master" mailboxes.   The green arrow stays in the toolbar till I've read all
the mail items (correct!), but will sometimes stay after that.   If I click on
the inmail box for the account that got a batch of mail all at once (there's no
mail in there because the filters moved it to "main"), the green arrow disappears.

There's a related bug that sometimes Mozilla won't filter the mail at all, and
leaves it in the "subsidiary" mailbox, without turning on the green arrow and
without displaying it in the "unread" column.  It appears only when I click on
that inbox.
Is this a dupe of Bug 46133?  It's certainly related, if not the same.
Actually, a better dupe might be Bug 107206.
mass re-assign.
Assignee: naving → sspitzer
*** Bug 117861 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
To summarize this bug (including info from the recent dupe):
If all the mail that arrives in a fetch on an account is filtered to folders in 
other accounts, or to local folders, then the green arrow is placed on the 
original account as well as on the target folders.  As the messages are read, 
the folder lose their green arrows, but the account folder and biff icon 
(component bar) remain active.  They do not clear until a folder in the 
originating account is viewed.

This symptom still present in 1.4b-0507, Windows 2000.

This bug is described in Bug 107206 comment 8, but that bug is a rather vague 
collection of several notification issues.
Blocks: 202783
Feels like time for a meta-bug relating all the notification problems?
Bug 91498
Bug 107206
Bug 91498
Bug 138095
Bug 138631
Bug 141795
Bug 145982
Arrrggh.... some of these must be dups. I got lost...

*** Bug 211136 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 217870 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This still happens in 1.5b on Win XP Pro, but its annoying since at least 1.4
(milestone) when I switched over to Mozilla. Sometimes its enough with opening
the inbox of the account in question, but sometimes I have to click on "read
messages" to get rid of the green arrow.
*** Bug 221300 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Bug 222068 talks about what is basically the same problem, except complaining 
about the systray icon rather than the green arrow on the account.
Blocks: 222068
Bug still there in Mozilla 1.6b with Win XP.   It must be due for its pension
book soon?
On bug 107206 which is quite linked to this bug, I 've posted a call to feedback
(comment 26) to deal with what the proper resolution should be.

So... obviously, I am inviting you to look at it and to share any view that
could help to choose a good resolution to these bugs.
*** Bug 231918 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Please expand the summary to include the not updated tray icon (see dupes).
*** Bug 244057 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 249914 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 247845 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 166761 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 200447 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
There seems to be a whole bunch of bugs that essentially all want the same
thing. Would it make sense (for someone who can) to dupe all these bugs into one
(e.g., bug 224823) and make it "Product: Core"?

Suggested new Summary:
Unread mail indicator (red star / green arrow) on (Account) folder icon and the
New Mail Icon in the Windows Taskbar are not updated/removed when all mails are
read or moved/deleted via (junk)filters.
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
IMHO this should be treated as an Enhancement only, and not as a bug...
is somebody knows if there is a same bug already open for Thunderbird of in the
core code???
It is a really annoying bug

I've TB and 6 pop account
Each pop has its own inbox, but i've a lot of filter on each account to move the
message in one of subfolder below Local Folders ...
But when i receive a mail for account x which is filtered, and i've read the
filtered mail, i've to click on the originating inbox account to remove the red
star (similar to the green arrow of seamonkey) on the inbox and the account (and
to remove the notification icon in the tray box)
Just to let you know that i'm experiencing the same annoying bug with my Mozilla
Thunderbird version 1.5 Beta 1 (20050908).
(In reply to comment #46)

I've found this bug for thunderbird:

Somebody squash this bug!  It is 100x more annoying for me than any other issues in thunderbird.
Here are some related bugs:

Mozilla Application Suite  	
X You are here  116181 	Green arrow doesn't disappear when all mails are read
		222068 	Filtered Mail Does Not Clear New Mail Icon

		224823 	Running filters on folder doesn't update the unread mail indicator in folders pane.
		272328 	New Mail Notification Icon remains in Task Bar until manual "get new mail",
		275561 	New mail icon remains when filters have marked all new mail as read
		277205 	Marking message read by filter causes Inbox to stay bold
i think a lot of these new and unconfirmed bugs are "dupplicated" of this one (Related to Mozilla Application suite) and this one: (Related to TB)...
I've been following this bug, hoping for a fix, for some years.

STILL the little leaping dolphin to the left of each mailbox has a red nose when there's been mail, even if I read the mail days ago.   It seems the "new mail" flag doesn't know about mailfilters.

It's not a "problem" - just an annoyance.
Is it possible that a `BUG' can survive seven years? As I see, everybody needs it to be fixed, but nothing happens.
I suggest we make this bug the mother of all new notification bugs, which is a core database issue. I'm moving it to core to help mailnews hackers find it.

I suspect that these issues were introduced by changes from bug 55900, but that was so long ago that much has changed since then (except the two lines that got me to that bug in the first place).

Assignee: mail → bienvenu
Component: MailNews: Main Mail Window → MailNews: Database
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: laurel → database
Hardware: PC → All
Bienvenu is unlikely to get to this, and we shouldn't be doing default assignees anyway. I'm going to at least look at the issues, so I'll add myself for now.
Assignee: bienvenu → kent
Blocks: 438257
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Blocks: 366436
Is 'Database' really the appropriate component for this?  I guess there's no Notification component for that product, but Database seems counterintuitive.

I'm glad to see this moved to Mailnews Core, as TB has several bugs that are basically the same and which haven't been duped because this used to be Suite. 
I'm not sure why I set it to database - except that the fundamental issues deal with interactions of the NEW flag with the database. The issue is quite broad however, so I'll change it to backend. I'm not really sure the component matters anymore though, as this bug is clearly on the the radar screen.
Component: Database → Backend
It continues in the Seamonkey 2.0a2.
QA Contact: database → backend
I'm not really working on notification bugs any more, and others are, so let me remove my name from this to clarify that.
Assignee: kent → nobody
Summary: Green arrow doesn't disappear when all mails are read → Green arrow (folder has new messages indicator) doesn't disappear when all mails are read
14 year old bug.
(In reply to Simon Spiegel from comment #0)
> From Bugzilla Helper:
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.6+) Gecko/20011218
> BuildID:    2001121803
> I have several accounts Moz checks and filters which move the mails to
> different
> folders. When I get a mail the inbox is marked with the green arrow (as is
> the
> mail icon) and the mails get moved to the different folders. After having
> read
> the different new mails in the folders the green arrow should disappear, but
> it
> only does when I click on the Inbox. Mozilla should be able to recognise that
> all mails are read and the green are should disappear then.

The UI is different now. Taking this into account, I don't see this behavior. 

If anyone still sees a problem when using a current version please speak up.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
In which version is the UI different NOW? I am using TB 45.6.0 and still experience the Bug. Ok ok there is no green arrow not but it is still the same now with bold inbox name and orange star.
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